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Student Senate

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order

II. Two Minutes of Silence

III. Roll Call

IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair

a. Reception for Senate at Lewis Place February 9th at 5:30PM

V. Consent Calendar

VI. Student Concerns

Mr.Senko- new merit scholarships not retroactive
Mr.Hoffman- difficult to apply retroactively to standards that were not concrete in
the past; reallocating state funding- applies to every class differently
Riddle- meeting with Howe writing center about issues that came up through DAC, tutors
unable to revise to the extent international students need them to
Mr.Jacobson- students able to buy cases of water to be delivered to ministry Cincinnati
for Haiti
Ms.Keefer- van through Miami
Ms.Hrnjak- social justice class may be interested in helping as well
VII. Reports
a. President of the Student Body
-Red Alert “white-out” for Haiti, University Committees positions filled- few left
on performing arts, committee on student media orgs and parking appeals

b. Vice President of the Student Body

-elections petitions went out yesterday- P.R. strategy underway , Facebook fan the
elections committee and follow on twitter

c. Vice President of Campus Activities

-recruitment recently finished, new member training, mega fair

d. Vice President of Student Organizations

- Doug Haines will be here this senate and willing to speak to anyone about
student gov.

e. Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs

- members or perspective members of OTO- spot available on off campus parking
committee; walk about first week of March, Census second week of March – need
help from everyone. The census decides the funding the city of Oxford will get, so
clearly it is very important to the city, students should fill out the census here
because they are here for the majority of the year
f. Secretary for On Campus Affairs
-red hawk hunt advertisements coming soon; presenting bid to host CAACURH
conference next year

g. Secretary for Academic Affairs

-meeting Wednesday ASG office, met with Dr.Walenga- looking at starting P.R.
campaign regarding Aderrall usage, potentially starting a partnership with ASG
“Alcohol and other Drugs Task Force”

h. Secretary for Diversity Affairs

-thank you to Audree, anyone interested in D-week , next meeting Feb 22nd with
President Hodge and Dr. Scott, AAC/DAC focus groups for Dr.Mosley Howard
will be getting email soon

i. Secretary for Public Relations

- elections advertisements coming in stages throughout the month, ping pong balls
went well, email about hockey wrist bands coming soon, working with Danny on
committee regarding re-branding Miami

j. Treasurer
- house bill regarding Student Credit Union, if it were to pass we could move
student org funds into the student credit union
Mr.Kadon- what are the pros of something like that happening
Mr.Foster- it would be mutually beneficial, general accounting is set up for the
needs of the university and not of student needs, credit union could help answer
student questions and work through all the problems
Mr.Frazier- is there anything else we could do as a body to help support?
Mr.Foster- we could write a resolution next week but it’s very contingent what
happens with the banking lobby
Mr.Zwayer- do you know what reading this is?
Mr.Foster- first reading in committee

k. Tech Director
-met with vice president of I.T. and discussed student concerns primarily speed of
on-campus internet; proposals to the tech fee in the works for the next few weeks

l. Advisor
-career planning, make connections, and consider course work, real life
VIII. Special Business of the Day:
a. 2010 Student Organization Cycle II Funding

-160 orgs applied, $650,000 applied for, 34% cutback

Mr.Zwayer- what does AA stand for?
Mr.Ferguson- advisor approval, they have until Wednesday night to get the approval in
Mr.Zwayer- will that affect the cutback
Mr.Ferguson- yes it will
Mr.Streubing- the ones above the 9,000 cap, im assuming are unity funding, do you know
who the organizations were with
Mr.Ferguson- I do not have any documentation with me right now but I assure you we
made certain all 3 orgs were represented during the hearings

IX. Old Business:

a. SR021003: Bicentennial Student Center Financial Recommendation
-only the last whereas was changed
Mr.Herbst- when phase 1 opens, we will start paying for just phase 1 correct?
Mr.McNabb- correct.
Mr.Senko- what happens if the necessary funding isn’t raised?
Mr.McNabb- they wait, if a certain amount isn’t raised they wont be able to break ground
Mr.Forrest- were saying if they don’t raise 40% or more we support them waiting until they do?
Mr.McNabb- correct
Mr.Harris- can you talk about how feasible the 40% is?
Mr. McNabb- I arrived at this number by calculating in the operating fees and achieving the 1/3
and ½ of money coming from student fees as supported by the survey, Mrs.Whitehead has said
that this number is aggressive but is something they could possibly do
Mr.Senko- what formal impact do these stipulations have to administration?
Mr.McNabb- they are waiting to make certain decisions based on our recommendations, it will
be presented to the Board of Trustees and University Senate
Mr.Zwayer- do you think the index for inflation to allow for the building to operate at a fee
larger than $125
Mr.McNabb- the goal is mostly to prepare for the future
Mr.Frazier- what guarantee do we have this isn’t an incredibly over-budgeted plan
Mr.McNabb- the decisions are made based on money because of the budget constraints
Mr.Foster- when would the first debt issue be?
Mr.McNabb- it would be 25 million about a year and a half in
Mr.Herbst- after the building is built how will we pay for changes in Shriver?
Mr.McNabb- a lot of it comes form auxiliaries

Mr.Zwayer- its crucial to understand that were making a decision for future students and how
they will utilize this center, I think it will provide an opportunity for future students and alumni
for a central meeting place, it would be positive for the university not only in a sense of
academics but also extracurricular
Mr.Harmon- I would urge you to think about the rec center, and imagining the university without
it, look at the student support as well
Mr.Forrest- consider the fact that Mr.McNabb put it out there to meet with all senators and make
suggestions, one of the biggest concerns I’ve heard has been about our power to make decisions
for future students, but that will continue to be an issue, someone has to make a decision and we
have been given the unique chance to contribute as students
Mr.Cowles- full support
Mr. Bly- thank you to President McNabb and everyone who was worked on this and look at the
unique opportunity we have had to participate in this
Mr.Horvath- student government as a whole is taking a big step at solidifying our place on this
university, attention to education and student involvement
Mr.McNabb- we have 13 years of people who came before us many of whom had worked hard
on this
Ms.Riddle- after speaking with Mr.McNabb I am in full support of this bill, while I don’t think
my constituents are in full support, I think they better understand the education and importance

Resolution is passed by unanimous consent

X. New Business:

XI. General Announcements

Chair: Funding approval Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

XII. Adjournment

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