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** RELEASED 2/09/2001
Step 1: Double click on the free Map Pack of your choice.
Step 2: Choose "Save this program to disk". Click "Okay".
Step 3: Save the zipped file to C:\Westwood\RA2. This is the default directory
to which RA2 was originally installed. If you chose to install to a different d
irectory, choose that one.
Step 4: Go to C:\Westwood\RA2 and locate the RA2MAPPAC file. Double click it.
Step 5: Left click on "OK" and the click on "Unzip". This will uncompress the
file you just downloaded. Make sure you extract it into the RA2 directory. If y
ou chose the default install directory then this will be \WESTWOOD\RA2\
Step 6: The process is complete. The new maps should automatically appear in Sk
irmish/Westwood Online/Local Area Network modes.
Bay of Pigs
(2-6 Player Map)
Resource: Moderate (oil derricks, gems, and gold)
Environmental Conditions: Temperate island/semi urban
File: bayopigs.mmx
Bay of Pigs take place on a large tropical island set with many civilian structu
res and bunkers for players to garrison. Oil derricks and gold are spread modera
tely through out the map.
Tip: Garrison the buildings around your base quickly; it will help to prevent ea
rly scouting of your base and Terror Drones attacks. Also, do not forget to buil
d a Navy. This map is ideal for Naval battles.
Russian Roulette
(2-8 Player Map)
Resource: Moderate (oil derricks, gems, and gold)
Environmental Conditions: Snow
File: roulette.mmx
Russian Roulette is an extremely large map set in the Siberian Tundra. Two airfi
elds are located in the center, with a few oil derricks in the vicinity.
Tip: Maneuver troops quickly to the airbases located in the center of the map. T
roop reinforcement will be crucial to holding on to these valued structures.
Tanya's Training Ground
(2-4 Player Map)

Resources: moderate (oil derricks, gems, and gold)

Environmental Conditions: Temperate
File: Tanyas.mmx
This is one of Tanya's secret locations for training her Special Forces team. Pl
ayers will find an abandon Air force Command Center located at the top of the mo
untain in the center of the map. Oil derricks can be found on the outer edges aw
ay from the main battlefield.
Tip: Tanya is no fool, and has requested the structures placed strategically in
the area. Money is scare so it will be a smart decision to allocate funds to bot
h offense and defense. Good luck!

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