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To whom it may concern, Montana Phillips asked me to write a letter of recommendation for him. | was surprised he asked me as most of the kids use their teachers. He explained how long | had known him and that he wanted someone that was around him for so long. | was at the hospital when Montana ‘was born and have been a friend of the family since | met his mom in elementary school. We have been friends ever since, serving in each other's weddings. | have a son in new tech, Brayden, who is the same age as Montana. Montana is a very nice boy and very well mannered. He always says please and thank you when he is at my house or when | am at his house. He is a very hard worker, especially at Homier Park. He volunteers at the concession stand and helps work on the fields. He gets very passionate about subjects, like his comic books and baseball. He always has a big smile on his face and can make you smile and laugh just by talking to him. He is never shy with a story or an event that he wants to tell you about. He really enjoys school and new tech, so | was honored to write the letter for him. Montana is one of those kids that you want your kids to be friends with and hang around with as you know he will always make a good decision and avoid trouble. | look forward to what the future holds for Montana as he is growing into a fine young man. Huntington North High School should be proud of this young man and what he has accomplished so are and what he will accomplish in the future. Best Regards, Jot AA Jodie Stanley 260-224-9098

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