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Math 8 Garbage Patch Project

Groups/Partners have to figure out the cost and time.

2 strong
2 weak
But all students have to be able to explain to any dragon how their prototype works or why
they have the best contract to clean up the garbage patch.
Captain can go once a day to the garbage patch.
How much material can a truck hold per load? 65% of the material can be recycled, 35% can
not be and has to go to the garbage dump. How much material is being recycled per day
How many trips can the truck take per day?
What is the salary of captain? Salary of driver?
Build a boat- assume speed, volume it can hold (base on rectangular, triangular prism &
Current of wind, how does that affect the speed of the boat?
Size of the garbage patch 7.25 million tons. Can they find the area based on the tons?

Which garbage patch are they looking to clean up.

Diagram refer to scan.

Total Cost /4
Gas of boat and Gas of Truck
Salary of boat captain, salary of truck drivers.
Time /4
Time to get to the garbage patch to clean up.
Time to drive the recycle material to the plant and garbage dump

Environment /4
Carbon footprint
Truck & Boat

UN councilors
4- Excellent
3- Good
Total /12

Cause- How?
Affect- What? - Brids, fish, plankton, etc?
Solution- Prototype- build
UN councilors /12
Peers /12
Self 100%, 85%, 65%, 45%

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