!!no TMT!!

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By: Rosanna Bejang


I am not in support of TMT because Mauna
Kea is a sacred land to other people. We need
Mauna Kea to survive and why not renew the
old ones because the TMT cost too much?

3 Arguments
Mauna Kea is a sacred land to other people because Native Hawaiians
believe it is.
There should be no TMT because our mountain is one way to survive.
TMT shouldnt be happening because it cost too much and why not renew
the old ones?

3 Pieces of Evidence

Native Hawaiians believe that supernatural forces fill the realm-sea,sky, and earth. Mauna Kea
is the birthplace of humanity, where Heaven and Earth meet. In addition, its known as the burial
grounds of many of the most revered members of the Hawaiian Pantheon. (www.Pluralism.org,

Opponents of TMT also raise concern over the watershed. If you live on Hawaii you need to be
familiar with where your water comes from, said Mangauil. (www.bigislandvideonews.com)

The TMT is $1.4 billion. We already have telescopes to help us.(www.hawaiibusiness.com) The
old telescopes would help us look into space. (www.pbslearningmedia.org)

3 Explanations

The burials up there are the burials of the highest-born people, the
sacred ancestors, says Kealoha Pisciotta, a Native Hawaiian who is active
in the fight to preserve Mauna Kea.

This mountain is one of the main sources that feed our aquifers.
You could waste the money on something else that is important.

Billy Kenoi, the Mayor of Hawaii, says it is entirely appropriate that sacred
science should occur in a sacred place.
Comprehensive research by expert hydrologists confirms that TMT and the
existing 13 telescopes pose no such danger.
Scientist built the TMT to look farther toward space to get more and new

I am against Billy Kenoi because this will hurt the hawaiians culture. Native
Hawaiians are against because the structure desecrate sacred land.
Any contaminant on the mountain will go directly into our aquifers. It is one
of the reasons that the summit realm has been kapu in ancient Hawaiian
The money should be on food, water, and peoples that needs it. We dont
need a new telescopes because we already have enough information on
space from the old telescopes.

I am against TMT because Mauna Kea is a
sacred land to others and it is bad to destroy
other people's culture. We will also need
Mauna Kea for water. And the money should be
use on something important and why not renew
or upgrade the old telescopes?

Reference Page

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University. 2003. 14 May. 2015, http://pluralism.org/

Big Island Video News - Serving Hawaii County. 2008. 14 May. 2015 ,http://www.bigislandvideonews.com/
Hawaii Business Magazine | Locally Owned, Locally ... 14 May. 2015, http://www.hawaiibusiness.com/
PBS Science and Technology TeacherSource. 2007. 14 May. 2015, http://www.pbs.org/teachers/sciencetech/
Mauna Kea Astronomy Jobs. 2011. 14 May. 2015, http://www.maunakeaastronomyjobs.org/
Maunakea and TMT - The Facts About TMT On Maunakea 2015. 14 May. 2015, http://www.maunakeaandtmt.org/

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