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1761-NET-ENI - Sending Email messages via a CompactLogix Controller

Sending email messages from CompactLogix through the 1761-NET-ENI

This is an example application setup for sending email messages from a CompactLogix
controller to an email account. A PLC2 Unprotected Write type message is sent from the
controller to the 1761-NET-ENI, which forwards it on to an email account.
The recommended method of sending an email message is to use an ST file for the source of
the data to be emailed. This will work with SLC, MicroLogix1200, and MicroLogix1500
controllers. In the Logix controller, the ST file type uses a DINT for the .LEN of the string file.
Therefore, the message will not operate as expected. The way around this is to use an INT
file type that simulates an ST file type by using the first word of the array as the length. The
length will be the number of characters to be sent in the email message as shown below.
Word 0 of the array is then set to 8, decimal, for the number of characters in TestData. The
actual data to be sent in the email message is TestData entered in as ASCII starting at word

The following logic will send a message on a false to true transition of the msg_toggle.1 bit. It
will not get sent again until this bit turns off and then back on again.

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1761-NET-ENI - Sending Email messages via a CompactLogix Controller

The number of elements to be sent is 10 bytes. This is the total number of words to be sent.
For this example, 5 words, (10 bytes) are being sent. Note that this total includes the first
word of the array. The Destination Element for this example is 020, but any other valid
PLC2 address could be used.

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1761-NET-ENI - Sending Email messages via a CompactLogix Controller

The path is 2, 50. The 2 is for channel 0, (3 would be used for channel 1.) The 50 is for df1
node 50 in the 1761-NET-ENI.

The Email Server IP Address shown below is only for demonstration. This must be the IP
address for the email server on the network. The email address is shown in the Email routing
tab at node 150. Any message sent to node 50 will be forwarded on to the email address
stored at node 150.

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