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Your career in Building


Co rpo ra te Me mb e r B UIL DING E N G INE E R


T ec h n i c a l C o n s ul t a n c y,
B u i l d i n g C o nt r o l , C om p et en t
P er s on , V a l u at i on s ,
E s t im at i o n , P at h ol o g y,
T ec h n i c a l S a l es
Through our recognition, bespoke training and professional
resources we will help you achieve your objectives in Building

Members of the Association are recognised as being experts in

the use of technology in the design, construction, assessment
and maintenance of the built environment.
Membership demonstrates that an individual has achieved a
level of professional competence that the public, clients, and

The Association of Building Engineers

fellow professionals can rely on.

Professional recognition
Bespoke professional training
International job notice board

UK Registered Office: Lutyens House,

Billing Brook Road, Northampton, NN3
8NW England
Tel. 00 44 1604 404121

Access to technical resource library

Careers advice
Discounts for members

Tel. 675743661

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