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Ella Mawdsley

Wireless networks
Use the information below to cover the following:

An explanation as to what a wireless network is.

A diagram showing how the devices link together.
Label the different components

Wireless networks are another means by which data can be exchanged

between a computer and a network, including the internet. A wireless network
is any network servicing computers or other devices (e.g. mobile phones), in
which the connections do not use cables of any kind. Wireless communication
usually uses radio waves, but infrared communication is also used.
In wireless networking all devices using the network need to have a wireless
network interface card through which they gain access to the network. The
card is used to transmit data across the network and to receive incoming data
from the network. The network itself will contain routers and network access

A wireless network is a way that data is transferred between computers and networks, this includes
the internet. The wireless network provides service to computers and other devices such as iPads,
without being attached to cables. A wireless network usually uses radio waves or infrared
communication to communicate.
Devices using a wireless network need to have a wireless network interface card so they can gain
access to the network. The card is used to transmit data across the network and to receive incoming
data from the network. The network itself will contain routers and network access points.

Ella Mawdsley

A stand-alone computer has to have a network interface

card in order to receive radio waves from the wireless router. A mobile phone and iPad will already
have this built in.
The router is connected to the internet via a cable but the computer and mobile device have no

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