Urrent Version (0.2) : Installation Instructions

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urrent Version (0.

You can download the OSDEA-GUI Solver from the link below. The downloads includes both
an executable jar (the solver) and the lpsolve libraries for different computer architectures (e.g.
windows 32, windows 64 etc.). In order to use OSDEA-GUI on your computer, you will have to
install lpsolve on your machine. Seeinstallation instructions below for further details. OSDEAGUI requires java to run and is JRE1.6. compliant.
Download OSDEA-GUI-v0.2.zip
OSDEA-GUI is distributed under the GPL-v3 licence.

Installation Instructions
The installation only consists of installing lpsolve on your machine (basically copying two
libraries in a system folder). Detailed installation instructions can be foundhere.
Once opensourcedea-gui is installed on your machine, you can run the program by doubleclicking on the executable JAR (OSDEA-GUI-vX.x.jar). On windows, if double-clicking on the
JAR doesn't open the program, you should run jarfix from this web site

For a complete list of DEA models and feature, see the feature page.
This first release includes:

Create a DEA Problem

Configure a DEA Problem (set model type etc...)

Import data (only csv currently)

Configure variables

Save the problem to a .deap file

Open a .deap file

Close a DEA Problem

Solve the problem

See the solution objectives, projections, lambdas, peer group (reference set), slacks and

Export the solution to xls and xlsx files (you can open those file in open office / libre
office if you don't have Microsoft Excel).

Any feedback welcome!

Old Versions
Previous versions of OSDEA-GUI can be downloaded from the links below:
Download OSDEA-GUI-v0.1.zip

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