Latest NSSN Conference Leaflet

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Stop the union-busters!

11am-4.30pm. Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Sq, London WC1R 4RL. Confirmed speakers
include: Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary,
Ronnie Draper, BFAWU General Secretary & Dave Smith anti-blacklisting campaigner
Please note:
6 per delegate/visitor)

London Busworkers
- Bow Garage

Join our email list:

The very right of trade unions to

exist and organise effectively is
under threat. PCS is currently
facing the single biggest attack
of any union since Thatcher
targeted the NUM in 1984.
But they arent alone. Union reps
are facing victimisation and cuts
to facility-time, all for the same
reason - to weaken unions in
order to leave workers
defenceless in the face of the
austerity offensive. We have no
choice but to resist. This
conference is a vital forum to
help organise that resistance.
Who we are
The Network is for rank and le
TUC afliated trade union
workplace representatives but all

If we are to roll back the tide of privatisation

and war, rebuilding the grassroots of our
movement is essential.
Bob Crow, General Secretary RMT 2002-14

trade unionists and anti-cuts

campaigners - young and old are welcome at our meetings
and actions.
The NSSN has campaigned for
mass co-ordinated strike action,
up to and including a 24 hour
general strike to ght the cuts.
We are part of the Hungry for
Justice/Fast Food Rights
campaign against zero-hour
contracts and for 10 per
hour minimum wage.
What we do
The Network exists to support
workers in struggle. We
campaign for justice in the
workplace, workers rights,
solidarity, equality and union
freedom. We ght the bosses
victimisation and the blacklist.
Visit the website or contact us
to nd out more.

Contact us at the details below

so we can publicise your
We can put you in touch with
Network supporters in your
How you can join
Individual membership is 5.
Minimum afliation is 50 for
each union organisation,
including branches, shop
stewards committees and
trades councils.

Affiliate your union branch to NSSN

The NSSN was initiated by the RMT
in 2006. Nine national unions
BFAWU, FBU & NAPO ofcially
support our campaigning work, as
well as many union branches, shop
stewards committees and trades
councils. Afliation to the NSSN is
50. Make cheques out to NSSN
and post to PO Box 54498, London
E10 9DE

We have a website, Facebook group,

twitter account, and a regular
weekly e-bulletin. All are available
to trade unionists and their
organisations to publicise their
disputes, events etc.
Please feel free to use these
platforms. Invitations to speak
at your union meetings are also

St Mungos - Broadway Strike

Come to the 9th annual NSSN

conference: Saturday July 4th

How we can help you

Do you have a campaign or
dispute which needs support?
The Network website and email
list reaches hundreds of

Name & Union



Cheques made payable to National Shop Stewards Network. Send money and details to:
NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE

The NSSN is supported by the following national unions:

twitter: NSSN_anticuts e: PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE

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