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Tnh t i vi gii t

Adj + of
Nice/kind/good/polite/silly/stupid of somebody (to do something)
- Thank you. It was nice of you to help me.
- It is stupid of her to go out without a coat in such cold weather.
Nhng: nice/ kind/good/polite/silly/stupid/unfriendly to somebody
- They have always been very nice to me.
Adj + about/with
Angry/annoy/furious about something
- Its stupid to get angry about things that dont matter.
Angry/annoy/furious with somebody for doing something
- Are you annoyed with me for being late?
Excited/worried/ upset/ nervous/happy.. about something
- Are you excited about going on holiday next week?
Delighted/pleased/ satisfied/ disappointed with something
- I was delighted with the present you gave me.
Adj + at/by/with
Surprised/shocked/ amazed/astonished at/by something
- Everybody was surprised at/by the news.
- I hope you werent shocked by/at what I said.
Impressed with/by somebody/something
- Im very impressed with/by her English. Its very good.
Fed up with/bored with something
- I dont enjoy my job any more. Im fed up with it. /Im bored with it.
Sorry about/ for
Sorry about something
- Im sorry about the noise last night.
Sorry for doing something
- Im sorry for being late.
To feel/to be sorry for somebody
- I feel sorry for George. He has a lot of problems.
Adj + of
Afraid/ frightened/ terrified/scared of..:
- Are you afraid of dogs?
Fond/proud/ashamed/jealous/envious of:
- Why are you so jealous of other people?
Suspicious/critical of:
- He was suspicious of my intentions.
Aware of/ conscious of :
- Did you know he was married? - No, I wasnt aware of that.
Capable/ incapable of:
- Im sure that you are capable of passing the exam.
Full of/ short of:
- The letter I wrote was full of mistakes.
- Im short of money. Can you lend me some?
Tired of:

- Come on, lets go! Im tired of waiting.

Adj + at/on/to/from/in/with/for
Good/bad/excellent/brilliant at:
- Im not very good at maths.
Married/engaged to:
- Linda is married to an American.
Different from:
- The film was different from what Id expected.
Interested in:
- Are you interested in art?
Keen on:
- Im keen on listening to music.
Dependent on.
- I dont want to be dependent on anybody.
Famous for.
- Hanoi is famous for places of interest.
Responsible for.
- Who was responsible for all that noise last night?

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