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Learning Activity Plan for PreK

Teacher Candidate
Date of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Alex La Valle
Preschool, 3-4 years old
Classroom Number

Name of Lesson
Valentines and Communication
Language and Literacy
Phonemic Awareness/ Pre-Reading Skills
al domain(s)
Understanding writing letters
Polite Language
Being a good friend
Brief description of
The children will learn how to use language in sending Valentines to our friends.
the lesson
This lesson is:

Objective(s) of the

A new concept/activity

To learn the different ways there are to communicate to our friends.

This lesson can be used over a few days during Valentines Day week. Each activity can take
about 30 minutes.

To teach sharing with others

To encourage children to express their love to parents and friends
To improve letter writing and name identifying skills

Learning Activity Plan for PreK

Connections to

Encourages child to engage and explore unfamiliar concepts; Promotes creativity and
Imagination; Promotes developing relationships with others; Accountability; Increases
Vocabulary, Language, and Literacy development; Print Concepts; Phonological Awareness;
Texts types and purposes; Production and distribution of writing; Building overall knowledge;
Responding to Literature
Language Objectives
Identify new word meanings
Post Office
Post Card
Letters (mail)
Use words and phrases acquired through being read to and responding to texts and cues.
(eg: Asking and answering questions?)

Stencils; paper, markers, colored pencils, stickers, glue sticks, index cards, old Valentines Day
cards, pre-addressed envelopes, stamps

Technology inclusion
(if applicable)

Smartboard, using the internet to connect to Gmail or access to other email systems.

Procedures (step by

1. Talk to the children about communication.
2. Ask the children for different ways we communicate.
3. Write down different forms of verbal, non-verbal, visual and written forms of
communication that the class comes up with
4. Are there any instruments that we use to for communicating?
5. Try some forms of non-verbal communication:
Have a child dance to act out a feeling, see if the other children can guess what

Learning Activity Plan for PreK




Play charades.
Show the children a few simple signs for sign language.
Have the children draw a picture to try to communicate an idea.
Try some forms of verbal communication:
Have the children sing a favorite song.
Have a child tell a favorite story.
Have the children make up a story
Show your children forms of visual communication:
Show the children letters and numbers.
Show the children pictures of traffic signs.
Show the children pictures and artwork.
Show examples of mail and discuss the United Postal Service
Discuss how we share information with people by mailing letters
As a class read the story Dear Fred by Susanna Rodell

Activity: Have the children write a letter/Valentine to a friend. Provide the children
with different size Valentines and paper to create their letters on.
They may draw a picture if they are not old enough to write
Have them put the letter in an envelope and decorate it.
Ask the child to write the name of the person they wish to send the letter to on
the outside of the envelope, or you may do that for them
Have the children put a stamp on a pre addressed envelope
Collect the letters to play postman with
Give each child a letter to deliver to the proper classmate

Learning Activity Plan for PreK

Method of assessing
understanding of
lesson/ activity/

Plans for
onal modifications

Follow up/Extension

Assessment of Student
Assessment of Childrens
Language Learning
Asking questions about
Observe childs writing
Asking questions about
mailing letters
new vocabulary
What is a special
Ask questions about how
Observe children
activity we do on
Valentines Day?
to mail a letter
What shape do we
Use checklists to assess
Observe writing a letter
usually see on
knowledge of letters and
activity, if they know
Valentines Day?
what steps to take.
Supporting children with
Supporting English Language Learners
identified delays or
Provide explicit, systematic instruction in vocabulary
Ensure that ELLs have ample opportunities to talk with
Younger learners or
both adults and peers and provide ongoing feedback and
those with disabilities
can trace the lines of on
Pair ELLs with children who have strong English language
pre-designed letters
skills, and make sure that all the children who speak the
Using stamps and
same home language are not grouped together
stickers instead of
Encourage child talk by providing prompts when children
need help in expressing themselves (e.g., "Tell Bobby,
Provide post cards
'May I have the red crayon now?'")
instead of envelopes for
those who have delays
in fine motor abilities
This activity can be extended into the dramatic play area. Melissa and Doug sells a wooden
mailbox toy that teaches children how to put stamps on letters and insert them into their
correct mailbox slots. This also builds on young childrens visual performance and fine motor
skills for sorting and fitting letters into their appropriate size envelopes.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK

Any additional
information that
would be helpful for
the observer to

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