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Food Intake and Habits of Students

Research problem:
Here the research problem is to look at what factors or situations influence
the students to take foods.
Universe: All the general students and official staffs of Dhaka University.
Target population: All the residential students and official staffs of the halls
of Dhaka University who eat foods from the hall canteens.
Sampling frame: Here the sample frame includes some residential students
and canteen managers of particular four halls. These four halls are - Kabi
Jasim Uddin Hall, Shaheed Sergeant Zahurul Haque Hall, Ruqayyah Hall
and Bangladesh Kuwait Maitree hall.
Sample size: 15 students and the canteen manager of each hall. In total we
will have 60 students and 4 canteen managers from the selected four halls.
Sampling method: We are following the probability method for sampling.
Firstly, we have used Cluster sampling method for selecting the halls. We
divided all the halls on gender basis and then randomly picked two male
halls and two female halls.
Secondly, we have decided to follow Simple random sampling method for
selecting our desired number of students. We will arrange a Focus Group
Discussion taking 15 students in each hall. Then the main 4 canteen
managers of the selected halls will be separately interviewed.

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