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MGT 101 Introduction to Management

Second Semester SY 2014 2015

Finals Paper Proposal
Name: _____Justine Raphael Luis C. Balane______TF 1:00 2:30 Group No.
Type: [_] Case study
[X] Position Paper
[_] Proposal (Empirical Research)
A. Title of the Study:
Millenials as Managers: How the workplace would look like with Generation Y at the
B. Objectives of the Study:

To study the pros and cons of the seismic shift in generational workforce
dynamics in Philippine companies.
To compare the organizational and managerial styles of Generation X and
To observe the effects of the generational shift to the external environment of the

C. Rationale (Significance of the paper):

Workplace forecasts for 2015 have analyzed that baby-boomers (those born in 1946 to
1964) in management positions will soon be retiring, opening the positions for Millenials.
Millenials are those born in the early 1980s to year 2000s. Filipino Millenials according
to a 2014 VMWare Meconomy study, live more fast-paced lives and are more in touch
with technology.
This paper is meant to help companies prepare for the shift in generational dynamics like
boosting up the IT department and a more mobile-oriented work culture. It will also
observe the shift in the external lens, seeing how government, customers and pressure
groups can ease the transition of the new generation in companies.
D. References: (please use APA style)
Encarnacion, Fidea. (2014, June 7). Why Millenials are most complex in
todays market. Retrieved from
Lozada, Bong. (2013, November 13). Filipino Millenials happier, least
stressed in the world- survey. Retrieved from

Anoynymous. (2013. April 30). The impact of millenials in todays

workplace. Retrieved from
Santos, Sonnie. Are ASEAN millenials incapable of leadership positions.

Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Retrieved from URL

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