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Unit 36: Interview Techniques

Pre-Production Booklet for second


Name: Sonny Arlett

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)



Purpose of Interview 1:
What is the purpose of this interview?
The purpose of this interview is to show how much Skateboarding has progressed
and to also show when the sport originally started becoming popular. It will educate
people more on the sport.

Circle which of the following formats it will be;

( Lifestyle magazine article )
Lifestyle television or radio Programme article
Television or radio documentary
Childrens news website
Commercial blog
Local television news
National radio news,
Reality television contestants

Add research demonstrating the format of this interview (i.e. a magazine layout, or an
interview chat show on TV)

Planning for Interview Two

Interviewees Name: Aaron Godfrey
Date and Time of interview: 21/05/2015 10:00am

How will you record the interview?

I will be using my camera for the interview.

In what medium (audio, visual, written etc.) will the final interview be presented?
It will be visual then typed up.

What information do you need to get from this interview?

I need to gather history of the sport and also gain an inside from somebody that does
the sport and knows what the sport has been through since it began.

Describe how you are planning on contacting and liaising with your talent
I will be emailing my interviewee and making sure that we book a day where we are
both free and available for interviewing. We will also make sure that he is confident
with the subject I will be interviewing him about.

What equipment will you need to carry out this interview?

I will only need my camera for this interview to capture the answers.

Structuring your interview: Scripts and Question Formulation

Question: When did you start skateboarding and why?

Likely Response:
I started 3 years, the reason why I started skateboarding was to with the people
around me doing it and also having the thrill of trying a new sport.

Next Question: With many skateboarders starting to become better known, who
would you say is your favourite skateboarder and why?

Likely Response:
I would say that my favourite skateboarder is Eric Koston because he was one of the
first street skaters to start making street skating popular with everyone who were
using Skateparks.

Next Question: We wanted to give the general public an inside on the sport so they
can know more about the sport, when did skateboarding start and where did it
originate from?

Likely Response:
Skateboarding started in the early 1940s and began to take shape in 1950s, the
sport originated from surfing which inspired people to create skateboards and create
the new trend.

Question: In the coming years skateboarding became more popular and people
started to compete in the sport with local/regional/worldwide contests, how do you
think skateboarding became a competitive sport?

Likely Response:
I would say that people wanted to push themselves to be the best and wanted to
implement their name into the sport, by having the competiveness in the sport it
means that competitions were a regular thing which helped the sport become more

Next Question: Back when skateboarding started, basic tricks were being
discovered and created by skateboarders, over the years more tricks have been
created giving the sport an edge, why do you think that this is a good thing for the

Likely Response:
With new tricks being created, it gives the skaters something new to try. This makes
the sport become more enjoyable and pushes the skateboarders to invent their own
tricks and learn other tricks.

Next Question: With the sport leaving its name for years to come, how do you think
skateboarding became popular and progressed throughout the years?

Likely Response:
Skating became popular because of the people that were doing the sport. With skaters such
as Tony Hawk, Eric Koston and Stacey Peralta evolving the sport with their skills in different
types of skateboarding, it helped progress the sport and make it what it is today.

Question: With the sport becoming popular and well established, other people
outside of skating wanted to get involved with the sport, how do you think the media
have got involved in skateboarding?

Interview Style for Interview Two

What will your interview style be? (Formal,
informal and chatty, intense, questioning,
Likely Response:
The media friendly,
wanted to jokey)
get involved with skateboarding to either present the sport to the
general public or to present a bad image about the sport being criminal and wrong. Overall

I would say that this

is mainly
guest on what he knows
the media
is 50/50
with what
they presentmy
on skateboarding.
about the sport and what he thinks about certain things

Why have you chosen that style?

Next Question: With popular skateboarders writing their name in the history of

I have
chosen thishow
want to gather
on the from
sportit?and find
do because
you think Iskateboarders
become popular
out peoples views on the sport and how much they know about the sport.

Add research of other magazine where

interview has a similar style. You can
for famous
your research.
I waspage
pros landed impossible tricks showing that they
very skilled in the sport, for example Tony Hawk landing the 900, with skaters
landing bigger tricks, it gains popularity for them and also makes them well known
around the world.

Next Question: Finally I wanted to ask you for your opinion about an ongoing
subject in skateboarding, what do you think about the skateboarding is a crime

Likely Response:
I thing that the sport is completely harmless, if anything it will keep people from doing crime
as its something to do. I think that the general public have the wrong side of skating and
should have a look at the talent that is being produced.


Define the structural progression of Interview One

E.g. introduction, leading questions, progressive questions,



Introduction (talk about the topic before presenting the interview and information that has
been gathered).

(Begin the interview with introduction to quest)

Q1: When did you start skateboarding and why?
Q2: With many skateboarders starting to become better known, who would you say is your
favourite skateboarder and why?
Q3: We wanted to give the general public an inside on the sport so they can know more
about the sport, when did skateboarding start and where did it originate from?

Q4: In the coming years skateboarding became more popular and people started to compete in the
sport with local/regional/worldwide contests, how do you think skateboarding became a competitive
Q5: Back when skateboarding started, basic tricks were being discovered and created by
skateboarders, over the years more tricks have been created giving the sport an edge, why do you
think that this is a good thing for the sport?
Q6: With the sport leaving its name for years to come, how do you think skateboarding became
popular and progressed throughout the years?

Q7: With the sport becoming popular and well established, other people outside of skating
wanted to get involved with the sport, how do you think the media have got involved in
Q8: With popular skateboarders writing their name in the history of skateboarding, how do
you think skateboarders have become popular from it?
Q9: Finally I wanted to ask you for your opinion about an ongoing subject in skateboarding,
what do you think about the skateboarding is a crime debate?
(End of interview, sound it off)

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