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56 The son is the exact representation of God

Last updated 4/9/15. This is one page long

Some say that if Jesus is the exact imprint in vs3 then Jesus must be God. Here is an analysis of the first four verses
of Hebrews 1 that prove otherwise
Hebrews 1:1-4
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through
whom also he created the world.
3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint (G5481 Charakter) of his nature, and he
upholds the uni4verse by the word (G4487 Rhema) of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat
down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
Vs1 God spoke to our fathers by the prophets
Vs2 Now God speaks to us by his Son
The Son is compared to the prophets.
The son, Jesus, is compared with the previous prophets. God is not compared to the prophets.
Vs2 His Son,
an owner and an owned.
01C OT Father xxxx linked here
Vs2 God appointed Jesus
God is not appointed.
25 Chosen & Appointed by God xxxx linked here
Vs2 God appointed the heir God is not the heir.
02M The Heir xxxx linked here
Vs2 God created through Jesus,
two of them.
03 Creation made by God through Jesus xxxx linked here
Each of these facts have to be considered in vs2 that differentiate between God the Father, and His Son Jesus.
Each of the sections shown have overwhelming support that identifies Jesus as a separate being from God.
Vs3 The problem with this passage, like several other proof texts used to claim Jesus is God, is that our key word
"charakter" is in the bible only once and therefore the definition will always be ambiguous and can never have an
accurate definition. Because of the information provide in the context in vs2 we can know what charakter does not
Vs3 G5481/charakter - Exact imprint, radiance: reflected brightness, precise reproduction in every respect,
representation; of Christ in that he perfectly reflects the majesty of God..
Dictionary Representative: be a delegate or spokesperson for; represent somebody's interest or be a proxy or
substitute for,
God is not the radiance of Himself/God, nor is God a representative or a reproduction of Himself/God.
If Jesus is a reproduction or representative then he is not God. God is not a reproduction! Despite how accurate the
reproduction is, and however one might insist, it can never be the original.
Vs3 If Jesus sits with the Majesty on High then Jesus is not the Majesty on High Jesus is not God
Vs4 If Jesus became superior to the angels, then there was a point before he became superior and therefore a point
when he could not have been God. God is always God.
Vs4 If Jesus inherited, then he didnt have something before that point.
The surrounding evidence of Jesus' identity in Hebrews 1:1, 2, and 4 completely overwhelm the claims that vs3
indicate Jesus to be God.
Jesus is the exact imprint or NIV representation. A representative or imprint is not the original.
Nothing Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus is God

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