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Geography of India Introduction to Indian geography Nirdeshak /Indian-Geography-Introduction-2.html

Indian Geography Introduction 2

Posted by Ravindra Agnihotri on February 26, 2013

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1) Which former Soviet federation is closest to India? Tajikistan

2) India shares longest land boundary with which of its neighbours? Bangladesh
3) India shares shortest land boundary with which of its neighbours? Afghanistan
4) Which bay lies towards Indias East? Bay of Bengal

09-Mar-14 11:15 AM Print web pages, create PDFs

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5) Which sea lies towards Indias West? Arabian Sea

6) Which ocean lies towards Indias South? Indian Ocean
7) Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean meet at whichpoint of India?
Cape Comorin (Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu)
8) What is rank of Indian Ocean among oceans of the world in terms of expanse (area)? Third (3rd) It is ranked after Pacific Ocean and
Atlantic Ocean
9) Which strait is said to separate Bay of Bengal from Arabian Sea? Palk Strait
10) Indias largest union territory Andaman & Nicobar is situated in Bay of Bengal
11) Indias smallest union territory Lakshadweep is situated in Arabian Sea
12) What is Indias area in sq. km? 32,87,263 sq. km.
13) Total area of India constitutes how much part of total world area? About 2.5 per cent
14) Indian population constitutes how much in the total world populace? 17 per cent (approx.)
15) How many states and union territories are there in India at present?
28 states and 7 union territories
16) Tropic of Cancer passes through how many states of India? Eight (8) It passes through
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram
17) Which is the closest country from Andaman & Nicobar Islands? Indonesia
18) Which is Indias tallest peak? Godwin Austin or the K-2, with 8611 m (Karakoram Range in Jammu & Kashmir. This peak however
falls in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and therefore Kanchenjunga Peak (8598 m) Sikkim is Indias tallest peak, where India has its
administrative control also)
19) Which is Indias largest state (in terms of area)? Rajasthan
20) Which is Indias most populous state? Uttar Pradesh

09-Mar-14 11:15 AM

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