$ MGMT Sylabus 2014

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Name ____________________________________ Per.


+Welcome to Money Management. I am excited about working with and teaching you, it is
an exciting and fascinating topic. This class will provide an opportunity for you to look at your
attitudes about money and how to successfully manage it. You will get rich if you take this class
In this class you can expect to:
Think and share, read and analyze related literature including current events. Write most every class
meeting and author several papers each semester. Work cooperatively in teams, assist others and
receive assistance. Students will present, research orally and in written form, makeup displays,
models, PowerPoint presentations and drawings to demonstrate understanding of the concepts
presented. Knowledge acquisition will be measured through various assessment tools.
In This Class You Will Need:
Journal supplies (Writing materials)
Related business books for reading
Supplies as needed for projects (Flash drive for backing up your work, Report folders, Display
Course overview- Topics covered but not limited to:

Financial Planning & responsibility

Consumer Awareness
Media awareness
Time management,
Careers, earning power

Some films that are rated R may be shown in the course, as they are relevant to class curriculum.
Please indicate on this form below if you DO NOT wish you child to see certain media. A list of
possible films are available by request.
Conduct Expectations- Everyone contributes, follows the school rules.
This class meets in a computer lab. Student will have ready access to use computers for research
and presentation. Students are required to check their workstation daily and report any problems.
Your signature indicates that you both agree to be responsible for all working tools/ your computer
station during the class period.
Student Signature

Parent/ Guardian Signature

Dear Parents/Guardians Education is a family affair. Can you contribute knowledge in a certain area related to
our class? Is there another way you would like to be involved with Montgomery High School?

Name ____________________________________ Per. _______

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