May 22 Newsletter

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Grade 4

May 20th- 3rd
ASAP ends

Mrs. Shannon Pages Class

May 22, 2015

Around the World

The students have been working

May 23rd- Art Show extremely hard throughout the past few
weeks to learn about dierent countries
May 30thgovernments. This week they showcased
their knowledge by presenting their
research with the class. Many students
June 6th- Key
made posters, powerpoint presentations,
and brochures in order to share their
knowledge about the government for the
June 10th- Sports
country that they chose. We learned
about the government systems for
China, Germany, South Korea, Canada,
June 12th- Half day United States, Finland, Lithuania, and
and last day of
the United Kingdom. The students did a
great job asking each other questions
and commenting on what they learned
from each of their classmates. Ms. Julie
and I were impressed with their depth of
Please check your
knowledge and ability to compare and
childs homework
contrast the government for dierent
folder and agenda
countries. It is amazing to be a teacher in this Grade 4 class and witness all of the growth
each day for updates
that this group of students have made since the beginning of the year. As a teacher, I would
and important
have to say that this week I experienced that proud parent feeling for each of our
students. So thank you for encouraging and supporting your students!

Tangram Stories
The students have been working in teams throughout the past
week to write tales with their classmates. They worked through
creating a plan for each of the elements of the story, a storyboard
to map out the events, creating characters using
tangrams, and writing drafts. The students have done
a wonderful job taking the knowledge that
they have learned throughout the year to
write cohesive tales with settings, characters,
problems, and solutions. I am proud of them for
email address:

Grade 4

Mrs. Shannon Pages Class

May 22, 2015

working on enhancing their stories by adding descriptive and vivid details. Throughout their story planning
they had to use their knowledge of math tangrams to create characters using these Ancient Chinese puzzles.
The stories and characters are quite creative and I am excited to see their final products.

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Grade 4

Mrs. Shannon Pages Class

May 22, 2015

Leaders Around the World

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