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How Important are Employee Relations

Centre for Personality Development

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey


To Learn about Importance of Employee Relations

To learn and understand how organizations deal with ER.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey


Organization ?

Types of Organizations.

Employees Importance

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Employee Relations

Relations at various levels.

Deals with resolving issues.

Employee spends maximum time at workplace.

Assumptions about others A perception.

Adjust in work place.

Optimistic and positive about work.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey


Employee Indiscipline Absenteeism, slow performance.

Employee grievance Job safety, proper treatment.

Employee Stress- failing to meet targets, work load.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Elements affecting Employee relations

Performance appraisal.

Employee Awarding systems.

Thanks giving & Motivation.

Communication & Conflicts.

Organizational politics.

Stress and various other elements.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Improving relations

Avoid Employee favoritism.

Involve employees other programs.

Regular Interaction.

Reward system.

Employee feedback.

Friendly relation.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Employee Engagement

Work assigning.

Effective communication.

Constant motivation through various reward systems.

Give time for personal life.

Encourage ideas.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Role of HR

Organize activities potlucks

Engage birthday parties.

Display - top performers.

Welcome new employees to organization.

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey


Healthy relationship at work place.

Work and personal life balanced.

Helps to build effective and strong employee base.

Good Employee relations at all levels will lead to success

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

Presented by PBB Bharath Sharma & Itika Choubey

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