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Year 8 Visual Arts

Class: 8A

Date: 12 March 2015

Time: Start: 9: 50-

Key Learning Area: Visual arts

Lesson Topic: Clay Mask Design and Masks around the world

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
This unit is a part of sculpture making unit students have previously done a unit on pottery design. They are familiar with concepts of clay making, the
conceptual framework and perspectives of artwork making. Children are aware that theyre about to start making masks this lesson and have had a thought
about a few concepts last lesson.
Syllabus content focus: structural frame and cultural frame Previously looked at Picasso, Nelson Tjakamarra, Lin onus- developing works within cultural and
structural frame
Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
- Record research done in VAPD before
Syllabus Outcome(s):
commencing mask design
4.1 Demonstrate different concepts to making
4.1 uses a range of strategies to explore different art making
artwork by developing material and mask concepts/ - No formal assessment/ take note in teacher diary of
conventions and procedures to make artworks
completed mask design for commencement of making
4.9 begins to acknowledge that art can be interpreted from different
points of view
- Lesson to be set in cultural frame

Any safety issues to be considered:

-Ensure all laptop charges are safely used
-That any art making equipment to be put away when
laptops are in use
-Students do not run but walk around wet areas

4.9 Represent cultural themes within mask concepts - Observe students through class discussion and Q & A
on masks throughout time and place
4.9Understand that masks were used for specific
- Completion of PowerPoint notes
purposes within different cultures
- Observe through lead class discussion,
Independent research and specific design concept of
their own mask
- Clay Mask examples from previous year
Board of Studies NSW (2003). Visual Arts7 10:
-Image resource website/ information to create Syllabus. Sydney: BOS
Smart board (present in classroom)
Print out of power point with room next to each slide -White bored markers
-Smart bored markers
for student notes (1 per student)
-Teacher Laptop (electronic student role)
Student Visual art diaries, pens, pencils, rubbers
-Glue sticks for sticking in sheets
and rulers
-Pencils/Progresso pencils for student designs
Outline on bored of what is to be completed after
completion of PowerPoint
Power point on masks around the world (activity 1)
Student laptops (all students)

4.9 Represent cultural themes within mask concepts
Teacher asks students why they would have used
masks in different cultures?
Q: What do you think masks are culturally used for?
A: Indigenous ceremonies, special events,
Q: Do you remember what festival in Italian last year
you learnt uses masks?
A: Carnevale
Teacher asses prior knowledge of students to asses
outcomes to be achieved

10 mins
9:50 am

Teacher asks students to retrieve their VAPDs as they

walk into the classroom. Teacher asks students to
stand behind desks, teacher greets students- theyre
praised students are then told to sit.
Teacher on the board has got the title Masks around
the world



Teacher asks students about masks and if anyone can

think of how they are used among different cultures?
Teacher states that todays lesson will be set in the
cultural frame.
Teacher writes what various students have answered
on bored for students to copy into VAPD.
Teacher will suggest examples that have been missed
Teacher reminds students that homework needs to be
check- teacher checks homework with the marking of
the role. (students hold up completed title page as
their name is called)

Teacher Laptop (electroni

student role)

Student VAPDs from art c


White board markers

Turn on/ connect smart bo



Activity 1:
4.9Understand that masks were used for specific purposes
within different cultures

10:00 am
(20 minutes)

- Students will be instructed to pay attention to the

PowerPoint presentation and class discussion
- Students will have a copy of the PowerPoint
presentation with room to takes note on it as the
10:04am- 10:15
class goes through the slideshow
Q. T asks Ss to think of how people would have dressed up
with these masks using the information on previous slide for
Students will be assessed on class questions
T: tells Ss that dragon masks are made from the colours red
blue and yellow and are used as a celebratory form of mask
for new years and events- asks Ss what they think of this type
of mask?

Teacher explains to students that they will be going through a

PowerPoint about masks around the world
Power-point presentation of ma
If needed teacher settles class using eye contact and names within different cultures
if students dont respond. Teacher asks student to hand out
copy of PowerPoint to each student. Students are told that
-Copy of PowerPoint for Ss wit
they must write key points from todays lesson in the lined
writing space for students to fill
section of the sheet.
they go through PowerPoint (T

stuck into Student VAPDs after

Teacher starts the PowerPoint presentation and asks various completion of task)
students to read information on the PowerPoint slideshow.
Various students answer relevant questions about slideshow
as its being presented. Teacher encourages to students that
havent interacted. (Full Slide show in appendix)
Teacher and students interact with slideshow.
Student reads first section about Venice Carnevalle to classteacher then reads out question to class and commends
students on being quiet upon answering. Students consider
those venetian masks were used for a specific purpose to
hide identity and celebrate festival- students consider

Ss may answer with special celebrations or Chinese New

T asks Ss to raise hands and answer questions when chosen
T asks Ss to look at the masks silently and write down what
they think about them on the space provided (tell them to do
this quietly)
T then asks Ss to write down on their worksheet what they
think they were used for? Thinking about how a native
American would have considered a Chinese mask
Assessed :- Observe students through class discussion and 10:15- 10:20
Q & A on masks throughout time and place
Completion of PowerPoint notes

examples of masks and how they could have been worn.

Students give various answers dogs, queens and birdsthey consider that masks were used as a costume element
for a celebratory Italian festival.
Teacher introduces next slide Chinese masks that are used
for festival student reads information off slideshow, student is
praised on loud confident reading. Teacher reminds students
of the cultural frame and how considering events like the
chines NYE and Carnevalle would be considering the cultural
Teacher continues on with PowerPoint continuing a class
discussion for the following slides- continuously encouraging
student involvement. Assisting students that havent
answered or participated in class discussion with ideas.
Teacher finishes off with a quick question asking students to
think about what they would put on their masks to represent
their cultural heritage and their own life currently. Teacher
leaves up last PowerPoint slide for activity 2.
Teacher walks around checking students have filled in
slideshow worksheet with key points and ideas from the
Teacher awards students who have done a fantastic job.

10:20- 10:40
Activity 2:
4.1 Demonstrate different concepts to making
artwork by developing material and mask
concepts/ drawings
4.9 Represent cultural themes within mask
T reads students scaffolded instructions on
smart board1. Research mask ideas- using
appropriate ideas and concepts found
online to develop a unique or recreate 10:21
a mask making
2. Use a page of your art book drawing a 10:30
line through the centre so you have 2
A4 sections for two mask ideas
Be creative and unique with your
3. Using research images, recreate/appropriate or develop a new
idea for your 2 mask drawings
4. They must include shading tone and
Q: will we be making the mask this lesson?
A- No, but masks will be made next
lesson but you must complete this first
Q: Are we able to do it off our favourite
A- you have to make it within the cultural
frame so if it is apart of what you like yeah
include an aspect of it

Teacher reminds students it is now their turn

to design their mask concepts. Teacher refers
to last slide show of scaffolded guidelines for
directions on the activity. Teacher tells
students to consider their cultural
backgrounds and how they can consider and
incorporate it in to both of their mask designs.

Last slideshow with scaffold will be presente

on the smart board (See attached).
Students VAPD
Clay Mask sculptures from previous years

Pencils for students

For the next 20 minutes students will research
and draw mask ideas, asking for help if they
Student laptops
need from teacher by raising their hand
Teachers laptop
- Clay masks from previous years will be at
the front of the class as an example for

Smart board and whiteboard markers

-Glue sticks for sticking in sheets

Teacher tells students to open laptops quietly -Pencils/Progresso pencils for student desig
and to start searching for mask ideas for
inspiration. Teacher then reminds or praises
students of their working attitude.
Teacher assists in reminding them that they
should start their drawing if they havent
Teacher then states that drawings not
completed in class must be completed for
homework. Written reminder on bored.
Teacher as well writes that on white board.
-Teacher asses students progress of work
Teacher tells students to start packing up for
two minutes

4.9 Represent cultural themes within mask concepts
4.9Understand that masks were used for specific purposes within
different cultures


Go over main points covered within lesson- teacher asses information



Ask students to gives a quick re- cap of different

cultures we explore through masks - writes key words *
on board
Tellsstudentstowritehomeworkdownindiaryandduefornext - White board and white board marke
Students are praised on good behaviour during lesson


Consider: to what extent did students achieve the intended outcomes?
Take a critical look at all elements of the lesson and comment on their effectiveness; consider: to what extent did students achieve the intended outcomes?

Within the lesson I presented to 8A (selective class) students presented a fundamental understanding of the frames prior to the lesson, this
assisted achieving outcomes of the lesson. Students after going through the activities were able to present an understanding of cultural
uses of masks. Students developed an understanding of how culture can be within the present context. Throughout the questions within the
PowerPoint students acknowledged that masks were made for a persons specific need and or purpose (artist artwork relationship) this
was assessed through Outcome 4.9 begins to acknowledge that art can be interpreted from different points of view. Students considered
masks within the cultural frame; they began to consider different cultural aspects of masks, comparing different styles of masks within class
question and answer. Outcome 4.1 uses a range of strategies to explore different art making conventions and procedures to make artworks;
students worked towards developing a design concept for their masks, students effectively initiated structural mask designed, exploring
different design concept via the use of the web. Students were capable of considering different approaches to designing their masks
structurally and conceptually. Via the initial stages of design majority of students were able to assess the aesthetic qualities of their mask
exploring different art making conventions and procedures through adapting/changing their mask concepts. Students were able to develop
foundational mask drawings, students work was original or appropriated this was assed by looking at students drawing throughout the
Provide, refer to and analyse evidence for your reflections.
Lesson plan was used by supervising teacher on a class that wasnt selective, in comparison students struggled in starting their drawings- some students
made a poor attempt. Comments from the supervising teacher included a lesson structure like so works well for a class that will listen; otherwise if it was to be
adapted to a class that is larger and harder to manageher suggestion included a more structured lesson where shorted blocks of learning occur. Another
suggestion that was made for this lesson was including a way student can record their ideas down whether this is in their books or on a worksheet. Overall my
lesson plan did work towards achieving those outcomes, students that did struggle to achieve outcomes felt they couldnt draw or had ideas and they were
stuck in developing them. Though as a teacher I should have implement a more effective way for them to follow the task. Students worked well within task 1 as

it was simple, it involved following a structure students within that particular class enjoyed as a teacher I was able to control the environment as we all had direct
focus of the slideshow. Students worked towards outcome effectively as majority of the boys enjoyed the cultural exploration component.

Note key strengths in the lesson and areas for improvement. Be balanced!

This lesson plan when used within the classroom had varied results; I think as a whole it needs to be more structured, when
presenting this I found that this was controlled by teaching style and not so much what was written on the paper. The lesson in itself
is good, it has relevant content useful to students and as well it is assessable via the outcomes. Students within the presentation of
the slideshow were given information developed through class discussion and teacher; it worked for the time frame of 45 minutes.
Though I feel students need to develop a more independent understanding, they could potentially do this with independent research.
The lesson gets to the point of what it needs to cover, working more effectively in a sequence of lessons where outcomes are
achieved more effectively. Lesson pros would include the fact that it has a good structure in the sense it is direct to working towards
achieving the outcome, components link to previous lessons/ future lessons and work towards completing a follow up lesson and
activity as part of a core unit of work and as well students enjoyed it.

What do the school students need for follow-up lessons/activities?

Within follow up lessons students would start working on constructing their masks, glazing ((painting and shiny coating) would only be for the selective a class
as they work a lot more efficiently) and develop a mini essay explaining what their mask represents.

What impact and/or learning did your teaching and reflection have on you?
From my teaching experiences within the lesson/class I found that being prepared and confident is essential; especially being at a boys school. I guess it
depends on which school you are at but the way you communicate with the students is important and reflects respect you have for a student/ student has for
you. I as well got a glimpse of what I would/ wouldnt want to be as a teacher, I would like to think my lessons would be enriching and not based on
convenience; in saying this content that excites students is extremely key to producing a lesson a child wants to be apart of. Overall my time within the
classroom made me realise the level of dedication that needs to go in as a teacher to producing a quality lesson that students will love and more importantly
learn from. This reflection made me asses the way I would write my own lesson so they were more exciting, we have so many quality resources available within
the context we live in and I barely took advantage of that.
Identify areas do you need to develop and ways in which you could achieve this development. ?
I personally think I need to develop my clarity, tone, direction in the way I speak but I know this comes with experience within a classroom, in all honesty I think I
need to learn how to simplify what I say so it isnt as elaborate but more to the point- developing dot point summaries for future lessons of what I need to cover
specifically though I know this can be included within a lesson plan. I would as well love to develop ways of making a lesson that is exciting not just for the top

kids in the class, but being capable for producing work that everyone is enthusiastic about. As well I would love to develop ways in which I can control students
who dont want to participate in lessons, I guess this comes once again with experience and strategies like e.g. diary notes, student plans.

Appendix: Slide show presentation I developed for practical lesson

Visual Arts Years 710 Syllabus. (2003). Retrieved April 29, 2015, from
Smithsonian Education - Carnival Celebrations: Masks Years 7-8. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2015, from
Traditions - Folk Handicraft. (2007). Retrieved April 30, 2015,

History of Egyptian Masks. (2010). Retrieved April 29, 2015,

Visual Arts 710 syllabus support. (2008). Retrieved April 30, 2015, from
The Frames. (2012). Retrieved April 29, 2015,
Tipoti, A. (2011). 'Sugu Mawa' (Octopus Mask) artwork. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

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