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Title of Experience/Artifact:

Date Experience Completed:

School of Education Portfolio

University of Wisconsin Platteville
Artifact Reflection
Curriculum Powerpoint, Treadmill Lesson Plan, Pre-Student Final
Fall 2015

Describe your educational experience/artifact:

For this teaching standard I decided to use three artifacts that demonstrate my understanding on
instructional strategies. The first artifact I chose to use is a school curriculum I created in an organization
and administration course. For this assignment I worked with a group of four and we had the option of
creating a PowerPoint. Within this PowerPoint my group was assigned to create mission statements, class
schedules, budgets and an improvement plan. My second artifact is one of my lesson plans from my prestudent teaching experience at Westview Elementary School. My third artifact is my final evaluation for
pre-student teaching which took place at an elementary school located in Platteville. During this time I
worked with a number of students on treadmills who had difficulty paying attention in class. I introduced
numerous activities that worked on students hand-eye coordination and focusing skills. This program was
designed to help encourage students overall performance in class by using a multiple activities.
Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment

I believe these artifacts best aligns with Standard 4 Instructional Strategies. Teachers
know how to teach. Standard 4 of the Wisconsin Teacher Development and Licensure Standards
states: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use
of technology, to encourage children's development of critical thinking, problem solving, and
performance skills. I chose these artifacts for teaching standard four because I believe they
show my competence in using proper instructional strategies in classroom setting. For my first
artifact I helped create a mock curriculum of an entire school district within a group of four.
After the assignment was created we were asked to present the material we created in a
professional manner for our peers to review. My second artifact is a lesson from my pre-student
teaching experience, within this lesson there are various strategies to encourage the students
problem solving skills and performance skills. The third artifact I chose was my final pre-student
teaching evaluation. This artifact measures my performance as a teacher and showing that I
understand how to encourage the students development in a variety of ways.

UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions Alignment

I believe these artifacts also align with KSD1.f. ASSESSES STUDENT LEARNING
The candidate understands, is committed to, and can develop assessments that are clearly
stated and congruent with instructional goals. The students are aware of how they are meeting
the established standards and are involved in the goal setting process. I aligned this KSD with
standard four because within my artifacts the students are aware of instructional goals that can be
obtained. The treadmill lesson plan emphasizes the students understanding of their target heart
rate zone and what range it should fall under when participating correctly in activities.
I believe these artifacts also align with KSD2.b. ESTABLISHES A CULTURE FOR
LEARNING The candidate can create a classroom environment that establishes and maintains
high expectations for all students to value content of course work, take pride in work by
initiating improvements, and help peers. I aligned this KSD with standard four because I
believe its important to create an environment that maintains high expectations. Within the
curriculum I created mission statements for the entire student body to abide by. When teaching

the treadmill program I was able to initiate improvements in fine motor skills. After I was able to
explain the benefits of this program and reaching ones target heart rate zone, the students began
to take pride in their efforts during class time.
I believe these artifacts also align with KSD4.f. SHOWS PROFESSIONALISM The candidate
has the ability to participate professionally in staff decision-making and be highly proactive in
serving students, working to assure that all students, particularly those traditionally
underserved, have an opportunity for success in school. I aligned this KSD with standard four
because I believe within these artifacts there are multiple periods where professionalism is
shown. When creating the curriculum our group worked together to make the best program
possible to ensure success in school. The treadmill program also gives all students a chance who
struggle an opportunity to improve in school.
Explain what you learned about teaching/learning from this experience:

During these experiences, I learned a mass amount of information about teaching and
using proper instructional strategies. I also got the opportunity to see how much work goes into
creating a school curriculum. There were many different aspects that were unclear for me in the
initial phases of creating this project. However, I think that this was also one of the biggest wake
up calls as becoming a teacher, this assignment helped me understand all the bare details of what
it takes to make a great school district. During my time with the treadmill program, I learned that
it is important to find specific questions that challenge the students to stay on task.
Explain what you learned about yourself as a prospective educator as a result of this

After creating and teaching these artifacts, Ive learned a lot about myself as a teacher. I
was able to see things that I did well and things that I may need to work on after getting my final
pre-student teaching evaluation. As a future educator I need to work on using more specific,
positive feedback. These artifacts are some of the best experiences I hold now as a teacher; they
have taught me a lot about how I can still grow as a teacher and how well I know how to teach.
As I grow as a teacher I have learned that it is important to use a variety of instructional
strategies that have mixed concepts involving critical thinking and problem solving. Also as the
times have changed, it is extremely important to use technology to keep students interested.

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