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Lesson Plan: Hypothetical Lesson

Time: Start: 9:30am

Finish: 10:30am

Class: 7 Tech 2

Date: Tuesday 5th May 2015

Key Learning Area: Technology (Mandatory)

Lesson Topic: Introduction to Textiles Technology and demonstration on sewing machine basics.

Recent Prior Experience: Students will have very limited knowledge on Textiles technology, as Term 2 is the start of a new unit of work.

Syllabus Outcomes (Technology (Mandatory) Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
Years 7-8 Syllabus, 2003)
Outcome 4.3.1:
Understand the difference in the basic
properties of textile materials, for example,
Applies a wide range of contemporary and
appropriate tools, materials and techniques
the difference between a fibre, yarn and a
fabric, and also the difference between a
with adequacy in the development of design
woven, non-woven and a knit.
o Students learn about: characteristics
Students will have a basic understanding of
and properties of different fabric types
the working operations of a Bernina sewing
including: woven, knits and non-woven.
o Students learn to: explore fibre
properties and fabric characteristics
relevant to the design project.
o Students learn to: select and correctly
use appropriate tools and equipment.
Any safety issues to be considered:
Students Technology workbooks to record
Students have completed a risk assessment
information given.
in previous lesson, reminding them of
Whiteboard and markers
dangers around equipment.
Bernina sewing machine

Students will write information into
workbooks for future assessment use.
Students will take part in operating the
sewing machine for simple straight stitches.

Sewing thread and bobbins (class set)

Small pieces of scrap material (one per
student) and pair of tweezers between two

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 3:43 PM

Comment [1]: 1.5: This demonstrates the
prior knowledge that the students will have
prior to the lesson.

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 3:49 PM

Comment [2]: 2.3: This demonstrates the
use of the curriculum syllabus for
Technology mandatory (textiles).

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 3:51 PM

Comment [4]: 5.1: Assessment
information covers the students
assessment in learning. It is informal,
though effective.
Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:29 PM
Comment [3]: 2.3: Students in my classes
will understand the curriculum
requirements for the task. They will have a
working knowledge of the basic concepts of

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 3:53 PM

Comment [6]: 3.4: Selecting important
resources will ensure that this lesson is
effective and informative to students.
Amy Lee 20/5/2015 3:57 PM
Comment [5]: 4.4: This safety
requirement assures me that students
understand the risks and the dangers of the


EDFD270 The Lesson Plan

Amy Lee

Lesson Sequence: Hypothetical Lesson

Lesson Content/Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught)


Teacher identifies what is going to be learnt
in the lesson.
Students will learn the basics about:
Construction of fabrics (fibres and yarns)
Types of fabrics (woven, non-woven and

Students learn about:
The characteristics and properties of
different fabric types including: woven, non-
woven and knits.


5 mins

Teaching Strategies/Learning Experiences

(How it is taught)
All equipment should be checked prior to
commencement of class in case of faulty equipment or
missing parts, e.g. bobbin cases.
Ensure there is enough scrap material pre-cut for each

Students are greeted by the teacher as they enter the
classroom and take seats around tables for theory
component of lesson. Students are also instructed to
take out workbooks from bags to take notes.

25 mins Teacher is to ask the students the first fabric
(9:35 construction question and ask for volunteers to answer.
10:00) If no students can answer questions, teacher is to write
(Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 Syllabus, 2003)

answer on the board.

Identify the fabric construction:

Students copy the answer into their books Teacher then
What is fabric?

disassembles a piece of fabric to show the different
Fabric is a flexible substance, which consists

stages of material construction, starting with the
of fibres and yarns in a variety of

complete piece of fabric.
combinations. Fabric can range from

lightweight (e.g. a scarf) to heavy (e.g. carpet).

Students will then disassemble their own piece of

material, and teacher will walk around the room
What is a fibre?

offering help to students if needed, once activity has
A fibre is any substance that has the ability to

commenced. Approximately 5 minutes should be

EDFD270 The Lesson Plan

Resources and Organisation

Sewing machines.
Minimum of one machine set
up for demonstration.
Sewing threads and bobbins
(re-filled with thread)
Workbooks (individually

Student workbooks
Whiteboard markers
Each question is written onto
whiteboard as the lesson
Fabric that can be dissected
into yarns and fibres in front
of the class as a live
demonstration, e.g. denim
fabric. Material should be
given to students in its
original fabric form.
Amy Lee

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 3:58 PM

Comment [7]: 4.2: This demonstrates my
knowledge of the content.
Amy Lee 20/5/2015 4:00 PM
Comment [11]: 3.2: This engages the
students learning and gains their attention.

be processed for fabric. It is the smallest, hair-

like component can be separated from the

What is a yarn?
A yarn consists of fibres, which are twisted
together to form a continuous strand. Yarns
can be smooth (e.g. to create satin) or fuzzy
(e.g. to create denim).

Students learn to:
Investigate the fabric characteristics
appropriate to the design project.
(Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 Syllabus, 2003)

Identify fabric properties of textiles:
What is a woven fabric?
Woven fabrics have an over-under yarn
structure, with little stretch and can be easily
Examples: denim, towels, and canvas.

What is a knit fabric?
Knit fabric is classified as Weft and Warp
Weft (left) knit: yarns form loops across
horizontal face of fabric, e.g. jersey and rib
Warp knit: Yarns are looped vertically up the
fabric, e.g. lace.

What is a non-woven fabric?
Non-woven fabrics are made directly from
fibres, which can be disposable or durable.
Fibres are bonded (stuck together) or
entangled (twisted together).

allocated on each stage of separating the fabric.

This is repeated for each question so the students
understand in stages, rather than writing all the

questions down at once.

15 mins Teacher asks students to help answer the following
(10:00 - questions. Once an attempt has been made, the teacher
10:15) will write the answers up on the whiteboard.

Teacher shows an example of the fabric type after the

question has been answered.

Answers are not written at once. They are first

discussed with students, then written on the board to

be copied down by students into their books.

EDFD270 The Lesson Plan

Students should each receive:

Small piece of scrap denim
Tweezers (one pair between

Student workbooks
Whiteboard markers
Each question is written onto
whiteboard as the lesson
Fabric type examples (one
woven, weft knit, warp knit
and one non-woven

Amy Lee

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:25 PM

Comment [12]: 2.2: Shows the ability the
students have for participation in the
activity. If students are unable to answer,
the teacher will encourage attempts, then
help students who are sill struggling.

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:23 PM

Comment [8]: 4.2: These questions show
my own knowledge of the content that is
intended to be taught. Having the answer
included shows the preparation that has
gone into planning the lesson.

Examples: felt, enviro bags and napkins.

Students learn to:
Correctly use appropriate tools and
equipment for a design project.

(Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 Syllabus, 2003)

10 mins

Sewing machine demonstration

Students learn to:
Correctly use appropriate tools and
equipment for a design project.

(Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 Syllabus, 2003)

1 min

3 mins

1 min

Students are to stand around teachers demonstrating
machine for a closer look.

Teacher will demonstrate how to thread the Bernina
sewing machine, how to adjust basic controls and sew a
straight stitch for the class.

Teacher will complete demonstration and ask if there
are any questions. If there is very limited time left in
lesson, students will complete this activity at the
beginning of the following lesson.

Sewing machine
Thread and bobbin
Scrap material

Students will learn how to safely switch off the sewing

Teacher will discuss the upcoming practical project,
which is a liquid radiance tote bag.

Teacher will also inform students of upcoming practical
lessons, remind students of PPE that is expected and
the expected payment of fees.

Students will then pack up personal equipment and
place scrap material on the front desk to be collected by
the teacher.

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:30 PM

Comment [9]: 2.3: Students will have an
understanding of the correct use of
equipment to create a design project.
Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:31 PM
Comment [10]: 3.5: Shows effective
verbal and non-verbal communication with
the sewing machine demonstration.

Students place the material

on the front desk for future


Student Teachers Evaluation
Outline the follow-up to this lesson for the learners.
The follow up lesson will consist of a practical lesson on the sewing machines as the demonstration was completed during this practical class.

EDFD270 The Lesson Plan

Amy Lee

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:35 PM

Comment [13]: 2.3: Shows a re-cap of the
lessons understandings, and ensures
students that they are aware of the
curriculum guidelines.
Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:41 PM
Comment [14]: 4.4: Making sure students
are aware of safety will ensure that there is
a minimal risk of injuries in the classroom.

Amy Lee 20/5/2015 5:42 PM

Comment [15]: 5.1: This allows the
teacher to assess the students learning in a
practical project that they can keep.

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