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A comparative analysis of the evolution of EGTCs

at the Hungarian-Slovakian border

Univerzita J. Selyeho
Bratislavsk cesta 3322
09:30 10:00
10:00 10:30
Welcome speeches
RNDr. Bukor Jzsef, PhD. Dean, Univerzita J. Selyeho
Dr. Trzsk Erika President, Civitas Europica Centralis Foundation
10:30 10:50
Ing. Gyurovszky Lszl Former minister of regional development of Slovakia
Economic situation of South Slovakia
10:50 11:30
Dr. Trzsk Erika President, Civitas Europica Centralis Foundation
Majoros Andrs Researcher, Civitas Europica Centralis Foundation
Preliminary results of the A comparative analysis of the evolution of EGTCs
at the Hungarian-Slovakian border
11:30 12:30
EGTC directors roundtable discussion

Coffee break
13:00 13:20
Rajnai Gbor President, ECOVAST Hungarian Association
About EGTCs from a civil perspective
13:20 13:40
Dr. PhD Hardi Tams Associate professor, Szchenyi Istvn University
Asymmetries and interlinking regions at the Slovakian-Hungarian border
13:40 14:00
Simon Zsolt Szlovkia volt mezgazdasgi minisztere
How the EGTCs operations can be improved at the Slovakian-Hungarian
Questions and answers
14:30 15:00
Closing remarks
15:00 15:30
Press conference

Conference is supported by the International Visegrad Fund

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