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Ge eocod09000r¥ Q 2 OOeeneeeoeeoogaoooor37900 009009 Ri sav Gue7 9 8733) 8559 CLECTRD MAGNETISM PHYSICS - 4 ®) ¥(4) = Un SUR) 8 6) Peres Monk Prine A Brme %, CH ear o a aa Ne N= 6-0224 10" z 9 < 4 * @ sca- &) sam Pos Jour © ° cs yey: #6 % ap ° (hese Cistin Conbrts 300° Se ; y fe 4% F pte ei “6 < Lhetl ¢ Ahele 4 a theoretical Concept which can be seqanded Qs the Cause gf rnagretic field Magrebic Anal bo & tn sheet : x Mmaleual Mmagrolized in Wek a 2 @ . 9 that Magretizalion Jo pofrdiculan te Le Surface of og Uhet Oey whore, 5 © © ow 6 a - Se if It Me Agra Oe & Large mumben f vey 5g mt ragnetic Oipeles placed Cag 40 cage Lotte Sori ban odibeles peirching tn Serre diseection ° a Magnetic potential due to Pragnehic shell ab @ any pons P cub lending FA Gngle dan is ‘oh: Lane 2 (Gf p YA Yr AP te drat toh Clement Corresponds to Magrelic Mmoren > ic = A Ae Tas 2 Ts Be @ee@eeoececsooocoooaco Evectricity & MAGnetism (0 a GQ: Gox4=2u0 Ty atl Comnech : O-7rTx2zo~ 168 % 15 Classes fourse S+ O+Z Alasics Aynamic, Cornert x 3 Umi: af (© Etedrcsiatia £ Mégnetostabces © > 1 Currumt Electrceily @ cocoeeOoe eos osceoosoc OOOO Em Theoty 2 Black body Radvatcon oO-@ hte Mast coking spustion 6 6 e ,°e a) () e e @ e e@ ut Fuld 2 Polential due te Dipole, Brpole - br irderactions , Multi pole aeaan Potential, GW btflace & Paursron Equahion L dimple afflrcatione © i Method Undrieh Drage Gp Diddutrie # Polarization — é W4 Value Problem. 4 Cord chiry 4 . Ditlectaic Aphere tn Uniform Fietel o Y a tatics i Un Und so Magnets Magneto Sphere foe : A Fesmemagretic Malonial & Hystertsis “ Pacrcquasitea Fuccld, . “7 Eleclaestabice + stalionaay Marge Eun Magaims © mes OE @G@eee BEC oCOSSOCOOA Sy a ion re. 08 2 dU 7 oe eee ee a Change im Potential Cresgy ° 26 dude Umit man ( 0s ) he >. 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Eds Cn ke Calcutta Cast, duck a Closed ty metric turfs Lo Called GAUSsiAN SURFACE, me) ie) G @) @ Note that sor Gonitation “mult plies rues (-4xG) o oo 5 white Are te rub plu (ec) o 3 'o o Pes e Comarder a Ay mmetice Gaussian ° ° i ° © © © eo S E- €-d3 ie Flux of € 5 © . 1 Z . Sd mg 2 - te. [1 c28) © a) a ‘ ume . aa 6 = ( ie a e :°@ eo Thin ae § TuUthode to find & -e@ © Colume’s law 6 © Gan lw (6 ® Pocrsn + Laplace “y © Wethed OF Electricad Images i Fen Corduuctiry Ausface : ath hay, verides Gr Sipbee > Aasge waede 5 £=0 ‘nse Conductor - 3 V2 Comb, Monee whole Conductor i, apd pottrsbiant oy Polintiat engide)* Porte Caufece e dw: 4dV = 0 é E(x) 4 ° mG ¢ 5 a = : Pa _— @ Using Gases less ee B zs & 26s) [& + D dyavral Pred Sanus aw z : We know . 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EM (2) 1u/ otfreia (5 Blsekberdy Reali biem aye |850 - 1900 > fbasi eal Abidy ; othe 1900: QALentum. ea Poe fypcaly Dita b> am feasted Aegon .° Prtpane th be ‘pe ne emg) (Scio ene, é Basiey Raion Con Ke Aigatied fe CASA Capac : ov ty ( Seyfore 1200) . e afte, it Qtr fysemn. ° OW Olscives Feet trek VAT AT oC . Beeckbody . 6 by one colour of Lift ard Prferatiine 4 Blackbodiy Treons om body Ludccd ta ak Arges, Tormprstire than W dempesabline Mode oak Vransfer a tion . that every b00h Conde blackbody while p Be va eee Con cept gf Wem Obs cived tre dbackbody Aadvalia, And Oherved Acpplasemenst a ee He Constdvua it it aah ak ¢ Feast Ga i ol es 4 fonda) _ Jean Olsemea Hh Um elocbiomegrelic eeeeococeoocoeoooo i © en btonenn Come ever je" TE S92 west T a, Eruryy Aadial by Meckbody [u x Shudiid Uy, ve A. Crrprcallly they fond u, da = (& aa) kr At Uydy = (&ny* oly) kT w a oY Pa ee Storing News omodén ef rdhaion me © Weins dtiibtion fay > Uadas A SOAD 4A as ( = © Aleph Roblemennis tow + \uUada of - mre amd Wein te Tot able te explacr an ere that E to Continuous Tak mow, 70 concept of Protas. Now come Plenk fe que Planck's Blackbod, Radiation Formule, PL Conscdaned Jo. des of wibrgtion 'n sabes STS ag eo00e oeo0o0cn goo Now awe know, ginay= dy Bh 2 Me unp dp =v. UmD? ay Re e ¢? Pink Look tre formule prom Ond Consider Ay. energy ber ome _ ‘oe@eeecoocoeocececoooo { Sceeeeencens Bn 1 Ae Gn deatre Ctscly from CREE, dis blah, i Maxwet Boltzmann us go dy fle) dé Ker = AY ether — I 5 ae Th: fer @ kT Ponce fldew'eel Macktody Aadsation Oxplacned . : Te find wi Made : de rods O ——— a : : i oO i © a 7, Q i Le "2 G) 4 oe Le Lew = mE (an er 4. LR = mA One) i dae AP + eB | Se know, Cas’ + Cos’ pe Los f> | 2 (BF Be wpa g Sphere. ® bhaded an Us tre me- ™ prods bebuen A ana (At da) E ape f2Zh 77 [ (mes dng 4 (Nyt doy) "+ (ret done) J [Fea] A ana (At da) : modes sebueen W No-g ( Posctere Duadnart ont e L Luar ar | 8g 2 Lue on ga be ae 4 g A* fe : - Vv we ga : At 8 Fou lorgsbuscral wane Mode ae ad Por Tans vese ones Modes - V. 7 daa : ° CG /6 G } i cS 7) g ° 6 6 6 6 © Oo © ° ° ° 6 © 7 “ @ e e e e @ é e @ Note that LE7- HG: ne 6 ni 3 Plonch had ont Manuel Boltzmann tabitice at ho as 4) dusfesal. a [ Plnck popes & AY al 6 | je Uscrotes, nalre Fe el | e Quantum & @ Dn : woes s $f) Put Ae WE 1. 8 a mz Ae ° A Ar) ° a 71" ° hy fer) o ne nn, & oO : oO em nee OL .. S » ° 4 3 7 i loeeeeoceoOoe cel Ooe soo oOo ees sco oo Ge oT! [earsenio™?} oo $-BPxio-? SL umits (Ubtfon Botlameni Constant) Rugg. Tens Lavy CITB, TTA) uy da= Exhe ada at e hAtr -| 4 In, Aighen romringt Aayion 4 ei (+ 4) [one Pree akT da = Sak 7 aa As Re A E pena Mths vs Crate, inte Ragfepe: Tors 2S Kapa weg pre vy Die vitutian Sees ( ena > eher 5 For amall A - pehe da ~ A CAT) a EST a ee | tuna Ploncks Lars Convery inf Weina Dans 0 Lower wavelength Acgins . du | <0 dua} co daly aA Ia, 5 (e i) y ] Us &xhe [a -5a& (eo hYer iy? + ave - (e MAL) @ ben (Ae kr) #0 5 [st + Ma yt e AH sy | = 0 6 Las ° D5 + e he/aer e Ae) : iM) hoper_y & __ ie t let a ok 4 nx e* 5 . e*-l 5 Trumscedintal Eqpabion in 2 Aslulin © ee 445 fe. 49s a famt)s Ae = ws yes k > O:2816koA 0 pix aah ts 4 slate ase bord by study Specha, "se phe fp Be Sekt capt & print Aerge fu [em Elat 4mm ho Unkegnat Bord & Chosed pata vo aeb = [Tea "feu a 4-L]- 0 © Ege Lakes thorn few - [ow 3 one Res: <0 fos aa Vxé= 0 eeceocdcoeoceeocooocs Fé Laplace § PPI Vav= -k €o M3) SON) EQUATION, : Posen &n hapeace Fn ‘tor th has Nothing a LAPACE & Lns.) ec or 16 /o1feore uj Ae 2 ePevtat pare a y ° 5 ago Gy 6 FE J, te S ay =o Fan C) en won oy [vev} exthes vn Aectangalae (Cartesian e , Ceprdinates OF Spheatcal Cppidcnate, 5 if wot Irak be S$ mathods kp Cabenlate ehoctrestabidc ° DP Yppllems Can be tised be ebve try fase field pods, © i . (4 é, » Soong » Weak 7 0 lime applicaluons may include 0 = 2 4 Of Bp Bs a COUEK Ong !) yh ve Vers) em for a FV. (py x? ching some y kvm with ou (f frome in § dina ye $9 vepe ? cy. dey 2 ay oe . 2 > Gl) * 2) 2 fpr fe Axe 8 ’ Ele | Nolo hat Ve veg oo oo0920 >OO900909098290 o @eS®CfOCCOCOOOCOOCO0S ALE Sok 4, > © pe (r ae ib vey Complicated {I Pub A= 1 Ly?ez pr {4) 2 Ve f. &) SPHERICAL CODPINATES np fae & >» afre)> Ele 2] UR a AAV eg pf erga]! a el 3 Ee ge . Oihe\l a A i Vis qren f% bo tk Aeltsminod, a & Ee -€V'V : l = (xt +z) ib Vv J : ~ z. vw: Rigen cs 2 pr2ek] val (ead CnViav, ° 2b, (24242) = 766 Coty = = . . @ that E-- v¢ b veld bry fe a @ oe tine fold. Hyrue we bare te menttion, ib e 7 we a + f% 4,2) ard nuk HS /2. ° 0 o : — a4y2) _ ¢ dn (a5?) a ve ae ble) oe oy ° pyote that tt 42 Comernabine dyatorm : 5 Ee -VV 5 ver -VVeek = p26] -2b 4... © a WE zj 7 § [ 7 9 age -€ U™~ : © : Qo vin Veechig Toe ir . | eee . 4 ViKO= oe Te 3 Ne d0rivativs inbdolved , Arona @ @ ¢ eeeccacocecncsdooancoegogooecoscooosego Now frdler V7 *v e<0 +4 1 (20008 4 + dn é) ; - 2 UA -L 9 tne es ess 5 Vv Ss 5 <0 ——— | Une “4 * ase 3| houtl Come out te be O ve Lf 2000) +1 2088 cot URS ken B > (20056 +206] - 9 at . Lebuten € should 4 A epciac Ties OtEnie Caoe Tet 2 Lb (2cesp a+ 8) see saa L$ dF core +) Fus,0 = lEl- ure. 2? . #eeneenenooceorcoesco” pet THIS 15 WRONG AS I STEP |S WRONG QLD kos PR Sia teobated sphere (no Sten Lida amoter Shell ir tin Case) Ora E vans (4) @x-R, Vev,2 Ge = Vi ine 1 2. (eA 4 L a 2 . 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Yer E--¥y De ts exbaordinay beeane “1 seater fanckidr Conteun, Urformetion about QL Be 3 Compound, 2 Answer Us thar (Grrhowrts a E Gre net independent but Cennecten by frre eapracions VxE-0 hele eat Pawson cqpation ee, & Teton tte 1 +calar roller, lo i ow une Mak te fits tide the Confort B We sally tae m= ae Afermce Jarl. of Ma = 0 bak Pus mgr 76 7 e, [ve fe Plane = [pee £4] Remedy 12 Sinpley to Chome Ory Se foint as Adfermee forrt me might — Aonse ea ® Ort, Big oun Imowig for Corducton ts brat Exvtde =O \e dd Viside = Vsufe? Cort. | neta Clewlis of Cusibinear (aprdinales HW. po ( Aibnix A > Gaefges) dle dete pe dee 5 Catton . dle da £ + 4: d0b+ Atnd dp p + Sphercal j ze ndrcial to gh de dt alge dee: Gini IP~QDVIMOSIVIIS @9oc nag oe ee |e” oe uk that fore gereral lowdinale sysion, [a G ker Gy fe Gu | €eOa0 z ue bao = te OT. ab . - (VD, Go * WD, y 4 + Wdz C de 7 ae 1 gb PB 28) Vadibde a E ites aid | 869 oe 20000090559900000008 eec@eccoceooecoooood VR: ake 2 (Gk A) +2 au a Be Hy oe vere L eee - 2g") | Cy & *y eee 2 (G4 As) - 2 (GA2) C2 Cx {3 SL pa Oly Ay) - 4 (Ca Ae) jé T Coty a ! bos Te Ve VT ‘Ele ee 7 3 Gsy "R 20 | F&M (4) 1p [ogfr02 / [> Fen cour ee Hd Elotric Freteh , © ARE na’ Bu \ Py ose)| ® THES ant STA DARD 9 RESULTS Sart eeu OF SOLUTION OF : Pee { dy (2-0 A LAPLACE a f ohne n= —— n EQUATION Wo OS grin de SPEIERLAL Conrpinater, Nhe 0 dageniae Pepwniols_ On se Ces poduct “0 Co i [ Plt) Pa (x) de = 2 for m= ° 2n+\ [Pin (x) Pole) dam = © fr mtm on Hun Orthonoveral bolmemcats 5 arm Cletuvation for Cepasation of yaniebter” Q] 24 226 » i pa ( Asume i ir 2 ond) 4 7s fc (OMAR sles Ve Carat =O “ie. Jo fy & a~R , Ve ane oS Ke © x ° oY wr oe woo Span \o — © i S Mog =f .9(059 ides oer Zz: syd a © Re (egret 18 ° teak WoO bo o 1 © 2 8 ° 6 16 e ° 8 © © 8 © © o ° © a) oe 8 8 a) ° a) 2 ° © ° = @ ° e le Ve (A+ &) SS hj + Ent Bourdan Ve - E,# 030 ta ee am Qtomea , | Misuse 4 Or alge with hain cat Senter a+ 8) cosd ht Bs) ‘ : z 4 Nel tat how E, Tce ee oA, tAtA bee “Fe Acer ies @ azz7k u er be [hoo cae re wipe Be From ti) Une new alll Crsure Vp 20 = ae a then ane ne Aetulvens Cons Clete, (Noluthat We Can vain O Ord me a ie wis tlt Le ) B= i ectee ICk B= tek? em ERO b _ xt —eE ~ -Esacs® + ERE Cos » |\V8) ? __— ; EDA. . Cipnss Bi Og 2: Get &6 “* c, = -[av) = Ea cos8 + 2Eo R? 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For sadial Coorainale, for a sphen cue) yoy a k, (2) ek (#4) eceococcoooooeoaoocoeoo9 OF Why we ke Ail coig by ( ~fXin #281 008 ) wer ——— hk Ad = ~kE. - 268) eR ling He 2 Gna, 3 2 Or ge v, é, induced charge CG ° ~ ky, bo + hb. -k& - 2h 8B, ie 3 Re 10 a [ee Ucky) ER” A's - G+ E Chirke) eS (ki+2h) ; (ky t2k) e AU = 3k Ee rentiorni Chey #2, 4 Me = — 2k Ea 4 C050 c pea aC es (ky + 2ke) \ Ee c0 + kik) ER cos8 . Cah) © Dielectce Aphere behawiry dike & Upobe Mud fed Potential Von Guise) ki-k) EoR? _Gs8 (tz) re (ase orslay tut. dipole erential b ee Ch- kd) E.R? C42) A F i 4 nes Chrks) Esk? 1 Pens (kit 2k URrG Fe 6 bus be displacomens CAatg inscole AielecLric » Carssech : dua te Opplid enternal fel , Lint, bolarization | V6, 2) = Rd) PGW ZQ voveo ond devitliy by R@Z an 4 (+ 98) *sh i 2) + #£ 20 do ayy ve + mF=0 43 > z= Terms cal. Lyon eT =0, Fora 2 Coordenales * Aseimins. Gitta OF aR -4 MB 2 mt Cay R 4k [+38] © ® dg = ag : no ent aaa ot ipinow By aang a & (4 dR) 2 eR i Ge) : tae Rea” gdh + vdk = 7k ae de 2) yr ka) gt pg yd ot = wee © ° a KID FH aN. 5 3 =n 0 0 —— - - oO RO) 22Or¥ +d,o7 . Tie mot tbing inte accaunk fos R-O havalng med Case Athanately ... a ad_[% dB) d bade] “ dn e) fear agra etary 2 AdkL A > pe Alar ie lune th) 2 Abst 8 +Z Gas ee met distances, 2A oy M Aap ftcsats fue ya a 7 -, it te. ar eA ie eG Menopele Dipole Tae a ©) Gp FB ee CP eS le From Multipole Expansion, . yla) f 6 A) = . une i 2 gor | GDP, (cos) pRac De 6 e 6 7 © Fox Amenopclr, Pauing hare at Onigr 0, © & Nyro (= L . a 2 e Yaa A i) : _ SG Poca port are at te Qresgen, » Vrortot. A Ce Atfruserb the exact poten tink ag not © monly a t Appreximation at a is (in Bas cas, hott se is Le ven) ° bb net oa Consist © 14 bt ue lear a. dipsle, Pre ipo G ° terms oa vo bat ‘hac a fed ae po 8 frudln Ao the formate ine’ 2 | L(g tan ac! cos’ = 1 pees > Vithete® = s At Ar CO Gifote A 4 & Unf (Aefer Pro #70) the 1° mam term, & one erant D> heve hyve. onl, &™ an Cf Gouna, Ae We ge fasten And furbur auny feon Oe - ifs, De Vays (4) Mecores belten ona etn abhterinatin Le Se token, 0k fixed A, bre adtpole ° panivnalion imnowes 9 yeu shrink eee a Te Constuct a dipele whole petential 2 ex acy pou o Vaipe (AD , We witt have hare ek 40 a : vahegy Bo Coins bs tn win nas lt $e cw A a dipole beemes 2 fure difele ir tte astifiant © fire Q>e aa dao, i BUT FoR ALL PRACTICAL = PURPOSE , WE Use V dikote (a) FoR PHysicAL PIPOLES = with Mae BUT FANiTe Sefanaliom d. a i he “edo . QQ 9 eo Dipole Add ke po cok i e bows c : “4, fo = =a ; 4 Jou Prth-o es +4 “4 SS The & Yadupole Ona santa ® Ja dominated f Jn oma “Cy tinea beam Oo, an iy ole “ : Zo8 west, WE Com pei 6 2 tite te Tt Yeacpte tenes, © a t © Af & > g -L © an 24 3G a ie @ L +4 c 5 Aye Cen Men add thom LB Multlete Exfansen doperds crasticall, on Pea t e @ wet oenoecreonoegooonrcon — Ane ln see et tb om ae @ © Hrstable tqprlibruum = . 2 Umax ot O> 1% he Une a o( Bae = te fOw 2b a = Cree Uren pe Urtn = “He . © 2 pe Ci- C6) > Uric cen8 5 TO { ( ® Tonge on a ditote nm mare Urifown Bite NIE pxe = BRE. - ie ee GWE @® Abso from Mubtipole Exjanuon, te dipste fern ts. | (4 cos! plo de’ : e Vig? 1 + Yaa 4” Now — A! 9 8% = 74 Fi A . f a! pl®) de! - 0 ane aaj dihde morere a bf Ri (BY det : Se OO oO I a Voids * 8 =o Ue. a Vee DL BA ° bee unt A? ° a a rigor Conti & pom © ar O Ree: nyiny ir ote bem ee arnsion ‘vit ahs apher- @ ret Aary be Zee. ©» ~ ‘afew ae ik daferds upon Die 4 or = fH ho pen a ach : de nd dg, at Same & aT! : : a — pra? ae! . it pean de’ * @ [pore 2° P+ zQ —— EBM 5) taf | [2012 For. cpfindsival coordinates, willing haplece perce - [wiaae j= [(fttme+ De E (Coes Bose] 5 be cnn sg "| 2) (3) Dip . , () boo. L(g) fo UNE, ee diate (2) Quad rpole (4) Ld Odapde (8 o3 hexapele (6) a In genet 2 poles im Mabie pin ot, on Eoctanat » Ql multiples Ae Cranged Aordond awn Coe vs apple , Adiyes are displaced one nnubtibele, ase formad. weoeeoecceeooceoococasgaqo0oo0e 9000s ac20aco0 ? Vo thr L £2 are 2 LB. ype. & (33 eccoocooooooooococeocoooeoooaogeooceooog000 : | tae fe gh tent re 7 ' Tub. [L\ceo > reff Ej cay ° ec oe fin tee ty i Seed ; er <. [7 + xbcows he 2 : A= call t+ é] +h 6 je Lii- ej “* 44 A ae L Live™ . on “ a vag = £ ft 2] ° ug 1 4+ A J =e. i _ ee 4 F, =O Te | ZxEl= gee SOQ = pE Ln 8 im ea Pre due tdlre = AT AB efipe ane a6 c ve fo UsUss pl ced ey ° @ as four at crater 1 . U0. pE cos 0 oe 4] @ 9-4, VY. a Um fet & me 5 P= pw) ef = (p.7) E (3 + oh 2B) Beegy- ei [pam + ky aes 26] é [ho 2A + 3 aie [hae « bye th af] k ox [nso that for ge Be, Feo] | ee Deujatim p--9F. + g&@ -al&-Ej] - 44 2 aE, 6+ & + 46 k/ gig yar af 2g Ved 3 eeocoocoeooee elo e nao O OO e ODDO BODO DODO Se =o S tha? 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[ ie pipr Cosk _ 3 fy Coo f cast O- ae eer eneenene: Pr “| brfe C (osX- 3 Cos cos 6-«) } he / Cesk -2 [tol20-0+ Cos bp | ee + 29] Cat 4 3G, 09-«) 0 2 bey (26-4) LE 4) (o] / & Noto that Uufior calartchion, We Cam ceo that OL por in Be diredion Oo Ey ‘Ste avrite K2 O46 K he tant Vasey va Se PoterWial ae © e ee | E&M (4) I9/thow,, b> fut w Coneder a chtage di stiheluen | poh Qo we Lo dy © bubs A oO © fae ° Ve { We ! za ty © o _ 0 . * > 2 48'cos8 2 WRnr 2.2! cos? 4 \ © fe fate BO eaea fay 2gewefri Oo an rs @ \ pce 2 Ae Aspire a A” “Meo: 1- Les 3e? “§ sie fe [ e At t-t ag cael ae é)* ger o +f pals) a t ~ 4 (aS co | ‘wPeeeeeeoceOooeosoneoo000000eg900 oco00o0 0 Og\T\ peau Gmanatog Poche Arore out 05 Legend POR ERB | Tos jue 2, fe por Ser ee] Mop ety OEP OT [A be Jave a une. 4 ved $ a f ply ("Ia (ces0) - nee neo Mule: Pe Ef amsions 4p dase ie? Beste apo i deme: pre Lowat non—eew eae on ema ngs. obheserats us hew & tbe Appreximahs V (4,0) Uy more prectaion a —— ) N=0, ff Monge = Lf pled # e we Rr 9 n=1) L Jes) A! (6 dt Dip& + flay et une AP 1 Jean? Goo Ao Qupanupte (2) Fee eee Nace ac aseeseee Inte = 2A qt (3628 21) WO uadnupas tom Vues + mi bn aa __ me est pansin will Layet chpole are Aardomly aligns pdeence g Eon. : , cdohin Eine abbliee, dipetes aly mm o partiotar dureelior 1 © Every dichedlare Can be ee eet Quart fiable qrurtity 2 Tntonstly of Polarcaten P > Bp: (oq Clpotes per writ volume) in the Abedin % bigrment 4 Aipoles ke: dlieloctare COnst, Cloclixcat pr Obert, mation Permittivily of fr fpece 29 Oo00O2R989090T 92903008 €.: c - Pearnitigrty of A medion €- Ek ae Pade >t dt & vty small ct. ck Contain, a : O Lingle dipole. o@e Qrs =O ae ee owe . i De team We Ge Ottret tr ous os Oe we ee ‘ible bem. tabig , the arg climes as Guin ibe _ = ec ean ° 3 © Ou be dt) dv= all ba 7 © eo we mam [P.CGA) = Ve A. Vd a 4 ne ~ A+ ty © © © 1 scales a 4 ae . LF | + E ae . A) flow We Can Wale \ : givens bf Pa. M4) Now tras 02 Gena Gyr OF | A pesne fo bot 008 CH) : a : a 7, Yo tote nce bet v(t)e New val oO 2 vVGe ec oe - Vv (5) dle oO Gne vy Ty mate be Ueifovondy polarteed 7 Pte samme wrenputore 7 ve =O S pone fs ALies thin _Men- Unt Polarization . Of, Corcluclum Dike Nee that te hore bo ot Aetge 0 nny me ey Digae uth fren te hase Now trek fez ds -=0 i we Po not dearve -y2 Gust ve -0P (ride 2-2 Lines 4, Prgaice Poland: ¢ Dipole MMMM Merny of Cmebeailes Ah ba % 7 oN 1 oe of, Peobortiontly db dus te “vlngy efadeare — *%) ovat holasoabetiy — (ali, ) As AT 4 OF A ee”) mie Tobanizabik by CA osciotation? “2 ob Lanicabif = [ehecinonie + (orte « fhe be [ eect Xignie + oLoximtatn | mM => 2 & E nae aban oe “we ttyape Puente ur to pee Caponioneed by a mole cube . \ (Ht Ht 4] Gundabon] — polanirakbitin pt be | pots diebedric v En? a Vir leer 02 0 choke cats Nels Bix 7 @Go0e @ ANGE oF Pano © 12). 5oo) @oo0o0 j@eecceccocosco E Pobasizalion un 6 “a (Ez 4 3 bo | fue? Patns IPL. k-0G \E.4 a mc! N duielectice SubsCepe betty ee I+ = k S&@S$Ccoeodoe@ceee ee & af on () (oc 6 dicleetate Gliese hep in fie Bee Nw Po =e n Po. PP Me €. en sas a t.tb-s Nee 38 7% nd. Se = % 7 2 3e BeeXen | FS (=) \ Sete, vi (k- (1) nee Clasuing Moonottze Redadionshif 3 k+Z) 36 Abso fon Dire dikbednic Pe Xe bs Ee @ 2 8 9 o G c CG a oBeeoeoeonecoronregeose eget Cecounr fe Characterst: — beharieur dieketuies, coe te om Cleetnie Feet (weak), & O , Sole P WT ruined alo seyanee «aby afon meres FE . E ayhich pein (rn ta Same ditedion 08 ©» UE var Lp hae 1 Con oa . spas Peoples , “Concrirg” Xt Ona tre eledn's X: Ahomic polarirabiti 7 unt Considea & rod a atem ( vatume + vy) a pot miuclius (4g) Surrounding om eee class. (-4) ote a. Csnaal aber eee) ae an ‘ Fos — 5 p =O Copia In presence eI Lhebruic Preto E Bo Muelu, wi he shihtesl bewdhde “ye Ong te Clerctrw, Cloud to tha Miurme e- martin sphowcd thape. 1 4 tre maternal (CAtelectuic) aliendy has ipele : rmemerk » Ber Be Diny dipoles Cnperionn a Vorpe Gnd align. ang electric feta . the tum Mmeckenismr —(Crduced i pole memont ord “tOrgus) produc te ee ee Ca wed eo pilanized f conclne Drees lone be pee ? » Pe Aipele muoming pea une & Van, Th Cadlel “POLARIZATION - © Potential We get Cy Vile Aicloetné oe is Pi amp 4 F . “ne ay oT dimacty 05 (8) oo par 7 A species ~ padius Re eel oe sales © oO T of & spnical Cane of => 5 3! cde and unde OL Sprome_____ jatorticl, tte %, (ar 3 AL Tabu j Hi 6 yaee 2 (ne 2) Py (coo) : . mee a : Ltr VEO da, ro bow Ub APO) thaw Bn O 2 Wha» 5 Ana® Pa ee) 0 prcde, oa Bx Py C8) JA, 8) = & (mar 2) vo Dar Ve) gob oom > VAw= ee S a Pn Cues 9 SSOG8909 avechare An=0 Grgo Oo 3 oO ecsoooocoooe e@oo0ececo 200 (Ih Potential must be Continuous, ae T= R a s Am RY Pp (teso) = St Ba Ro OM? Po (ees) nee oO . aa (ces 8) Leomrpaning ont us - Ten: An k™ a dis Conbruily yi duuidia of V ouffes 3 > DVor — Ver oe | - ¢ o(8) DA ers Jak 2 Ank 2@-3 6H & Palto® - Sm ; ol 8) m4 palwO)= Te _ 8 : 7 lb). P,, (sO) L, 2 As 20 R 4 re ° #04) ° \ ° oT @= kon An Cos = kess8 = oe ned? ——— <= ce A Avan gre exape * A x ° a Ae ke [ Cps28 . 48 AB 26 ° 26 4, ae e is 8 w : 1 fe R, NN Aradins R @ ©COOO0OOLO0O0L2O0900009900009999908 @ Now Vat rnpst dicletites, V-P=0 Ag=0 *? a ca -0 De Antradl dieleluc b moutral . Polarization , But bm the Case of, men Uniform pe not 20 Ome meer © Aang die @ os Q sua + Dyume =O fut rains dally fy mag no le 2008 Ate, Qué fede = 0 UF ap = — Pad | f ve e fads a Pole Fine te denn pra © eee TOM . -Pj\ Zz me (Nate rat B aby atterbortn Prine agen. | nf conti Gaus tan fx delete Et Fog, “9 6 Las Fron Gaile { ' de ppreenl dato Dal Bum fp Face Aasge may Consist electrons im & Conn that may be resent or Oselortric pmiditim Ox Lona embedded Lr Ayebecbuc meditm, 7% apratorer Charge Irak is mot a Aesule of polanirauon. 2 Pra] DRAA mM Now tt Gaus a ee oe nen Crcpretaaet OF % aie pom oe oe DOE * parce = ~VP Ft Ss ; & a : oo c yd: EF VP = SS < a F-(aEt PD +f c befone Blodnic Dispacemert Vector. BD a ; Er . C & (ma) eee oe spe [FE Sond Tn bypical sibel ay? mn Ppa be Oba 45 Jo Aurrourdet bey “1 isn eibardr Wie cng LY dine charge A, © ong t vate, OLD ., Gout te aAadius © gp. Find eledie "Sahluament co OL am ppite pa} " ° Dp. 2m be AL : = Le ae eee, —— x) IB- DA § eC 2A oO © New net But Br ule hplda ben Gr @utrde 8 fre bradation In tre aaaaaas © » Db: c&+P -4é 7 € - , a & w ? Ds A S$ 16 ae ea An kA oe Topcde, Ce eleetric fies Lame be Atterrmines sore © c me ds mot now P © . B 6 ere Paden of © ° D 5 Ne (auburn bars for © Cut b FO ¢ oe. ele 4 GxF = 0+ HP -UxP #0 a 2 CO dex ip re Patented Coraspording te B 26 Bandar, Condslien L D4. = fre ay fP* 7 D oboe — Min eer ue obo 1 — Bhar ne = Plame (feet 4) (Linear, Diewecraic Livers, Dette besa ©. pee oe Diiee Hl Fe ee eee en, ene me? | ete par Eb De tool fe tt maykduc > C Oa 8 Peeancbin i 1 for indernee, we MEM piece of dietednie tle an oncternes! fil Be, me conn Cerrpute P Airedtty Prom pia. O4peetion an De enteral feta “will belanine % mattncal , Ona We holanization Vayitl Produce tt Goon fete . hid wit Contribute te tout elo Warn Ch ‘hun mod fits Polarization Ana So or ti an pckibriem, Et acho . Dre Stim plot Ahhroach L> tu begin mata boast br Prox Coses whow Ben disflacoment B , fe dtduua dredl, from fee niet coe: Tn Brean Cea, Be 6b B= CE+ MoE = GCHRIE difre poorly 4 rratowal Eat 6 Eg Cit fe define Aebabive permittivity @r Aicledaic Const te eee exe £ 2 (l+Xe) ee o/won, Dat mi Polartration is Alsucll, or the detection a sure ent fed ie seams Polaxiradinn pooh heettchs Cela Antes use COphesite & : ‘elk. Hemp Aeke & Comdincter 2 Aielectric He Oe dance fete jmside ik as trick ae it Cam , lat te Concetlation “> partial (Unttke Conductors ane Cametbtatyin Jo Complebe and Eimiae ~ 0). Dieletric L tp Berthore, & pwr Conductor . 29000 fF 99 8 6 ° © © © 6 ° © © © 6 6 cS e 6 i 9 © 6 ° © 6 6 e é .@ . i e e tee fp bmn dita Metrod. of Bbecuital Lmeges _ Not all fired pro\lems Com be sored Cony aueth ' @ mothod OP clectarcal Onages oO b o This tmuethed 15 based ALpon ‘ Uniquences Theorem 6 © Electwostatics”’ ve for < particular Lotndary, Conditions € : . a : C ee + Laplon & boom eyiation wenigfue, ae ee en ee VA i 6 2 Oo : © Vooundany = Vv, c ee pee oo] v4 Uuitable choice Now fox gewn Ve, Vi wot be urge Fae Ly Cerdradibion Cortpasictian Vv: oO ZZ Ad the be 2 wluiline om tre om unde Cons'deralion rhese Lotinday ip ot Cont. Politik (4 0D ne Sebubion of _ditren tach Cypaliine Gees _be AWerege ws of fe Gantt Tg donot sal tolerate Lock marina. 1 Lolal mini. Extreme value of frclen fe oe Dorie @eeeoeoeceaooceeooncadracne im, Maxima of v= rimibasl , Maxima yw-0 Mining gt = 0 Mantra dis 0 a\=0 2 V0 2 VeVe y V, Ord Vy Gre dbvtions, mee Linean Combination Ch vi tr Us ane alec sdutions . > XV + Va Are ooluilueny o Vruso P Civitas A Vivit & VK OF0 " ° Hone Wire et be a Solution , PT O.yo= Var Vv, = 0-0-0 Tb maxima t minima (6 Vite) wilt U2 om the Je ite net Bocah -mintme & loul Maxima Maxtma Uw =O coe WV) 20 3 Vine 0 c > Veve - Y Note nak thant hyo EE yu T Con abo te 1 ie 5 method, " touna ane ly tbndtand brooms + Say Conducting fee 2 4 | (0,0, a> WM 220, Pdembia > arvagr Conetaat : pa eo Vono” O Hy / oO | poe, Gecaredey Lo erettred of 9.999 fat 7 elecicd Srages, tre Given problim io apivilent Le ed 2d Noe that Tan difpale; & de aoplreats Ce same Coraiitiens metey pe L- a Force between ‘shart ees (5) wy Gtsebe've, oe Vay oe L 4 _ 4x6 | rae —— | ~o wipe Gedy Pt Sray* Vixy,0) = 0-0-7 © [ Bemtes, Condi! dw = A [Fe <—= No trat Wik % > Gs the hex Aarege ty just irtul From © 2 -WV Cuorn Eley,2) We con fog Ele 4 0) Yow —£ feata 0+ fre ye o @ \v c se o BA ; vv =0 Vo us te ih 4 Viera) erat Vlarad “ 0 OY ae Le & kina An ¢ oes , we ae db Oatigr pee nn @ * © @y tals eyeliner a eat te a fect» bre vais Yi ¢ Oro ports . e rrenation 00,604) Or © C Tats, abiding Gre fon Ory Tnrnenatin © O52) 7 ° ® fos ben eyatains are callin Haroronce Ce Jin Camnot be poltntiad YE a ayith pcue Be rest Opler e4patien a possible. & be u om a chethed sabia Co Shoot Caan “7 porntial io), tt will Aol Over t& Ore sche Ord - ie wid rt find a ‘hocket” ome jhe ite Left en allows ae Auch derte 65” just Os @ shansie time b the chortet destena bebvum Awe poirh, uo & Aamo an tn 2-d mirimires Gren, “Slanning Pe Grven eh fanning ry Sender, ee Mhet ave du taleng o Llalan soluten, mot Porssen’s ) b eeoeooecececagoneaeooodo A pastile Canngr de helptn a Sable [eget lertrestabic feet alone, Yao bb Weause Stable Cqepilibulrr Aeguirner 2 Valley - ghocbrostabic few cannot bbence muchean fusion “bn Tokaree Forbinatel, ib posecbe te Confine plasma, agmetically | Bom De obscrraliin, ¢ ge EAR chi's Theogem 98 >99o 82080908 9098 See@eaoods o@OSC8BO8 1 . ALiy 2d . apace E i A giiitable fet Y boundary Ht a Bet wher foe? vtec Lourdany Contlions, cupeiend tn Oettemive re potential Ano yet mat to abo as te ee In Consisten cies. Ly 2-023 dimensions partel eqations Ane ‘ven, Uy not tasty to Bade What would Constitie Aecop table bindery Conditions ae bree Drak a propose act doundany Conditions wilh aukkice b Usual, presnted in Be torn) Unipen 4 Btw. Ate dre Aun basic “Uniquenes Punrons . ¢ o KH Solution te Lables egpation in home volume TH & Unipel, dtlemminea “4 potential V & Upeified on Pe heindany duspeer of Ct. Lot fer bun solsutions NV, Ord Va S08 Viv, <0 » Vero Comscdlen Ve = Vy -Va 2Vs+ VAM, - 9% = 0-0 = CQ (Laflue gn) Now or bemdany Ay drot Vi Cre Lana Om shecrtot 2 Oy 50 Ok boundary Ssface Rut Laplace tyatio, allons mre boca marina Gr minima - All exbema Ottur ae be bere, Us De maxima A orewima of Mis dine bore 6 a Vz is O Woy where weeeceocececooonceoooooo0o000go09 90000097399 oe Knstle an enelosune , haraing 8 argos, Ord Complete, Surrourcdeg 4 ae omatertad : Tortenkal on Cari Wall same Vo Ore Pooterbad im that obtisfis Laplace cgay Ord has Cons a eer Vr Ve Wrr Urcqueros eae faeces chat bri, bb te en a Selution Prat Satisfie, (GL lapace oe Lover value at bamdanisn Pee tdulion . —& Noy bts BURMA Cordauning sop a te Si fea a te - Matod Trages es QO the appose & boos Aarge Qk dal a disteoce Gd Ghove jee Gprarrden, Conant , ) Ne be doa jut - rans 1 yb relute * Charge by Komrducton WAK we don't know ts omega Cishributed , OF BH3930 @Gegeaangneaooad OSG@CGHOOeS @es Fram & malrematical birt 9 view, Gun froblem is bo tole Parsson’s eqpalion ta fAegion 270, With & Sore 6 poo Aaige q (80,4), suber bb bomdeny cordition : 20 di Vo Why 2-0 diy VIO When Fro etteg te Prt Den qh Pow b seme Aarge Otrsilty f Ve ob & Vives -£ G ae tnopirsice of Lahbase Coe Vy) gia mde Lote vive +0 FT a Now Vg_satekcd Ld place & hao Zew en QL baimdanies, 60 Vg-O A WeVe Coa aa t enn 2 Hapa YD val Vo ak tani pee Lo! lal Heaponers Crows ved fer Pedsor ean bre oe cond af nips bon & a 1 fonction that Yuet, frbooe . 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Bote Brie age wo tapers kracde re spline | We Carnot prt mage “Changes on Dre Agim wher We dee Sry the Vy Beck Won wilh shire P Oiseen py with Aonge f And Wt eqpation f . use Phan Corrdinalts Sp wh 7 Oss {= > \ 4 bp R : . 4 _ L _ | Vp 4nt lm a 2Ra ced Of bre Re - 2bR Cod 4 5 & ° ia [ VRera Ka CoO VE we +e i 2 4 pene |: : - | ge Lg EGSanwel 8 e ahs Caan Os ocedtine te Cabeutate Wed dy using Apher | R oe eoeooooooocee@Ooocoooc9O 99007 H9900900900& ec Le V aie avo (1) E- -W Ee (2 ae 0”? Ee = a # -£ L LO a bot an F, J ae ~ SGN) (Ria 208 co) Tebhaone : ‘ast at! Qirdsad = Beg 5 Ritace the Heme tnt fret Aer E ” - tyr = ($y Ho ot fa) fron conbe 3 Q | + | =O be a ¢ Gra ab oo 6 . i 5 a © aa aAla-by 6 a tad an 2 a - a : a ; S @ ke oO 6 5 © -04 oO 3 J 3 a £ é a S _* Qo ivan of bee gos). \ [une | a]asatzalzao Jey BAN, MecOCS©CooCHoOOOoOeCHOHOOBCOOOSABVIOOHFON19090D909 & -w mB). (ED O- joe eo Lf ae tn Ros b cole “¢ by mapas. f mg ? 10 @ (Lowi Fee) | Maanetosrancs 3 ow, Fang ¢ q (x8) Losente Force Larus ood veo, 10 Frag 7 Slireny Aerts erfewenee Ofonce o oft Mtrachive Force if Crud In come dtredti eh y Reputarve Force +f Utaed J opfanite directs, VU in be De fone bat Mena mages Gate fie gq lvxB) + gé Note Dut thse ane ermprital aun Y ypical arodion verde at ae fae Certulan aude paar 0 (223) he bs pre milion stan — ee rt 4 fre Arodeen particle decebaratonrs Le alo A Méeure Arup, A panticte ; Weds Wrntnt 4 Aadue . jt thy Ran Uy Component, Bun AcbicaL A Er eoo000e0g90009 eeeocoaooeooocoeonocoo » soe . z at Auge dead tnibial fp anticle ts y Eom ba oruglas to : abvAot ot OF. He fet felled este ee : Tribal, aregratic fre =O Ord tlednwe Reet Acidlyralts Pre Kanye 0 z-direction As i peas 4 heed , Amagrebi fuse Oe Aare Mo Mgpk pet a 5 be a ce becomes dy Ub Curves tre particle bade tontands y-axes At Bb port, g “meves Cpl Fame © God tulinia , motu fou ee Oo ina Erk, eves, bringing be Charge te tot a print a Now the Grtim wow Acheats | Mrdiions Comes out | ~ Rut) ~ -R)* = @ Ref yy fwd" € 8 & wk ‘ {Note that ourall -motin bl be Eade for og 1 NG that evorall motion tp tp & vc Forts dO 78 Uetk ‘ \ alae ie des Zee Work, . In Wey Cox, When pik by puncsine Aave ben dom, ee Pat dee Pre work 2 face Fn © JL GL* B) Ly Apgar, mor ng | Woe x x Oday ™m ia Up Ihe Work 15 done by x Rattny Ga roe ic fet. Magnetic Forme . Soba te oe Oe a FO : eo Arfere = 4 Coulis [seed ae ® Aurfoce Curut_ Density Ke oe ca 7 @n @eececooooooceoaoorno7o00090090% k- di | dL, 4 frnhite) Athos vboiky uw Vv. Curt fen unt WA Petfonds cuban to te fas Change Cinsity ls CT Gnd De > a> Of) - ue ts (de a a (a) 2 ov > » |ke oP? — [4 Gea) ~ f vee (ED + [Ee da Densely B Veluwe Current Dénsily = al 7 aan 2 Clmant per Unit Crem perpendicular b Pe fw d= = £08) de f) 2 dl = pv dA f Fog . dy (xB) a hans la ve pode Geb) - [Fae FinagS O*E) ac} | Naw Chart Croouing a Serf J Cir te waltn as T+ [Td [ Teae fuer f Totil Charge Leawing ie alums pO Unit time Lo fre f Fae - [GD a Vilar Ss finu te thay bo forced , Uikatewer flor Get must (ere at the cabone 4 brat Armaining tnacde. a far dt = ~o Gin e -& fp at flim 3 [97 ac -( -Br) at ‘Puat fanart Cans 2 tax KR Bla) be | ze fa sttady uarenk T Note ret atatioray Clergen produce €lecric Pld, Dat ane Consont bn tre, hence tre term CLedtesta tis. Attady, Cire fradune magnetic fesse Bab toe Content ta time » Arue the Heim Onagrebostadi ‘most prrsctical oppbcetiau, Magretestatic. apps © Even for Ee eee frak Varies $0 fines totem? C é © © 8 eceoeeoancgooovceocooectcooodooeg¢oagooe e€eoooa0009 3 Vhin 4 att Mares flow tra tute , ie fl Ferrand 20m AM Brrougrout , OPuruise Cc dupulld de pteg ih demushine ana it writ be a § By tre Same Aten OE) oO tn onagnetostalica, Ong Aimee re Contirnusty Carat, are) fe Magnctostatice Note rat Oo Moving acre Charge Cannot pong iby Cmstiu Oo 2 CLrveenk - BL Aye | be (EZ) js WRONG. ux 43 as Bist Javes Law hells Pb fer a4 Juke Ehocbostatica Autporpgs ition principle appbies bo fatucs ty we Aare a Collection SPE ais fen De yen tom peal & He 2 Kda 2 ci a Ue Dé (ut & B en ee ye 8 fess = YB =O Obtasmest M5e ben wt 4 ve ce q 2 ffs yee o [bea - He Tene ( eee me eel cee conteruitaent wit Lo iiectin, Le I Ae Ags Aand 1 aa : Gls bay My Leiria = Prnpene’ Lave br Mpa Manwen Equations echestatics - QYXE=O é v * (Geer bas) OE - ) « Manet Eqpations fox Oregnetnslabin 4 Xs T ¢ “Be ¢ / ve =0 Tt implin tht tov anno . . € Rivergirce Or Conwergmes of) Oragrebic fre s trey : timrply fowr Llosed. Loops Or extra Gut d Guy € Te Ge me port sures pr Ede. Ne . Magrotic Morofeles once. a c iG comer Svcs. ; Vector Potintial Jn PB, We Con ren pak Bak Be AR Oa = 4 We tan state Armperes Law , ° : VuB > Vx (7xA) = —— ‘ote é ' - = WR & ped LAL scatan Ht Malan = vet. A Veet. | — Ogineuls Ge Ciedion Ol A > Be dveectibo fF Court S@eeceeooecooecocogooocoootcoooooaggqgNN ©oeocooo00 § FG Beton Bhan) 2-Ja- Tne = fo. ke 2 [Bie — bham ~puk | Yous, Be Contours of B Drak bp parldet to te Aut perbemaiubar “te tre Uvvunt io (lscontinrous 1 Te Amount jo k 2 Batove - Beto = je (Rxa)] tahoe 7 de a Unit Vector prapeditulan be tee Sunfece, perros MpWards. co hk L 5 pus Gk @ sem ne fo ecto a Magnetic Fiecps IN Maren All magndic prererrenon ae due te electric Aargen tr motiim grap rratencahy , on dn atomic SCabe, Bex ane biny ¢ wer elodnens ontilog Arotnd nuclei Ord Clécbeama tring Oe rcnostah purperre! Lrtre Casent Log Ce 40 snatt tral we rey bead fem as nagralic Cupetes . Ondinanié, Urey Cone “ert Cack then due to Aarclen Criintalin G tase dipoles, but wht magnetic eld i Ofplied, a net Alijwrbrt Prtse Olipoles Oliun ara “Be dong ltr mgmatietyd polarixa Oe enzed" Unbike electric pilarizatin , Wick Ls almost alu in Be ee ins » Some Mralocals — Aeyun Vtprelsaion © parables to B imma Oro Bore oposite to Br Uimepatis). | Usubslances (femomegrti) Aetein fre" magrohea fie Ven extemal free Kos heer, mee ore hi Qe rt ~ Athirontraa by oe bins fish bal Ou whale mapa. ig” tr [2 mxE me Te Whore OM mages Jian, Hep By Boh gt De Mi Fats Ercniny Ponti, Only oe Baer Buy dul to Pande E* Un olelron, Shoo 2 6 detfor b ph tne i, binge tc @ as : @eeeeeoeoeo@eceooooooooooogg0on Eloainic Dipole 7 Remnprber rps Tie po Coda Atpele we hak devices , Fe EWE —O if eat Now Conidete be U dipoe = ~ Fe a) Z-- Yu - Mott - VFO - © Now Advis -e Teed) + Exp) GDET EWP O + O F Pwe + oO - Gwe funce [ona 2 ey prraieny Ove SQrme. dso’, Meabema tice, Gwe . 3 | » (eB) «ty ee) + fe (fF aR = 5 [hOB + Ne ph) 6a Pus VXE =O, We brow abe: ats Ex DE 2 e+ D2 a4 an az on ‘Aagratic Dtpote, é Bone xB 40, We Connet wet Or Be px : ‘ “fered c o> I Ao we Con see, tre gellek model , aecaeect (0° Prone dee s ar qa, Ane | : { i 4 mtton ty he Thue Avvpuse . ae Ord Cam He Ap ty rary Ccttabiens Abiiccatir, Ll Modee gree bre Aobantege of Mntirs Aeasdte of re ipole ty AeHaery Oh ”~ i HC. Vesna Ve)y Me J ge tom Pe Note . peat Pre ib Te Sud Bung Ainge gle L a Rn tH nw mF a pee AAPL; yo # aad, Tw al lec c Ail Qu Pe ug Olaacd ote oth oe @ & 3 in gn @ : sys a nl ay fe : fem P: é @ (Mpeg) é & Fe ee Mhoterr be eed orapetonlion We aaa sb ragnolic polarization “ty ten Callas. ae 1 Onagrabre difele moment be } S S| Unit Volume 1° Arebitte tas {pr _magnetired material i £6 — = 7 GXBe pT root C Apes Lars) 6 I = = ° Neto Stree = Thee + Teint ° ee e od Thoma = YXM . [nets Dat, simile dont vallin Cam done don “Vector otintial te ae a _ ° Theo + VxM TE : Kbem = Mxn & "y OD in age Big Ce = se oS ZF. p We c 2 x Ge M]= IFsce ° Me 6 5 © below 2. M-F 6 $ ee ° a |v a __ 6 pat = Tene ° e H As Fredet Call herpes ° ® Mans authors bos Flt Density 6 Bourdang Condutuens e ° pee Hw =~ O Mtine = Mts) (1B) Bae = Hin Ht thy [ nean Muse ; Ae i Anatepecl ty ir op uieaa ‘ 4 [@ p (in%—) A) pe Ju (+X) . Permneakilily Of te malonal yu Jo fin (pas palatine : = | . jot thax [Be JH | : Tana = XM ~ Vx Xn Mm Forse ut tis nie he : oO : : S Magrotic dcoben Pebtik ° re Aipfeantinl fom o Armperes Law (Tair pz) thous Put Yb rH A Corseryaluix £6 Crd us Cannot be Wwatiten ov Lewes a Gradient a scalar ‘ad. Bur Poe oe u Ayer space Called " purrpl Cerone" ( ans Outscde Po Cirrrent Lources th whith ee dit % a} Closer path being boted ryt & (Levert) , Ashen rregrele pos H couta ke Aestuiked as a Comsesvvotire fu aaa be da te spatenk qa Halex potertial funcsion a T=0 Be - Vem 8 : S726 9 Dal -0 2 -VA? 5M > (0°67 H eee ae male _ ole Cane be Chown rat ‘The Zn] a: soled wudberded ob ge b. the front Po ky Bo Cres le ecececeonoocecooooocoooococesgqgcr @€9990090906 } 19 € MAgratic Profesty Eprvelirne Ekedrical Property io Pearse ble ly C Peamuttini t, ve Pe Ha Rababsve PArnecbih aq Ribabive POvmiattrnty pe BA Be E> Exe & Non Magnetic Mateo Aa Ege t part Tk gety Magrotied Lt ye Polarized a a Be 6l+P . 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Thoms forme. frags ton = EF ee et Oe al “pe J FE ©¢ ee Po soa Wok Dow = Com Corbet timer IM oF | eppirabince Used 6 Alio y CGS by Adxababi — D caitlin was Yelk Units , Mead anos wet Marcus * 10 Y a i 50 Hz. @ ‘ Teme * (hoa iter = 1°5x107 Ie fm 4 tag (ce ° haw 4 Lyd, tap 610° Pe : 7 Find ome Aourty bog if energy : ee ae ae : ee Nowa cycles « SOx 60% 60 _ Volume = lo 4-5 X103 @ Lone Meax Volumex y les 2 xo! “ 2 6xipe to , SOx 60% bo 0 0 1-5 X, c 12 4X SX3EK 10! ergy “ . 12 x10" 2 X10” Cag oO = ¢ € hutchopp, Laur ° 1-0 j “ute Bvee z 7 i biots Adverts Lan oe ° Anpaes Law D oO Faxed. 4 EM Induction £ Bruce Tee Oy 2 ees % 6 AC Crcuits oO@7roA9 0300 lpeccoeccoee soc oro e972 O89 999 OT b& stab Os ik is not adder by wectar tars of addition But dt (Otnnnt eloment) bo Consedend as vectoy Tals uO Ge AP Ce se > WR 4 ca Tf and ]p Compirieal Coe? Me El} Biot Sawerter Lass = = dik us wate [Ae - Vdm Mayrelpstatsc Atala Potential a = T t [F dees rot any wat cima) 1 Rumnernler trot ( Scadex fetentic() — Aral Potrsiel) — ae jun Mealtomatical Consburels 4o _ = ope cae fe Bef Td os uK @ o . - nr BE AE . yn fe _ > ee ee 70. wivalence ized tn (eh eine em PE Tbe HH, Z-ants ‘ on. & zlanye ; on Aprord Coonrdinales Magee fphtne in Uriiforn- Freetok pan . O Hb wv tunfacs te Spo : i Q tt ange a] (Ae t bang a Marat dio Ge pai? (ak Pu fr shes) 2 Elecbreoclyn es Gi aa . FecE] cere oe ieee (oe iz IR R: Aascatonce. o he medium aompet Now we kao WT + ae Continuity eplanon ~* - . Laue *&) ae 2 For Atead, Aventis and Uniform Comdusctvily , UE. LVTr- O Monn FF=0 for ver (aie 2 , News fom gat Lam, f-0 Hereforn be Hage density 2 206 ; Lng Linbeecet Change Aestien on Ot wae Prerafare Lille bs bra srk Orly fer stationery Charges but ohn for stent, Guasents 7 > Liles thpation Ads fino. oucthin hemepnays et Gy - E- “a : - fea ©F a fia fas eternal fosce hor ti Confinee Je one postin of Dre Lop Cg batting) noe Electrostatic foree ,robecd seis te smoot out Oe . Ghd te’ Communicate te d o Pre Sore - i bo diitant parte 4 te Creut C Metional EMF 7 cob = Now that fpue Contribute, noting to EMF pf Ea- -[@-# é=-(a@) | Direction Current fer ee gen Leones Ly : 6 (Raine athe Age in fee] ° Frrductoree © ne dee be a A One _ eee 7 Me tap jor OM Mhatencre the shapes trol sates foiin fas Bop © bine 404 te the flan oO 2 ane a ewe, Oo b tied B fies Basige @ ie Send the Same Zina a. 3 New awren Be Outmb au Aaued, EMP a Urduced th dom be sitions , e _e G Q 76 oO 0 [oO ° oO e Oo oO _o a) oO 6 ° ° ° "6 o ° @ a) - 6 6 ,e - 8 Ore ~ by -o7 me) 63 P. 1 Tnduetince 6 Measlowd Ov mn Undutctan & ¢ takin as Nib Aral. hoop. (form Lonkags) borga Hervues CH). LH= 4 Vaee/p,, oy ere Ap & Urduced EMP Omeams Back EME | Ite act Oppercte fe Ce EME tat Lei, b alter te tn the Whe | Crary» Mugretic_Fitt a G Wok done DP build up La zit aoe Me, We go | Brae ae Be energy stored th AP 0 ace omg. eta TU: werk dow Jo ect up magnetic fete B Stile feule strange Brat rouge magrotic fiotds Sec magnetic fields, Pernt Prat Po duang A magnoti sald, rowiausly Drone was mene» My ren be ; , ac 4° magrefic fi es _ Oe whet Lola ites Hk, In te begenning Bure vo 0 E ond at the eng. Boe ta ne ©, but in belwon while Bt kata, Up, Bore On E Ord apainet fis Pook te work is dane. { a @ © Modification vr Herpes Cass : peat = Lo Tee € Considex 4 agg Capantor Cht. Las Conshut on : A {a Los} my oD r t Frome (stapes, : jeae F Aon. oe 4 Bat He Lene Jhis 2, Ge CombPradiclisn Abo pro Ares Lass 8 VRB = fot ° 4 BB) <0 (Amyma gg Guneeo) 4 JulG =o © @ = —y 2 -2 GEA = -V.(628% © Now Vt f . St « ( 2& o . ibreducng © pees Corttadkn bb Abmoved ty Urbrduan g - Bee ose fia a oO ne e 2 yu = pot + foe ea) 2 Ph cnn 6 i 6 € tis Peoretical Bagument was Com firronan by A HERTZ EXPERIMENTS, New Bs new Clerent ddratty Was Calbet Dis blawmenr oe Density , Y2990935 c, Maeve Ejpabions c pogitan= ful © ee g (Er Fx) 6 [Gonat fp | period ephine la 6 ee Us Bow Aarges ark ° Were z Currents breduen peetds G © 7-8 =O Roce’procall, , ta pre in pire eee vy. B = Lcd potancoed Or magneticed v — fs rmaltrr Pen win be yve=O Aciurmubations ee ge ZF es And Crrrent shtick vy Ve S 8 0 direct Cortrsl. Tis rug b fam in cucmy Sx = Te + (BB) Aha Pat Py Ada to yvr Z (28) Cue Source, thet We Crlrd fp age inte, =e MecowoooeoeoooeeoeN { here D- ae+8 g i. Ba 7 Pe - For Linear media, D-c€ = & 4X) ® Pies B= h, Cl+Xm) @ » e ¢ 66 - &et = & S €' -&'- (TxBr0 bt FEO) | O& B- B= oO ° - o PD LB -LE = exh Gort edad © - ; 2% acroy Fild Cormperent Continuous © sah | o mid C Ey » 812 a Te @ra HR dis Contiveuc by mrad upekh Porm srenr CDi, Hn) e Fn acnstaics 5 magmatic, per -VP 5 Te a Pooliasi 2ehin In dicho dyad LO, ne ie bene TS Tp cuttent dons tn Polasiration robes flow ag Bound 58 @e E =P as g Potanriraliin (rPodiuces ao % ; Casey amd TE ab OU. P men tnorcares a bit, neneatls Tp = on ea Ord © 2 Ter Current Tp (28) : ; 2 3 Ig+ Te Te = 1g + Ohi + (28) _. 8 => Suyxt = So Bie wh + Gah) + wee) oe 2D - Mak) aKAy ow , 24 o1pore. g Im Be < = ae oO os 1B 0 Riot davert Law : AB = fot AExA © on a O abplccabion = Oberg wire oS @Q reals cod © Maret Modification of © solomecet o teeet Ate 20 paw tar Td = fat Q : > 2° mee Le fre oO 0 OK tae [ee ° LZ. - dQ ° Oke Rdg - -h JP pie gl foes av = - {wr 24 dt-0 AD] tt oes ge Beocceooccoeoococoe | ue know ty Amberes law, fra pl ae [ee & — af Be bP =o > | Gre - wi) <0 Renee me eT GI a. ¥ 36) charge cannot be violated. las pp vakd in foam f bd = lime ying Cledyic Fields. Thi, Comection 19 Honpss Lass Hts dare dy Maret :] rc . 35 : eae - a} Tu: #]; Le Uxe | e ¢ |e Tp = , 0 LP +E = 8 ? P (2£) e to_naniation Aasge C splactmant Cusnent Oita dine nadie of e by ¢ Ip= 2%e) : Tp= Sn A ¢ Ip = ca(ae) € Pie ‘ot 4avveaty La. ‘ : ; sn ex L_fnedaiin Ab Peri Te 6 O Frade tars Of © a we Note bot [Bae #0 Flux bs? [ee eee dat rate § R42 0 wpeceononeocoecececeoeon & | a ~ ee YS + Sle > (Retain of Cutan tarp | dy = BA cosvot ' For nv Khare ae : j hye TBA Cosmet | ° ! ° doe . - 8A gn (sot) nin as obo ® ak ° “gad TQ: oO o | ee -)J-# -° ° g, For Cloctrodatic field YxE -O bk for_byre verry felde, Vx€= ee) Tt b an experimental Laws . ° din Naive Orel fp Laws motivates |G Mami jo pbrodue Lorsection inte Aofret fans. © Maneweil Fypations ° From te treoty hula fas, | foe Lan on Trtepat [fee = de “2 [a Fotm o , © S) ve - & 5 Fam Shace | De ffeamtiad Fm é linus itt Getter Las ves ¢ : Matoaced F2-= 0 Mubsfates ce nok exist (6a +0 S mnrducfien | fen: [GB Faraday, Lan of Elecbremaynetic I é eceoecocooeooceoceceocdococe fF (Pb = fo f GrFa "| Prmfore, dass 05 Covet: ¢ = fu (I+Ta) Ay Marwth (WB ) = p CI+Ts] Ja Ge) | Manweta Gyations in Elecdnonsgretin 7 Ve * () - ov 6 a” y.b- 0 ~ ( xe “(3 ae ® j - um i xb > f(T To) —@ Naty that differeranal form of Manel Gyrationy $5 alvay, 7 | beefed . A Those are 3 Cases of Crlersot :- S ) Fae, dpace ( Veco) s 2) ictectuiw : Isoirtpic . dihectuic Ge Chath A © A “ . Aciording A9 Pesmitbvily € @ E b> som phere» (SO7KORE éxx Gy exe : Ye | & ey ee | €2x by Eze D Cgnduscting Meds mn @ E ° Ea aaa re) ae ° Fy < (2B a o=(2) 6 ° Note that varcable mr Manutt Gato dre 7 © é 6 0 .o> ad 0 4 ie Asrduciv Y fe Fox frm shoe , P= 0 0” 62 hw po fe [ Dietectere Ton Condiuchiy Amedium] =O, xe = -28) , xe = E OWE Qf). Far MeeE) For_Anisolbuspic — ddetectue , (G.- ts ane anisotropic ou ae brhamigur Ur ig) p= O,7-0 o E 3 [Dx Exx Cry Gre Ex 5 € F =] Eyx Eyy Exe & Be Ex Cog Eee Ez Saal -B -oV@ e = = ye. Bde+2dy+ 2d. =0 3 Bx a5 de O52] Gn EvGs eG} +at S+at l= 0 | oy 22 a Le cim te ston Tat fox vector foun, eyatin do Hmble © Bat for Comparins be Opatiin Jo Aergry © @ Fao c @ Vxe- BE) ; O 7x8 - (2b ~ @ geo, THT, & Eg pre [Now Maret] © 5 oO ge-0% Comat. J e va WA [sotrepic Comolurclise Meck. 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Prey Vx (WB ) = Vx [ joe 2E | vB at a - be 2 (PxE) > eG 2-28 ) joes | Corductiy Muda. | We be (28) + he () 0 can ale rain, © Ora Bios tors Sen ome phate rernce_both ne _aboays tr AAR — Define Mattumatical foferator : a a pe) de Menten 5 at Cherator ; 6 pases veya be 2e* = 3x10 mle “0 oF BorH_€ oA B_we Some. ow Pt Ase PART OF BO ONS OM Nou EM Wwores re produced grb, whim Cand B Kove Se wat Mme Te _hephn whim, Charges ase accelarales © declarted Ti Mead ty probagation of Edna B im Abce © Acetaration | Deceleration tstrally Ole avrortver harge 0 particles Ait some & Collision ocews, @ececcooesa Em (9) 24/a1fso2 © Note thar the 2 E42 Bo dic tm Some phae & | i ! Benet (HRW RTE : Lo draping fo Oma tong. 5 Pow € Cha -ut b> aternation ° Foe Conductors , we Waile * ae ee Lo ke Soaps ; Pre Eat u Re _ cut chee ick? ap ee [ . ] - * eka [e vk “| Corducts © =——" 0 ° Ttb attenuated wove eypation . Oo ; ° ee 0. tr it dn didedae 9 b is Aeat ° 2 No atenualien Arplibde — cOR2- we? Dielectarc we We Le | / Nas that, for Corduchors , Ut con alto waite ~~ 2 be oe oP Aeration Fete . ri Fatt (a2 we) © a ye ¥ eo Ph ete Fe = (we vr (& Preah, of Tharererse Nakane of EM Waves = i¢ a 7 @ CG oO Le a © © @ a) © io ae © o 0 Lo e o © 0 ° © 0 © © © © 7) 1 @ 6 ° Awe will need to — 2a ® 2 (9°y @ In Cider th prove Hansvere nate, vv > pe (2) “ Oferators Core fording to VY ort Urhsthion fo% this eypraliion i(k - wt) pe Yo e Deflpendticheng _c(RA- wt) ( 5 on tw at 5 ww): iw ly ) nies ib A Operator 7 ‘ . A acl knee ky yt ke® Fy Piaf wes trae hy] p cig eR oh | 2 «kw 9 -ckp) alc eee > ged . oe tg Be (be) Fram te arn Q w E. ~~ © © Tabty the Avaplibades, ° , 0 DE se 2 &) b Can be Acad on 2 combx © ie a ( E-2- 2 © a fo . ohm ne F Re Re ora ie 7 a —& = Unxlo kis Ohms - 4xx3xlo ° fot free shee, [re ~ Joma = 316-912 o OE yy pra _impedora of Chats prragno tic, awawes pn _the rads, 6 =, be ‘Chasactormbtic 1 ce,’ the _amadtion, oO i iS 2 377 'o [e yp the Adsactousic oy. pedo Of pee faces o €o oO © lel. . [pee a (E) © tel fe le, % & © a — , @ in & didlectie 6 E i the medio 6 ae tance 5 867s ip tt awl > ah “en Be und Orly for eaiiatiion bunposc ~meceoo be twa [Playing Theo] = @ ze Kee *2 b : a. ; note in the © yg pepe &x Unt) | pee «(oni wn : are e Bn Anes > : oe p ree _ EULER |P Gentoo. bo . gerbe (2)k ° Ww w, 5 € ® ° Bde ER e Ww J. (ext) = 5 (exe) - E.CVx8) Nob ar ID) OO irate » dining 19 Me ee A, be bated agra © > KP be 3 “ BER) = RLFxXE) - EC vkA) ne) © tt eee oe eres ‘ fan wae, Egle [3 8) E — O © Fata 3% ap > He Vee = “Ht A _@ ° vi tastry © ® S geet) = AA) - fF] 3 . 27 a(n pee] e q ree er- _ P.s- 2 [ae pee] Tahing tre volume _inctiyral 0% born tides, ¢ : é (detsnee) - Sea . - [EF av - 2 prirLeé) do E | #4 x) dV 7 at a = v € ve A prs LEE) av ¢ beens. & - + [Eta + a [Gr ary v ie é Coritenusit, Gpaton ce. ftatternmt . € 2 Wave © Consesuation of Energy im EXednormagnebit ) % tt ° iA : - 24 Leg?) av (x )- dA = O Ce fetes A fGom eens Jew © v Y t t t Work dime by Total eleduitat & 6 EM wane On Magrebic Mergy Canried field Aarge, Abores ae out by De wave ; > Px . Cry Camu out fer Aevomes a | fat nik “Guam, be ditection Co oS GS oS Cc .e € CG © 6 2 © G 4, @ POYNTING ; i VecTon Of bechegin_of ete Tn were teow, ita Call Trlenst a Note that the Paypring palion bh voy gerecal wae 8

Js cE= 0 4 NO Wor dene 2. [gh aD) Clore enets Bhat 0 O40) 6 Wf wor Fbde * [rb oe c > (2) fpebes eae) . ee ev- T QO v aS at sais by Gd Ord AIS! ome wage oO oe o Mien dary work Onc emcernloring Leas of emovgy , 0 the elophene carries (Ex) Cmorgy fox Unit area fer ° Unit time = © 0 Gacical Eraryy + Magnetic Cry ‘ Lee? =: byw C nat ratoime) © 2 a a € 2Le Ls G a “# re = 1 1 € fi ects Lyne | Cledatcah = Midgnelic € : gee ah oes 4 Crory, ¢ oC 3 f tpn Lee dv C ? %| 3 GC . €E* dV - 2 { per dv s 2 at te OCcceoococoeoceeoo { ie ex - So = | (éx® ‘ 0 > ° Fo. Ler : pts Iny= @iky = Ete ; pe Pe z | S eae wl i . Fos fue afoce © ele (E) * ele > 6c . 0 oO oS c i ‘§ me oS a £2 & cs (h2 - wt) : ape ee Ee Sun (RA wt)? Slz Sct. presage x ( Sh +" Ung Cordinity Eqpalion L 1 Trak precise, das Contes of c on CD Gta Comevation «Bed Age Urtvenae Us oe be total Aaye tr some Trust here passed or ce pale le Is ie AQ. -§ Tak Okt (ea = -(@Z) .4e a ea a 7-2 FB Note Pat [EB nst On Lndifndong Asswrrbtion bub & Le From dey > UxXE= Ju T + }8 (28) Tang gence, Or fu TF +fee ot Re ngs Theor Ip be Conseryatlen Preorinn "Ce Ft ee ta cle yb oa pee be egpeal te Be Aterease 0 Orergy bored tn the peels, = eoecrofreooego00e0709930909 @eerecececocoeocooeo Zz a [ese 9 flee tgs) & fees a & for Undoutews Aimar te Jans of Derrodyeanmts QO -4U + PUY t ‘ E.G ac ~ fexH da Vv Cwark done) 3 ( am + (leer 1 gr) at iy y 2 G + tit) v Chong cn encayy) Gena Woe A 4 QA Guaturdante Ga Conb'nucus aacanaieeed “eg at vcd shape OF Constant velocity. Matumaticall,, — Ure Gyahiion fe Qa wnt fo t) = flr-we, op = ple vt) : Bre below ie a wine a paar Wt aalisfyy oe dalien Car bP Atprosred. OFS auwve » 0+ a tn a Acdalion w Cx- vt), yy. 1 (te as) ee oe ie Wo Showta a ff wo, Ot Aiperds on (x, td tn te cpeanl Comstnalion OC vt) & ¢ Sa = eeecoceooceocooosoocoecc aoe oeog90oOceo oc Iga ce bus tb mtn b walk Pe Wares cr Terme of ce bo Aster On VY J th fe form 1 C koe wt who kez an Wave Tumben &) 2B: vebowly g ide. w: Orpen Prepping 4 Bc Ware erie Neti YS provet te Now Gre pest Solute, of war b web = A ts Ckx-wt+ 8) avon Can ke kiran a, Crean Comtiretum Mrusgidal Waves , And Prerefore pee tae Suffecient for to do Grade jee Stusodal aves. # . New dc knew exponentials Gre muck Caster bo rranipudat, Pra ures & Cosine, fe clinen : fete Functiin Urbteduany poe were Ae Aet® Complex Arrpocbde wb = Re [Hew] 5 De Acad pat Ye Getuak “ware function past of Comblon dosve rat Complex Oxberertials Ge Seiply for Pratnmebal Case. Read wane bo Abang Mead fant of the Complex Wave , ibis 2 VN feme more poirts ov field. tnide Conductors 8 As wx brow wove Celodaic fiels) Comet Arideinscdea Vaan, a ae On atlorunted Wwure o Par cp © : as “ae We 2 ond, te “ Be & eo Pe ee meme ° ° 7 o Oo © 5 ee oe mew hee ° ioe wt +9) fo> LZ be(-£) ve ee Tres Ae aon 4 a b, “ae ee Pino 4S° Fe doy ¢ © ve GeO @EéECOC fo t0makbing O'® As aie G- Exe ane: = 2 he x Ey Cor(ie-be + pe © w c = kG Ces (k2-wt+ oy c c : cet+ Lp U: Leet ye : - Ce a . tee cose Ck2- ute 9) ie = 6€°6 © : U = u © wow CB cos * (ke-we+ *) 4 A KO ¢ - to, et Ea™ a Sree BE e To Pee cece A Aken iS on ring , © £O ppecenvoodeooce Ean (1) 25forfzo2 © ° @ - : (£) Pressure 7 Py fe Unik otume, > -U (s o a &) Cont @ st -O~ Ocaus, vy (Bey b+— kee Re x 10"m ¢ Uolaa Const. = Crenyy Aewvind Ly a BB kefe at & distonce oO (ots) Been fe end, Re Situeny 0 abresphere > bea vit Grea» a [ives BOON apes: iio (aceording U? Thetredyrramis) ; Pop et ( according te EM thtow) mene renee] 62 0 TY] Ree | 2 [3102 watt{ me we 2 Cal Om gnu = Tul row We Aare dere Arabifal, Aigbedtice “mesbiteer j Grob Valium Where NM prob agedton ram | Elechromagretic Wire thts Mace, ds k Et reat. New tele eee have & Low ak bs eke at Comrouting Pedr. o Th e-0, We bnew, Bon ye yo Oo TOY, Ly eae a7 COR? -awd ° eto, tum gs Complex, &_ "psy, eo EE ek te ci ee ceat Ppl yy ye“ P 6 chat) Note that TTT yf om ® avane wilt Le tere in attomuakd wave eae that Amplctrde Wh deeroase ath tine Hume Urtiy those Csrwerbions , the AMOrwudlid wane nr keome, “Pg pres + pew = O —(oP-pr+ 2akp) + vere + PEW =O = (ot pre pew) + & ae - 20p) =O . > abs (Be) — = peo — @ Joss, ae MA field fash" (L) ot 7 Ee & Re spece WE =e CE) + uo(ae) E eft. 16 (fon corductons) hur Captatiione BULL promt Mone wane solutions Lak thir tm Wat number Cr Complex eae ie ee a a sling D Ord © ahyhaaih vathy , n wey ¢ ~ [paw ” - i (ol ce 7 (+2) 2 pew (492) Ge psf 4p. | . : . Cabeubabien Ls eae c | Yate pirer = UX Bee So pi (00) EA 8 © a die elpewr) tY pew + pee 8 i 2 7 4 2 scene i ¢ 1 e@ 1 @ o o : c € oO © Fora goed ; . 2 [2 Co dy Akin. depth = - aa Galan and Meet Patinbialr | Elchorreyretich Note Drak thine Potentigdh ate diferent from Cledtrorb-tic Potentials e©oeceoooceco ©eoeoeoco dm= fal 2 ‘ aE ¢ | From Manewell eyrationt , A VE = & g i € a i ¥.e- 0 = gE. 28 -2 a) 2 - Wx (28 From, Biot Aoweri law, | B= Ve ° thon be dale AzEMrecton Polintoet Oo ie Lat Oo EF ale fe A oO > FE + K)- 0 © Curt of, Cae © » (€ + (28) | Com Ae Weiton Ot -V¢ cobs (4,4) SAR AAD x Em Potentials Gan mathemebcal Comsbuich, Whth ane They due ued fo Méeesure >99g00@89390°8 Eon ® puote that Eom B Are diferdine Lipen scale Undcke ‘cigars jiirtial, that ae cal knvanconk. Prysceal miesuirement gna R » rot, trutey Urporiank Os try are scale invawant, suk ther Variation Js Onportent aw it ws absolute value EB. To prove F% Bau scale Unvincoms oven if, P Ord A are Bengal £ gt=/OA re QA 2 GA FO + [da - uf ¢®) GO faa Mt Re Fi ga > Rl ER + TA % satan © : . an OB Ox (RY WW Com get ae © = 5x (R+ Tad These 8 = 43 = 9xR+ Vx (Va) = Yxk - B Be - vo’ an" 2 -V($+2d)\- 2. (R+Va) ot at 2 ae - ak ¥o - 28 peceecocomooce: Nee ab the cen 4 Marna eyations, rt gok 2 e4puctions Only: (v Lie\F -o cm at ( See) Fe Fee L = @ pose c 2 ( V6 - ) wae Wa) = (v yegye = Va ¢ be Nomiet whee L V-A + H«Q8) vee - p28) _0( DA» we BB) > pr Vie = ne(ME) + EES) 42, A) > oe c € 2 @ 2 © ¢ « 2 ex eal pa an a BEG + el VA werd]. a oO ener e ce + abe - Cue ” ren) ne é) © : © oO a he © © © & 6 © c ant Obey gos A at WAM a pea) 0 6 a st. => D’A=0 CG e 3 i 4 p wer (OO og ; | YT Ue FRAO, # Decome Poisser Gyratiom of | Gatnesttic * 4 Hermes V | j GRO. + Couture Gay. Condition : ing EM écabas Potintiat to ! anhibing @ re @ terder. Cotttrss Gare Condition : Potentials eI ‘try de we ao Dre Crabpy Potentials 7 i ‘Al By Oe hat Crier potentvads , we Stak Oras how te seunces (p One TI grerate Clednic Ora . Bakr im Ober monde, an ack Be oo Be Maxwell equelions. Cven la} Ora Fin w whet an bu fields Ev aa Bint ? In Be Static” Case, Coudsmnks Lary Ord tre Beet owed Law puride Uo Prswes, Whar we ae heoki _ Bin, sa Be ‘2aleen Prose © . ne cyt Defeniin 4 Patent * © OM Tn ehoctrustaticn VE Wa Q Om thar our : i ba “GV but how Ctl & nen But here we StL het, VB =6 aa00 9909089090 tg @ eceeeooceenoeoannoog z z ‘ i ™ 4 yy >) i oQ mn New yen Aomatning tuo arrancwelk equctions, ve- 8 hes (VR. of 5 2 [wha vA ¢| —@ 2 VxB = Jo Tt + be & (26 ) 4 Ux (WKAR) = JoT — pute. V( 2%) = jas be ra DIPA- oe PA) -V[0R os k pe 24) ons al Now © ont © Atheeact ott ms 6 Ge ee ne ale eae o > aydouiobles (3 components Each E«eR 4 variatle. (pon W) anh swe ane free bo Ampose Onbe conditions On ara A, 68 Bong as, rolring haphen B, Boney surplifiying Our dnalyers, Auf ves awe Aave we sels potentials CBA) ana DLR) , teat Corres port th! Sarre Olaclnie ana € o oO oO COCO OCOOELO009000000089990809990998 ~ ’ g-2 Me gic Ase 8 nee Bb Same yxa= VRA +0%% 2 VXK=O = pe [X= VA) Uonw Flo Same, > - Vq' -24' ot “Vo- 4 2 = v(F+ %) -* FB > Re A+R D ay) Je lorplit, thak fer ery Beaban om A, we (an add YA te A, provider We stinultoncousl, fue By foe ge New De met ele phypical — apentibies Eoa es, Aud org in & ard H Ge calla Gage Trensformahions Dy Con de Explotter te Adjust tre divegnes of A, wha cites te simboefy sgly eapetion G Oma @ The are Ais formas fge un phyacce : Coulums Gauge ord Litrentz Gauge [bs | Couture’. Gauge As Gone in rtgnotostaticr , put Tie simblcfin Qt Simple Potssem cquatin On . e a edirod nomics Vos -(h () olan = tL pit) dc! 40k GAD 3 But Wwe Sheuthn't be tos hephy as g werk gre E (ove have jhe bnew A os Weer) | Albo Be GD eppaln BLL Aerating Guile bgly. 6 i Loaente _Gange eae We peck VA= -fne Qo 6 62)) © ‘ De ‘wre of Lorints Gorge by Prat it pubs Bara RW, both Or On Cxpal feng ° Ore m= £ - © 2 s 3 Oa---F —O ° Lorends Gauge 2 testualt, Healt tlh ° na tt : fT ats tae Loucks ppege cpio iil et ° VP gp VAs ed ° j oO . [pou 7 Gre trdtpndent of tore] 9o0cCoOeassg90TB999900790D © ece@eoooocoeteooaeodo Dse Aave Stardaxa Solutions, Gaal ee ache Ane AAl Awe fs TA) de Ya AA! Hower br Mon atabc Can, Os Wwe kno 2 non brace at Oe shel L74k, bh not tre stale BQUACES Aight nom , bot Sie Hain Candilions at Gals eee . = (BGM When the Calle the setandes time [+t (Ez) J ( amose. _ fo we Car 4 ily Com Cliche we et Oe they sales/ 6 anh @ ) OT Rio = de [ Ter Se) qe | — = r Becauwe Lt! am evaliiatea cr tre Atlinded time Dry xe Caller Adlrrded potentials . A beat tong Tneuidertly , the adver. potentiats abso = mm O ord, (Rt, ttZ) & FR, ex thy b ¥ tre d'Abmbertian cn vives t* (42 hose bt), be thoy Ltsey i, biome -Acvencl Orvanant . Ort Cie rut distirauirh post” prom pote” AUoroug tre gavonted ppstertials are Embixel, Comirtent ait Maxwell, eqpations, Arty Violate re arrest SAcrwed Bret alta ¥ po - : THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSALITY. prt the potertiah naw defend em what the hae the beet Cushibutlon “ayill be at Some & Minh - De pwouds, tre Cause 4 absrougs Be Adtarced otinbale Om oh sone rtorehical ortemut , Prey Aare mo iret, wpe kran, pyittal siprifcance Je nt > Wwe herr CALeudeted G Os well as XK, a Con its the heep Some mathematics an co, Or & fon ania Eon B, \ 200% Oo Q & oO Ea C2) 21/61/2012 © => © Tn lownk condition, — YA> - oT ie it tthe he . & Mote that plo Laure ehednic felot ree gaia te © be ounce ae jee c ; 5 ° Tn a dource fee rig, PrO » TO / © wedowe ETA = 0 e Ud = 0 © Retarded Polontiala Cr potertrad o Looking fos Aolulvene eee eypractions a7 -Aetahion. \ x 2 T (s’, t-R) dv | Al4,) * be { - ee) Ge) 2 ef LOE dh an RR Cho = -£ Es. gape 1 [ru 8) av “xe. k Note that E, B ot (A, Ore mot due te present position Charge E_Wititin Patani ‘ales a Poperbal, an due to paatrealner charge, Went. Mince Solutions Are cabled aetas Bok tans. © eceoooooecoceeoon0o0o0o0sgoo Aolubions are bike if taweront of EM wane ts aa Pusat rats of Ro tre One de het peodiore (usent & Cary Mebectively, fet pasametin, Ge moe Uraterbrrwausl, 4 tp ib )Y @re °° 4 3s (owente (nvaw ant 706 8 Charge darnaty im Nok kavastamk 1c 2 ©} oO 60 Canadas a stablonay Aasye dsr, fom S QO In thi frome ain te Case b Ttallonan, it sill > gist? bk om S' it nite apbeay tm matron ame *, Obheax 05 : - (tnd Will abfeay a4 Orvik distubution ie al Wwe have 2 now G-vectors + : © = >. Ces CJ, p> oO > = . o » Ap * (A a tt ) es . C C J- cy tn vastont c At- oo evasion e ea 0 ae : : © Fhom eatin of Combe musty, lie bron, 6 ae i. T+ Pey = © Vv @) a g 7 pe Lwaiting in 4 Coordinatea o B24 Mh, WU + hae = O (x42 et) Om Dh. oxy at x ce (Ge. e N 3S 8In -0 | Conta [22] eS. > B r = Ye " ; SR 5 g 5 S su oaoeo Roe Te eae O 5 We nad ty chaos Tm pe T= cae ° Q b nvertonee Losente Condition Vk L 36-0 — VA Ft at > Par t 2¢e) 0 qlee 9 4 A ° = Dan = QO ®& ———_——— > hime lownte ® o0oc0eo0oo009@90089 leeceecoosceoee8e000090 Red ane rat indtlondent As - oT — O rro- SR, 2 ri[éty> - tes = fe Ceep) PAu = fe Ty —@ I © z @ Sac 5 Noa > Vie Be, ae a (vet)* 2 eo Maran Eyatons i frome S are sepauentict im Limon fom Thy ay elwin BUCA foam im 5! stem MAm Well Syustions re Aeron Given [Ap = -Me yp To pove "A = - pe! Awe know Api Quy Av ) talia=ys (alpen ert : $ O'ag S me «KA, + Xiu AyD =u TPA + ay CPA, eae Clot) + din pete = -pe lev T, rely TJ = = bs T, Aemilank, prove fies seal. DIA. = pe Fe CViag = -bT CTA fe Te! ~ (EAA / fo 5 prings ux Aawe shoumn :- ? centinuik, io Lnvaramt D) epratie Pa) b ie Cerdilien ta mnviacant DQ rar ncell egprationa Qu Unvanant 4) CY" jo umvauont s) le pa 4 vector (ug rr pe) 99000 jy S@eocee @ec oO L Aebibiwatrc Oveuwant Gs Bren Wt would not have Cane Nina of Bbectuouie Ankh nuclear tr Obems ‘osh Hy drogen GQ Helm. 4 fe-aa -{ E'da' A In! aL Cary density & Velume Charge denaity fe te cl Pima Rebaciviahic_ Etec dynamics Apje Cane express ome eqpatiora caption of Hache megnstion Laing 4--thinensioral fom: (D) Lontinuiby Eqpatir -T+ Ps\-0 v7" 6B) 2 Qdx Dy. Oe + sheep) =O Be Ot a Mew * G2“) + @)- B)-e Wore qe (L,n,%, to) = (Fy cy) + (ieee treaty pe qeetily Ge) LW Atrenston al divergence = 4 Ih. sents y MOECCOOOCODOCOCTOGOOCETSTOCOOOBABDONCTHSNT909FRVXO08 2 Lorentz Condition | var 4 GB)? © hw 4 ee e a a Ax ay QAe + & ) - 0 d akc) oA 4 DAz + OA 0 2 gi tg 2AY = xy Oe Oy ony & 1 Row Conon » : i clocenrsgmebic fps ae bev en NMA EA9DOE eo eg Q2O098 PION DG eee ae] 20 G € mecoeoccoocce Ekectior~agre bic Faeld Tersoa Fy 32 Or Leclrrrmogre tec fieta Tensor Fv = (re a —_ @ Oh Oy Fay . Fem defination O Fyps O ce ale dhagonal, cDerrent axe O From, defenition © F py = - Fyp be Onlp - 2 mmebue arn ataux FuzO+ Fas Fae Fas Feo f= (2h - Bh ue Aus med to aX, OX fre 6 Js find ouh wcle Fie > Fe (& - a) rmattrex Fue — Fay = (2m = 2a \ (ganar) _ Gea) yy OM (Ta) (ga) Boz - fae (AR - Ue) wh 243 Fay = > Fan = (28 - Ae ye Oxy = -fy- (Bey. 2As ) Fas 43 se =i 3h, glee ee Be § é Ay, asa hg de elements of Min cow shy Malnix _¥. \ 8 ° 8 ° 5 oO 8 Fuy = O Ps ~ Be ce) “8 O Exes) a -h OO ( £8) (2) (2) (2) 9 ©EM Field tonsoe ts an Prliaymmebuc tems 08 % Aank ae 2ROCTBABDdANM S39909979278 oe Nate tat ising thio fonsne fisetd perarnnatina Can Le + €, CAB) = O Taman tial Component q ° Fo centinous, t jo re cLovent or Bawnda | Has Hey af © [+ © Mating AnO0 © §B.ds - 0 = bn, A- Bm A a) ° N@ameal Component t § z 2 Ba, = Bn, € ecoeocotnoecoooseeoooocrro9oooegogNlT e277 9R99978 E&M (13> e e 8 At the Getueen 2 Aichectnte media, Lue sow E, ond Hy Qa Corbrnucus. Ut brass , 6 8 a He Be f ee R= iniby= [Ex\* fb prefartionat be [R= Repeecronty (Es) te peat ad Ec e - 1 mnitiiviby = (ZVEt = “RE Z amamationly * (BYES ) fn = (B) ees) or) ee) wine anon Aye need to prove Rete + Copscemtion of Copy © (tent oe Og me) pS R+T = a + a(S = rey balan 6 aaa Fume ta dings On brane Beye OS UD tine 0 a ale iz bung #* ee Htaving O% bath. © Te ke tn am ky wee 2 6 ' . ‘ 8 Tp. keane 7 ky cos Be 5 | o#-¢@ et CR, -2 - etd . = et ree ; fe 2 oe ~ wt) a : Ex a 6 ye, bevats e Aroundety an 5 Ee, = Ee 5 bs 7? ae 2-0 WV yt) > (Exyt Ene” Cede ° : = CELA bot ig ort) < > EB Oe (ERE Ck - AY : { = (En, té 8 @2099000 ano 9 eeeooooecooecooooncaoo008e We can ot A= O Th the Caprabety to valed for all Wes , tris Can omb, hefin vim a= ee] = —— Co Hine EM wanes frepenc, dogs not Rare ther Aroffedion OA Atfraction _velouity & wavelerytry may egy lok piper in coma Now Wwe Con put t= 0 Tp tre typatiby > valid for ate BR, th Un only Fins nifea” lg ros ee. GUL phase parte Gu 4ume NX De, abss orplica ak all the 3 nts ee pp ‘Sue fl ene bu have Re (x%* YGr 29 > ; —= = Ure ke Onda WK kone O, + kvzCosOc = ky X #504 ~ kr 2 Oe @z=0 (hourday) / be AmO,= kx tin Oe - daicer ~ ke ae ke Weta = vy kee = hex > ke a ainOe = ky x sin Oe (at 2=0) > ke nee ke are kes boc paces kez we Thee 4 debi. tee fe = [ee me ° snOe hi ée aaa ° oO ° a a) 5 Fox a givenk, ~ Naw © con be olarak Oo ad in 2 blames » © k w Parallel tp Hane incidence cis Perpendicular Je 2 pare of inudinee 2 Caee 1 E is Pasclle lee a eeanis This Umpllice He with bets bosmdany (Hid, + (Weed, = (A), < ay (ia Wn = Fey | Catt Fo beppant ooh] — oo oor——C#P/"™# __—i (E.), ” (Es), . (Exe 7 Ee Cash: - Ex Cos, = & cos Ec-Ex= Ex (2504 cee Ning @ od GK Aublincking @ ond © For nomad ineidence , B-- 9-0 tke Ory Aereclien Of E:+ tee Ex a) n) Ec Ee Er Bevo oH. 2 : e = (me) Ey =) [Ere (2m c | Mtn Dd fae fis Ey 2 | an, N4+n, 2 . 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(B18 90D, “Wone bo total, Adfeted Te | Creates pretlom for these Who dain @ "upht on wet redals fe ° Case Z Eke pespenciicubae b Mame. op © inecdinc., fc 2 Ee Oyng on beer c= xh a) — OO c ; ® Hy Cos@,+ He tes, = “He CosOe ~ dake He G Ae Org direction i awe wil bene 5 2 Od we aie a 7 @ Some eopablon 2) HA 26 © © “a He —@ © oO © 6 © So —©® bOme = Ee = (I+ Ane os Ee noted A Bre corOe ones 2&, = (- Bin Oe HnBiteeBe) 6, a Un Oe CarOe > (E ae ton O+ + tre Ex ton Oy + Wnbe © 5 © / oO cS cS CG o © e e e e Ss i | Tel 8-8 8 | fy iu Hs, (96+ Ot) a ° (E ban (Ge 0 a . (-@) _ Lb «= 2 for Sint ) tin Oh) * © ‘oe (e348 - 7 i ray Berde- Jo» Brent Ay 0 ——— O ue Con make Gy zero, then Lu fen ~ rat Boge 15 polane ca a onl ta | OtAte tien Tn thes cases © Ex in Orly tn _bbame feperdvoutas 1S boene See te Pane rilrations ia Ae_(endition fox A am : flere recctsigors nu. deote ‘ Total Enteral pefletion i oan Cate Ex\ - fe - Code) ~ 1- DL Conde (6), G__ 3) 7 Ce Mr + Cos OF [+ DL CoO ny cosOt 7 CeaQe or wibcall orale N, dni = Ne = a) 2 kOe = Gt) dnc 2. 2 (eee - T Cede CesOe- M1 [= eajowe nm 2 2 2 “Ces Oe +2 Cos Oe ee ee toscr mf (By to8. cot “Gay = an ye tarde) (Ra) 038 fm ae Gy Vee] Cosbi + 5X \e)- 1 21 Trciders Seth is totally aflected. ee ay) " eeceecoceotcoocoeceocoecaocoaeaagaceo079099 | DispeRsion ELM (14) 7 rr : A, disbean ttt brorinr of spect eclrurn Aue ti vtsietum [Oh of et preps of Ce utes : ae Ane 2 tite g dispersion - CO) Neotmat Dispersion i (4), 0 &@s< f 0 @ dn . (2) > 70 “| ~ donate «(0 3G da da 70 Téy<] > i i Now tm order te Calebate yan» , vue 6 “Be cl - C= G4 P OM P- EV4 > ke It Be e % ee ° . GE oO We ken, = a> fnts 1th . &E. : Now te Rd 1, Wweaws (BL) , 6 Le naw, Fe qglé+ Bx® ) : Force exeakd oy © ange ¢ This force Causes displacement dipole, whic Cues Polaniration. Also [B’|- le! 2 IE) 7 ie Fasce Particles cbsorb Hor EM wave and henee acc harate, custo 2 Keck they a ee Thi Aadeading ut Onergy “Jo cabled Acaktoriny iz BR: displecemnt Gf Chard pasticte due te EM wave dipole Moment P= Cx gre be Tn & dkelectuce medtum , Aestoning force act, Uhon the p asdicle Gk 2 kA bh eg & 6 tCKA tt) | ; (Kz -twe ts keke pe of A) os Usery be usual Ayrbols, Kt 204+ WPA & fe en bee yo - - ewe a (sr zene wiles f ¢ 2 + OM Nowe fay aa D tar G: ae se fo ela (Co 60) te (2cw) t e gt Greta p dy tw) Pe o> 2 kk - vast) Vie ws 7 p = q-& toe to met the oy Dan ae Ww) we 2cwe an velnatiig Assume. mde gon Ond Te dipoles een madureh fy Lon , om pee ee iv - ven [ (Wy) - 2 cw cl @ pom hk ; s ngs E ~ k amare a Sami (opm - 200 a wa ‘ x Ss eas Si 2a ___L@ente Disfensio Epn f i+ Palgte!+ £ gy Oe | : oe 3 rl € i i fee fom rata fag phere damping bo veu Small ae lt et Sk aD &m™ ~ btw = 2 22 Now As me, Ano 2 awely £2 FS tk Avant | mh (AA) Gr) 7 [+x €2 Abe me pee ans (my Ar Ad nec dt s Anat. AMAR Aalhinuitrs pte, Fownuba Ape Mk: Ae 2 Ux%> & m Now fo Av Ay, we have mre lt S Ap. a fi- yr EMEC 2 I+ afc (1+ fe abe) “las Be ['> f Ae Ba Sa. Cauerys Formate Aramalous Dispersion] Th frepiny Em awe Le mean aa fy» : we oltacr [Arnemenen Onerraleus disbeus, 0 For sumphitely we Atlime that Bor vs erty freptenes wont nx 1+ _e% | Me 2in& LLA> UP U2ces| Now Aalioralize & put us ¥ Wo abe le 2 am ee Ak ll er Loe nm + Qu € = ay! 3 t| alee ee muttt 1 i ; (Q2mey2xc) a [ (a8 ) ] age eee eee cet Lr. - i+ e@* Urdan Co damping ts > Mean [t+ sy aftae teases & (4) J a [actA+ By o = 70 = de Case2 Anomalous Dethersion mes It 2 og 3 ames (wo -2Qew cd 2 on: Lamblex Pot n= N+ Ft in. fae )}o+ e S Mk ((Coy= 0) + XL 2c) “se Gop w+ 4 er Pon it eg malt og et oy mn ott wae (Hewes Here 2m 6 Mg349's0 beter aa Fo, l= Wk nt at yw ene rey Pte 5 wry, O SAO, ' > (2 <0 Anomalous dis pernin Noe egual 5 hing vibration of partite, emoaee Eo fe ct 1 6 | an_teeco Pha ( Lee be raph ketow) 8 rrr nn I I > Ee dyco = omy im maphaundoot fh . Trcdenk fregeney & moigrhourteod Of Abscrflien 6 a nan honk o Oo fo Mast te vim [2 wed Y encreasin m5 — mprmal dishosin | oie oh Cromatiate 4 Mphbewnhoud oh Arrenane, oe action a rth Sharply i sie Anamelous Recake perce : BDisjersion Coimecden twits 'e oO o : © o oO oO oO OSCCOCOCECCOOOCO0000C9009990909090 v Medirm particles ach Eke @scillaling Atpole, rohen EM wares dre Lnident Fe €& &n wt R= C£& wn (wt-o) OL GOD + Gey pr e@= Cl te (wt-8) PA GA W) Uap Mine th Or Osullatey dipole, whue ps a eto ay WA 009 Yer? Dipolua Natural Prepency: Ok Inudent Freqpiency 5 ow At hye WE de pole Absorbs Iran mum Onorgy thik Yo Aaduitten Quit caters To => Eex8 ne ae pe Beabtniny Greryy at C4 By > Poynting Vector : Pasricle, © Keott cy < Tee dae tle Cg RO Toa c Themsany A cater electrons Niuchi treated at Aust. only @~ dre dis placed Greatteri'y A 42" Cl+ cos) - Ae : i Sreastencry of aY ( Papecgh A cattery) c Bin cmd be perfect Conductors, the tnecdont care ts totals, eh. 180° phase hfe Jeet, wy Boers ieee mabe d mivws. In practice, fey a un Coating & Sithen onto te back Ya “fom of oO - be Las motung to dE ayith “Pe ° na Co sob Be sien cee afd, oO hen temaneshing, Arne the San d4tr ¢ cbven Gk 6 optical fence a LOOK, Wwe don't "eto a Very s o me ° fx © Bin. attrwatia a e ° 6 CtDrudticr weoal phe t e- 2px c “pp” ws Called Absespion Capen : Now tat k= @2)™ . ‘ a nes ke (5) mee ke & . Te) “Te © - ¥) “6 6 “— ~~ 9 ssi ' ca 2090008 Eam CIS 02/02/2012 Induction 2 bbe EM Krdtietion : Ye Loduction * efpper im tome Ooch (p” Musbuat Trduction, effect on otter coil For felt Induction : oe ft Nod @L Noe LL WE] 1G € . Do © ) ACHE ‘ -Ndd i -L Az) S te € - de Rend} 0 vibe Wtk Dore = evdk = “E &) Cdk Ge creut we faw ~ {Hat} ¢ de - [ eS ince Work Oore i» Ow, 2 Wosk i thon thom gobi 7 ith tee iM@OOLOMTOOCOHKOOCOECOOO wy i. oa c 4 20O09G@99909D999N990980 & Meroe E= Es tmat = 6 @ irt CG used ste ) a BD ~ wr peveank J Qe (Note thet pase “) avolllaye 4 GET E eo R wat ‘wt To) Pe Gh te co We brow jes” eo jwe be JO 7 wol a wh ej” a ‘AY In P indirekive cruit Current LAGS 6 . EMF ¢ ha) ee rae [Tractor 6 epuivalent to Avsistene of wetue fool] 997° @ cS L Din 14 te fina T, Power. O08 at By pid lo ZL: Umrpedance Tt tn de Re Atsiotance an drducctie jet + Aeectince Ls cage yee Ta fte Aho RL Grout ;———— af wl ZR poh Fy Reo Lg ef Rh wt ef CR) [ae bmor 2 x7 y= re chr lth) . r4¢| E,--TR We know, Eg t ep = & Evs EAE) . jeer a E= Ina jol Ll i Te (CAs jan) ICS©COCOCOOCOOOCO0000 The LAL)- Gawt AG q Tet ‘és ees — be Ge, ome Fox Ac oO Le 6 ett 2 ge JOO e Rae Vai ® © Se oO E a do no for QO Ezwl £ e A 5 Le, aaa 0 a ~ &= Ik ° _ [For dovitlongorw © For bee C Taanscient Response) ° L R . nen fst be € . Tat L@L)=€£ . &) E ( Lat. €-zR - Vea Va DOOCOOCOOMOOCONOOOO50DFO Ve Ho «<< TA kor ae a we ke R Ord © Be Comte hinee fo suas Ee duck aay thet Wo >? ST > te oft b te drcaliad Lrput . DIFFERENTIATOR in Cr My = IR OG) & Re (dEs ) : =e ave . yo Vee Ve SD Athewati Re vc 2 ditedtiater 99 931 ©0000 000000080900999000999999899999 x i Fi a» 8 l= = x< = e 2 ae L Ve 2 k Ve = Lave Vo= Ve Lae 2 4h & ave ban 4 Vp = Ve 4 Rezwl Pte PB] oe wpe oe omfour Be COmponant Madd me ees a> INTEGRATOR, —> RL Crodt in Ake Coch wed i Ac fa ae Lad Lew reusionce RB, kR > Jenee Power Gow * ak power Chor eol by crear cae fie to purpose g agusting Corner’ {fo ty Mpls ap Crog. @ Lee cht EM (16) Td Ee Vit Var Ve t-&- € Zz Rajyol+t "je @ Maman, | Drhedanee (5 minimum &| O oa cnet leailig 1 Oke npicatt Used tn furuing Of Adio | Hansistor e justi: L od CC, we ane : te math e O gy Urcit orth prepeorey of ADACL © Power Factor DOA often t feb tes te oy VeVy wa wt 29 © ie I- I an, (wb +9) 7 e 76 P= VI = Ve Te fm lt) Aen (Oot - eVeke [an wt] [ Anat cos -~ Cos tot oi g J = Vo Te Amt wot Cosp - Vl, tut Coswt inh Aug. Power. ~ vet Cosh fy Tl Tn teomane 20, Cope t . Vv 2 Ve R fag © Vane Teng 13 (¥ &) at > Plug =O fos Pel Induckve or Capacitive cht. MeEeeTeCooooooC Oooo OCD Me Resonance, — Pang = Vor 2k Quality factor ss wear Lom enk of sharpness 4 Aesonance. LA LA ‘pe g Q= [1% (Ze) ) rhtAe bd, by: half pouser pre percies VR 2 a? “ 2f ee (hn) | 2 3K 7 we fot - L\"= * Cree > al- d= AR =O 3 Wott, # Rte “120 7 B2E20 me 2 G 2eCOOF D> Wy = [ReC*e4LC - ko © 0 auc 2 @ bog? VRC ate + RO e om ana 4 Wy 286 = [R) 6 A © vi Vie Im = J7et ‘ Lo: iL oO Vez T%e = jwe Ge ¥ OO. Vpe TR ie 6 /- © = WH Ve) © ‘ Va v = —J Vi~Ve VV = (Vee) + Vp" Gita Factor ay* » Chasfresa 4 Aesonante Me 4 @ecoegegeercooeeoooo y= bye R QL (2y-bos2 au SPADAANDHOS G©OoRecapeer? FO Note treat poraDled cht Onrplecs ae € ° le b Y araMbee | CD batch Kcon tem steits 8 paselled But alt the © Alain Ga dorcel fore Ne Ca c 6 [ae ‘ us o - pi © S —— 2 © Fe 5 © _ 6 £6 c E YW Ut ase tnteresea tris . i © Y= 4 ip Collea A dimctlamce .... _ © oO : ee T ¥ sada ©eeoeooeeoooe ~< IS IS rn = Ld (Tent) fea el Genk) Ae sown pTee Te Toy | amin Moby L, tl or lk ak Aesenance ° oO ° oO © © 8 6 S € € Cc 8 © © ° 9 6 Oo 5@ @ PEA ecacooocoocortoooececo e € € ¢ be ¢ : © © ¢ i ¢€ 7 @ of00009 OMY tnt) - R bo CR Ve cL Wem, aa Soma Bho Sane. P ouuex actos = 6 jee “ - Ld eee wl yee B q+ it Uc bo for Aosoramce AY nchronizahign Jo #ksonan ce | For smcknonrabion Phise shows be Same No Lad a Lg. Hynee Put Complex Component wiih Uo Absporathle fof phase =O 27 We. C= an 2 bo lob ofa a) ofa WA, Zz Powetn ix ACG Tue Pann = 't ac Mparint Powr x Power Factor ay { Transcitnt Response uv LOR a G& : O° i ° ‘ - C : iY 7 Note that Userny Agbraccath, © SOlubim i svmrpe here T, © - Vey, AC it Ws ve kts © V Vt KETC oe es e Ve Ligt\, Ikt Ch Phasar Ara hyas - ae “ 6 > nul dows C ana Twit fle Circreae) Cag we 5 " © Pye acer tt meee) © d&™ L (3) Me e e@ > WL 4, & At a) 2c- (KR) € ° oe ° () * ® & eo (I C wrt) 6 1 Tyfecad » Combet epetion. ° i ruse brow te soluilum for 3 Cates © © Popa Le Ye: GC Dvesdagr * Gite, 2 ‘ | (c7 dams“) Uae 7 = e ere Cs w& C RS 2 fe © c . Re Re © te Rs Ro 6 eT ate Sain (fe tg ( — : ~ /[R)* if Me fe pe 2 € a ° ( p/Ositetsy Corauik means thet Pree Ge Q source, of 6 eravigy stad Heres te 2 Cachenge enengy Prereby © giving sive Le Osettacions Noe that the equation Waritiin Wm Obanenk Can be tontin fot ange thon Minas afin 3 solutions Lag 4 dg R+ ZL= V dt* dk < 7 Oe yO Vv) =¢ tie fo in fo cf 9 4 -g'tKe bet DBeeneecoorrcoceonoo (Gato gv ” ee ee PA Cxeetlatiens : (ce — {cc 2b —_— ‘ _— Vie € de RS 2fE MS 7 L ‘ Ae | (a : 4° > : 200 < 2000 (i fee) oa Hamee Oscibtadory Man ane +t ‘@) ; 2 ~ Le s meh : foe ala Ae ac) Gute fans Oe (Erery Aes ) pe ets (oad) : G . o 2 E ; c qe e -2C' [& . a ae : © © Ly) renin Capfient 2 awhile oO :® oO oO oO oO ° o @eecoeccooocoosod 2cE*T Thanornitti vty 2 7 pas. % at a 2 ee A Z ( 4 + ee Home 6G Questions, Atkarpt tags. tuk Lesser © ; 0 oO uu o Tulen We Kk echptcabll, Called. Fluaroscent Lampe Urnalt ores dw Callas CFL On Compoer Flanerent Lamps é crt Lamp 4 & gas dis lam), brat ° A Pena te ve nay lw Dre excteol rrercuy vapour olems produce — Wise bv het i Lips Cat a prosper be [uorose , LT To 4G sont Jomh Coryerts cleebiicad. fourm orb Usiut Bar Ov (nbsndestent Ldarf./ bap ‘hts hoke Lot) Chote Cit Luprosonts Ballast dleo Ud am additional Corre ite Gales He Cater & Bou Liger te jlucreacent Lomp initially. XHWVRWRADO HW DRAROOOSOU9AADBE p —= (Ear : i a Wher voila. & appa w flioreiint Lamp, Mew ures oat “haflens timed Anitr) opus Covent 0 darts Cuil 9 BEG Ae eet ee lent came Ube ts Ct ee 8 eee Sitay te fox Suerte Hi Af i cont bale bay Lows Aesslance, ® to Oe deme Curent Limiter tule, tee ‘Slaten hin Dun or Conk ” : cdosed! cmita. He feament 8 te onde the ee char kee pans tar) eee en an phils oe Cont thors 0 ee latat ox chal cil, te ae a sok ciruit Yu Be jee ot be aaa potas 2 Lat a ccurade. Re Clank oie vieorns Be fina Peat he ork 6 OHnte nn os Cy Pha dak (oP to how 9 Lon Ubvont ano wostag COSHOCOOOANMOGOOOCOTOOONOO99IIV7 AT72772209090% vt e® i ; 7 et j | : “2 e|s | e is Fe FY S = ow & 8 Paativns * “Vim Tome Corp = Va Te cog . aera! © ¢ = Me WR = (ve : 2 Z zZ 22Z> : ‘ e ape Ve R ¢ Feowmes * Tink © ER: (3:5) “ ¢ @ Resenonce & Hal Power. Pars S - fy @ Pe (“3 @ . S TR - (Wo? ® 0 emi, P (%)*& = (454) 8 roe AIS, R power deliver ent, Fe’ A gem TAO QO Faia parallel LCR * oO © @ Aesmence = Z = 2am e Ye Ymion @ A @ @ Borda pocrts Ze z)

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