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you have to listen to the arabic sounds to say it with correct sound ofcourse.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem = in the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The
Most Merciful
*before starting anything and everything.
Subhaanallah (soob-haan-al-loh) = All praise be to Allah/ Glory be to Allah
*when simply praising Allah for all matters, and all things.
Mashallah (maa-shal-loh) = As Allah has willed it/ by the mercy of Allah
*when praising someone's deeds, properties, looks etc.
Astaghfirullah (as-taaG-firool-loh) = I ask forgiveness from Allah
*when repenting to Allah in general or upon hearing a thing unpleasant.
Inshallah (inshal-loh) = Allah willing / if Allah wills (in the future)
*when you are planning to do a thing or making a promise.
Alhamdulillah (al-Haamdu-lil-laah) = All thanks be to Allah/ praise is for Allah
*when you are greatful to Allah for what you have and don't have.
A'udu billahi minash shaitawnir rajeem (A'oo-thoo bil-laahi minash
shai-taw-nir-rajeem) = I take refuge with Allah from the cursed shaitaan
*can be said anytime to keep shaitaan away.
Qadarallah (Qaw-daral-loh) = decree of Allah
*to be said when something bad happens
Allahuakbar (Al-law-hu-akbar) = Allah is the Greatest.

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