My Podcast On Sport

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My podcast on sport(how to catch a football)

Introduction: week ago instrumental for 10sec

Hey its glodin and this podcast is about catching a football, you know so many
people that dont play football thinks its easy to catch a football but trust me its not
as easy as it looks, but once you get used to it, it becomes really easy. Just like
every other thing catching a football is all about practice and perfection. Before we
begin remember that to archive anything depends on your mind set.
First thing is to not fear the ball

Love the ball there is no way it will kill you its either you dont go and catch it or you
go and catch it you cant be in between

you have to build courage and not be scared of it concentrate your eyes on the ball
never take your eys of it until you have full possession of it.
Second thing is to position your hand in a spade shape

remember to catch the football with your fingers not your

Third thing is to catch the football outside your body not with your body

somepeople think its right and

easy to catch the football with their body but the thing is that first you have a gear

on so it will not be easy to do that with gears on and the ball might slip through
your arms in addition it hurts you when its a really hard throw

The forth thing is to practice just like anything practice makes perfect the more you
practice the more better you become

and hard work

the last thing is to have fun become confident, jump, dive and even back flip if your
can make one handed catches just expand your catching skills by having fun make
unbelievable catches most important is so catch any thing.

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