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Planet Earth- a green planet

Our home for a long, long time, the only planet known at the moment
capable of sustaining life, where humanity can comfortably dwell and
evolve, Earth is the green planet which becomes less green each day.
And guess who takes the blame for that? The ones who should protect
their home, the ones who hurt their own source of life. Humans.
What will remain of this masterpiece of the galaxy when everything it
gives to us is destroyed and torn apart? The marvels of nature, from
great forests to amazing and unique plants which should be protected
and preserved are ruined by our negligence, even the vital sources that
help us survive are devastated: waters, soil, air.
The green colour of our planet is slowly fading and most of us dont
even realise it. I question the so-called human superiority when I think
about all the ways we degrade mother nature and we dont even seem to
Despite all the mediatization of the process: Beware! The end is near,
our planet cant take it anymore!, Mother nature is slowly dying
and despite all the titles we find in newspapers, magazines, on the
internet, it doesnt seem that humans care at all.
Earth is already screaming for help and we pretend we cant hear. Lets
see what happens when we are in desperate need of something and shell
pay back.

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