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Borlaza, Gregorio C. "Phillipines." In Encyclopdia Britannica Online.

This article gives a very detailed insight into the country of the Philippines. The
information ranges from the history to the culture and to economy. This source proved
most beneficial when I was looking for information on the popular culture in Manila and
how its past colonialism has shaped its modern culture.
Choguill, Charles L. "Manila: City of Hope or a Planner's Nightmare?" In Pacific-Asian Cities:
Challenges and Prospects, 85-95. No. 2 ed. Vol. 27 of Built Enviornment. N.p.:
Alexandrine Press, 2001.
This source is a book that focused alot on the early development of Manila. From this
source I was given the ability to find good information on how the city was in its early
years and the struggles it has had since that time.
Erlanger, Steven. "Manila Journal; A Land Where Tinsel Lies in Tatters." New York Times,
December 25, 1990, sec. 1, 1.4.
This source is a newspaper article taken from a 1990 publication of the New York Times
about the economic struggles within Manila. From this short and sweet article I saw how
the fall of the economy due to environmental and political reasons has really affected the
city and the decisions it makes.
Geoeye. Manilla. Photograph. Britannica Image Quest.
This picture and the caption illustrate how industrialized Manila is. This photo is going
to be important in showing viewers of my website a good visual of the information on
how ports affect the industrialization of Manila.
Gretchen, Caspar, and Leonard Caspar. "Manila." In Encyclopedia Americana. Scholastic Inc,
2015. Last modified 2015. Accessed May 11, 2015.
This source is an overall view of Manila. It goes over a wide range of information
including history, economy, and migration. This website is helpful throughout the
website but particularly in explaining migration and why people leave and come into
Juan, Oliver San. My Playground. Photograph. National Geographic. October 28, 2013.
This photo is of two little boys playing amongst the trash that litters the streets. This
picture is perfect in showing how the people in Manila live and how children in particular
are getting used to living in such poverty.
land pollution: garbage dump near Manila, Philippines. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica
This is a picture of children standing in the litter ridden street. This not only shows the
poverty of Manila but also a serious environmental issue.
Maier, Ulli, and Nisa Maier. A LOCAL TAXI IN MANILA, PHILIPPINES. Photograph. Maier
& Maier Photography.

This source is a photo of a jeepney in Manila. Jeepney's are taxis in that are very
common in the city of Manila. Having them in my website will give viewers a look at
the culture of Manila as well as provide visual information on the types of transportation.
"Manila." In Charles Scribner's Sons, edited by Karen Christensen and David Levinson, 37-38.
Vol. 4 of Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. New York, US: World History in Context, 2002.
This source dives into how the settlement of Spanish in early Manila has contributed to it
being such a large city now. This is beneficial in my website for when I talk about the
history of Manila.
"Metro Manila, Philippines." Video file, 2:49. Youtube. Posted by Pili Pinas, September 14,
2012. Accessed May 18, 2015.
This is a video that shows the city of Manila. From the poverty ridden streets to the huge
skyscrapers this video shows the bustling city. I'm using this video on my homepage to
give viewers a first initial look at the city and use that as an introduction to the rest of the
information on the site.
National Art Gallery. Photograph. Interped Wanderer.
This picture is of the National Art Gallery in Manila. This picture is being used on my
website as a background image to show one of the important structures in Manila.
National Statistics Office. "Results from the 2010 Census of Population and Housing."
Philippine Statistics Authority. Last modified July 26, 2013.
This website gives all information on the demographics on the city of Manila. This
source is perfect for my page on demographics as it provides most if not all the
information I am seeking.
Philippine Independence Day Parade. Photograph. Culture Weekend.
This picture shows women in traditional Filipino dress partcipating in festival held in
Manila. This picture will be used on my website as a background image for my page on
"Phillipines." In ProQuest. N.p.: n.p., 2015.
This article included overall information on the Philippines. The page I used included
information on the major languages spoken. I will use this information to contribute to
my page on life in the city.
"Profile: Garbage Scavengers in the Philippines." In Gale Cengage Learning. Accessed May 12,
This is a news article that investigates and looks into how litter and garbage build up in
Manila has affected the people of the city. It gave important information about how
people live amongst and make a living from the trash that collects all around them. This
information can help me with the environmental issues in Manila as well with the PSA.
Salida, Domingo C. "Manila." In Britannica Aademic. Last modified 2015. Accessed May 8,

This is a source that gives a variety of information on Manila. This will prove helpful all
around my website especially in the pages about city layout, housing , and transportation
Salita, Domingo C. "Manilla." In Britannica Student.
This website was really good about going into detail about the entire city of Manila. I
will get lots of my information from this site, as it covers almost all of the topics I am
going to discuss throughout this project.
Shatkin, Gavin. "Colonial Capital, Modernist Capital, Global Capital: The Changing Political
Symbolism of Urban Space in Metro Manila, the Philippines." Pacific Affairs
(Vancouver), December 2005, sec. 4, 577-600.
This website profiles the failing government and how it has essentially caused poverty in
the city. This information is crucial for my pages that discuss the government and
politics as well as poverty in Manila.

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