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Channel Islands Mensa

ExComm meeting March 18, 2015

Saundra King, LocSec
Vaughan (Parkie) Parker, Treasurer
Gary Ansok, Secretary
Nancy Bowen, Editor
William Noack, Circulation Manager
Laura Nanna, Vice LocSec


Meeting was called to order at 4:36 pm by President Saundra King via teleconference.


Approval of January 20 and February 3 minutes Moved (Nancy/Parkie) that the minutes be
approved as distributed Passed.
Treasurer's Report Parkie reported that the audit had been completed by Laura and John Bowen. The
990 form has not been completed, but is not due to National yet.
Scholarship Waiting for MERF to announce their winners, and then we will announce ours. This
may be ready for the May newsletter.
Testing Since October, the reports from National have confused prospective members with nonrenewing members. We are getting good reports now, with approximately 7-8 prospects per county.
Saundra reminded them of the possibility of submitting prior evidence, but none could tests will be
scheduled soon.
Other Old Business Nancy Bowen is now the second signatory on our bank account.


Nominating Committee If no additional nominations are received by March 31, then the nominated
candidates will be declared elected. Saundra thanked Gary Ansok for serving as Secretary, as he and
Laura Nanna will not be continuing on the ExComm William Noack and Marcia Muggelberg have
been nominated as incoming ExComm members.
Other New Business Saundra received a notice from the National Office reminding us that all funds
sent to us by National to Channel Islands Mensa are the property of, and the responsibility of, Channel
Islands Mensa, as are independently-raised funds. In case of dissolution, funds must be distributed to
Channel Islands Mensa ExComm meeting minutes, March 18, 2015


the Local Groups to which the members are transferring. All bank accounts must be titled properly and
include the proper Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) per National requirements.
The By-Laws require us to have a business meeting once a quarter we may need to schedule inperson meetings in addition to an annual pizza party and a holiday party. Is a teleconference meeting
acceptable, assuming all members were notified and invited through the newsletter?


We discussed scheduling of future meetings and each person's potential conflicts. Thursdays may work
out better. Saundra will discuss this with Marcia and schedule the next meeting, probably for April 14
or 16.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:57 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Ansok
Secretary, Channel Islands Mensa

Channel Islands Mensa ExComm meeting minutes, March 18, 2015


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