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Due Date : 09.06.

S=16.5 m2 ,b=10 c =1.7 m =0.6 W =1400 kg f
x cg=0.29 c 0.34 c ,C m , ac, wb=0.016, C L, max =1.5,V max =100


=75 m/s
rad cruise
Design constraints:
a) Control free static margin is 0.08 c
b) Control fixed static margin is 0.1 c
c) Maximum elevator deflection angle is +250 and -250.
d) Maximum trim tab deflection angle is +250 and -250.
e) Maximum stick force t hat is to be exerted by the pilot shall be
less than
22 kgf (forward) and 20 kgf (backward).
, Cn 0.05
f) Cl 0.07
a w =4.2

a) Horizontal tail sizing,
b) Tail moment arm,
c) Elevator sizing,
d) Trim tab sizing,
e) Tail incidence angle, it
f) Downwash Parameters, 0 , /
g) Size the vertical tail only by taking account the effect of vertical
tail effect in Cl C n . No aileron or rudder sizing.

Show all the results that you obtain at sea level conditions
via tables and graphs for two cg positions. If you need any
dimension just make it up according to a tandem trainer aircraft.
Each team should have 4 students. No more, no less.

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