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Nmero (taOnomatopeyas

Complemento Principal


Significado (ingls)

to be impatient, to fiet
to fume, to get angry
to be nervous, to be timid
to panic, to get upset
to be obsequious, to knowtow (to)
hesitantly, to have difficulty talking
to be lovely, to be dejected
to be absent-minded, to be distracted
to be excited, trembling with joy
hearts beats, pitapat
to be worried, to nervous
to feel relived, to give a sigh of relief
to feel refresed
quickly, promptly
slowly, at snail's pace
secretly, stealthily
to hang around, to walk around
tightly, firmly
to dilly dally, to be slow
in a crisp manner, to be efficient
decisively, flatly
to be careless, absent-minded
to snore loudly
to sleep peacefully
to doze off, to fall into a doze
to laugh out loud
to sneer
to chuckle
to laugh shyly
to laugh modestly
to brust into uncontrollable laughter

Otros Complementos con

to smile
to laugh maliciously, to grin broadly
to laugh one's head off, a horselaugh
to laugh quietly, to giglle
cries of new born
to cry loudly
to blubber
to sob quietly
in whispers
to chatter
to look, boldly at, to stare at
to look around curiously, nervously
clamorous sound of exited people noisily
to sniff at
to toddle
totteringly, dodderingly
to stagger, to swim, to be shaky
to bang, to beat
to tap, to knock
a sharp continous pain
to smart, to burn
to throb
to have a throbbing headache
to feel nauseous, to be queasy
to be prickly, to tingle
to shiver, to tremble
to feel chilly, to feel shivery
to gargle, to be hoarse
to feel giddy, to swim
to be very thirsty
to be very hungry
to be full of life and energy, to be in good health
sprightly, to be spirited
to glitter, to twinkle
to glare, to dazzle
to shine, to be well-polished
to be very close, the very limit, the last moment
to come close, to skim
to be rumpled, to be crumpled
disorder, confusion, trouble, tangle
confusion, in a mess
to be smashed up, to be in pieces

to be loose, to be baggy
to be overlarge, to be baggy, to be loose
to fit perfectly, exactly
to squeeze, to be overcrowded
nearly empty
to rustle
to be smooth and soft
to be rough, to be sandy
to be sticky, to be tacky
to be smooth, to be slippery
to be rough, to be rugged
to be muddy
to be sticky, to be gummy
to be slimy, to be slippery
to be wet, to be soaked
to be damp, to be humid
to be warm, to feel comfortably warm
to flow forcefully, to rain heavely, to pour
to snow lightly, to flutter
rapidly, vigorously
to move smoothy
to spin, to turn round and round
to turn round and round
to rotate slowly
to swing something round and round with force
to rotate rapidly
to rotate with controlled force
to rumble
to be rolling
to swing back and forth
to shake, to rattle, to clatter
to shake, to be shaky, to totter
to sway gently and softly, to flicker
to clang, to toll
to flap, to flutter
rapidly and remarkably, more and more
to trickle
to trickle
to drip steadily
to scatter
to flutter down
to patter, to scatter
lightly, to lightly float

to drop in a mess, to scatter in a mess

to smell strongly, to reek
pungently, a sharp odor

Otros Significados (ingls)

to be dim, to be vague

to tremble
to let out a deep sigh
to be simple, to tasted light

Significado en espaol (principales)


to be hotly criticized
to whine

to be unsteady

vigorously, to work at full blast

to be shiny and brand-new

to feel frustated, to feel vexed

to blame severely
to feel rough, to be chapped

like mush, like jelly, to become sloppy

to beat repeatedly, to drub

to cast glances at, to glance now and then at

to stroll in a relaxed way

to tremble, to shiver
to boil
to blaze, to shine brightly
to be busy, in a hasty manner
to flicker

buayantly / soft and spongy

ragged, worn-out
to be sharp


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