Stress Pamphlet2

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44% of Americans
feel more stressed
than they did 5
years ago.
1 in 5 Americans
feel extreme
stress. (shaking,
heart palpitations,
Work stress causes
10% of strokes.
Stress is the basic
cause of 60% of
illness and
disease; increases
40% with heart
disease, 25% with
heart attacks, and
50% for the risks
of stroke.
40% of people eat
when stressed.
44% of people lose
sleep when

Work Cited
"Stress Management." Social Support:
Tap This Tool to Beat Stress. N.p., n.d.
Web. 15 May 2015.
"Social Support | Premed HQ." Premed
HQ. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2015
"Physical Activity Reduces Stress |
Anxiety and Depression Association of
America, ADAA." Physical Activity
Reduces Stress | Anxiety and
Depression Association of America,
ADAA. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2015.
"Perceived Control." Definition. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 18 May 2015.
"Stress and Personality." Psych Central.
N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2015.
"Stress Is Killing You | The American
Institute of Stress." The American
Institute of Stress. N.p., n.d. Web. 18
May 2015.
""Stress Management, General
Adaptation Syndrome, GAS, Bodys
Reaction to Stress, Cortisol, Serotonin,
Cancer, Stages of GAS, Alarm Reaction," Stress
Management, General Adaptation
Syndrome, GAS, Bodys Reaction to
Stress, Cortisol, Serotonin, Cancer,
Stages of GAS, Alarm Reaction, N.p., n.d. Web. 18
May 2015.Stress Management." Chronic
Stress Puts Your Health at Risk. N.p.,


What Is Stress? | How Does

Stress Work?

Stress (Dictionary Definition) A

state of mental or emotional strain
or tension resulting from adverse
or very demanding circumstances.
It is basically just the
reaction one has to a specific
experience, whether one
sees it as a challenge or a
General Adaptation Syndrome
1. Alarm Reaction Fight or
flight response.
2. Resistance or Adaptation
Protection stage.
3. Exhaustion Runs out of
energy and immunity.
The Bodys Way of Dealing With
Your body releases a huge rush
of stress hormones and you
may see an increase in
heartbeat and breathing, your

How to Deal With Stress?

Social Support Usually social
support networks provides comfort of
knowing that your friends are there
for you.
Exercise Helps pump up your feelgood neurotransmitters called
endorphins. This is why when you
run you feel a Runners high.
Scientists have shown that aerobic
exercise has shown a decrease in
tension, elevate and stabilize mood
and improve self-esteem.

Risks Of Continued Stress:

Difficulty with concentration.
Sleep complications
Heart problems.
Skin dilemmas. (like eczema)

What Influences Stress?

Personality Some people are
more predisposed than others to
react to stress higher (Evolutionary
(Socio-Cognitive) The way we
think and appraise situations.
(Humanistic Theory) Our
outlook; if we are more
positive and look towards the
future and being a better
person, stress can increase.
(Trait Theory) Traits passed
down between parents and
also traits acquired by our
surroundings can influence
the way he appraise stress
positively or negatively.
(Psychoanalysis) Our
childhood also plays a role in
stress with our
unconsciousness and internal

Type A: Competitive, aggressive,

impatient, more prone depression
and coronary heart diseases.
Type B: More relaxed, happier with
Optimist: Positive; seeing the glass

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