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Assignment 4B-#2

Wind Farm in Western

By Amy Williams

Legal Issues

Legal Issues

A number of federal laws, regulations, and Executive Orders apply to wind energy development
activities. For the most part, state laws and regulations do not apply to wind energy
development on tribal lands.
Noise Control-The EPA noise control regulations remain in effect, although the primary
responsibility for regulating noise has been delegated to state and local governments.
Air Quality-Legislation governing the protection of air quality. The CAA establishes ambient air
quality standards, permit requirements for both stationary and mobile sources, and standards
for acid deposition and stratospheric ozone protection.
Environmental Justice- Executive Order 12898 was issued by President Clinton on February 11,
1994, directing federal agencies to develop strategies to identify and address disproportionately
high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs, policies, and
activities on minority and low-income populations.

Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues

Wind energy is its affect on the people who live in the area

where turbines or wind farms are being built. While many

people find the sight of turbines to be pleasant and
optimistic because it symbolizes energy independence and
local prosperity, others argue that the tall, large turbines
ruin the landscape and emit noise that interferes with their
everyday life.
Many people near turbines claim to have Wind Turbine
Syndrome, which attributes symptoms like sleep
disturbance, headache, ringing/buzzing, dizziness, and
problems with memory to be an effect of the wind turbines in
the area
Studies have shown that homes and buildings near turbines have lost
economic value since the turbines were built

Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues
Concerns have been raised over the noise produced by the

rotor blades, visual impacts, and deaths of birds and bats that
fly into the rotors
They can take up a lot of land because they must be spaced
approximately 5 to 10 rotor diameters apart (a rotor diameter
is the diameter of the wind turbine blades).

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