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SAM Plopenii Mari

Limba englez
Clasa a IX-a
Examen de corigen/ncheierea situaiei SCRIS
An colar 2020-2011
septembrie 2011

prof. Enacache Gabriel

prof. Enacache Ovidiu

Biletul nr. 1
1. Traduceti urmtoarele cuvinte n limba englez:
- primary school - 0.5 p
- junior school
- 0.5 p
- highschool
- 0.5 p
- A-levels
- 0.5 p
2. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:
a) And then, if everything goes according to plan, Ill graduate from University in
five years time.
b) Ill give the final exams this year.
c) I hope to get a place at University to study literature. 1 p
3. Write a short essay entitled My summer holiday.
2 p. oficiu

SAM Plopenii Mari

Limba englez
Clasa a IX-a
Examen de corigen/ncheierea situaiei SCRIS
An colar 2020-2011
septembrie 2011

prof. Enacache Gabriel

prof. Enacache Ovidiu

Biletul nr. 2
4. Traduceti urmtoarele cuvinte n limba englez:
- belt
- 0.5 p
- boots
- 0.5 p
- raincoat
- 0.5 p
- trousers
- 0.5 p
5. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:
d) Fran will never succed at French.
e) The bad weather did not interfere with the planes arrival. 1 p
f) Without my help, Mary would not have passed.
6. Write a short essay entitled My best friend.



2 p. oficiu

SAM Plopenii Mari

Limba englez
Clasa a IX-a
Examen de corigen/ncheierea situaiei ORAL

Biletul nr.1
Read the text and tanslate it.
Tom is nine years old.He has got black hair, blue eyes and a very small nose.His
job is to clear the table.He is a tall boy.He is as tall as his brother Simon, who is
Present tense continuous-interrogative form
Read the text and answer the following questions
Mowgli meets a group of very funny monkeys.
Mowgli:Hurray!We can dance.Hip!Hip!Hurray!
Baloo is dancing . He is very funny. He has got a banana belt.
a) Who does Mowgli meet?
b) What is Mowgli doing?
c) What does Baloo have got?

SAM Plopenii Mari

Limba englez
Clasa a IX-a
Examen de corigen/ncheierea situaiei ORAL

Biletul nr.2
Read the text and tanslate it.
Last summer holiday I went to the seaside with my family.I spent seven days in
Mamaia.The weather was very nice, so I swam in the sea, I lay in the sun and I ate
tones of ice-cream.
Past tense simple-affirmative form.
Read the text and answer the following questions
The Jungle Book is the story of a boy, Mowgli, who grows up with the Wolf Family
in the jungle.His Mother Wolf and Father Wolf protect him and he likes to play all
day long with his seven brothes and sisters.
a) How many brothers and sisters has Mowgli got?
b) What does Mowgli like to do all day long
c) Who is Mowglis family?

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