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Minor Character Essay

Protecting someone you love can be a sign of love but being over protective can end
up to violence, in many stories the reader does not consider the minor characters to be
essential in understanding the story. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the
minor character Tybalt existence in this play is important in showing the intense family
feud between the Capulets and the Montagues family. Tybalt raises the significance of
the play by representing the pure hatred between the two families, showing the
pessimistic aspects of family involvement in lovers life, and creating irony in the play.
Tybalts actions create stress, anxiety, and irony by supplying hostility and a great
sense of aggression in the plot. The fact that Tybalt is trying to prevent Romeo from
seeing Juliet adds irony; the fact that Tybalt doesnt know that Romeo is married to Juliet
adds unexpected irony to the scene. Before the altercation between Tybalt and Romeo,
Romeo tries to tell Tybalt that he doesnt want to fight him, But love thee better than
thou canst deviseTill thou shalt know the reason of my loveAnd so, good Capulet,
which name I tender as dearly as mine own, be satisfied (III.i.70-73). Romeo continues
to explain Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford, No better term than this (III.i.62-62).
Romeos plea to Tybalt creates dramatic irony, Tybalt's diligence to engage Romeo forces
Romeo to tell Tybalt that he has a love for him that he (Tybalt) is unaware of.
While acting as a vital part in enhancing the anxiety on the plot, Tybalt has an
important task in creating irony, and enhancing the plot.
Tybalt has an imperative role in showing the Montague and Capulet family hatreds,
and representing himself as the toughest of the Capulets. As one of the first characters to
encounter Tybalt, Romeo was affected first. When Mercutio was killed by Tybalt, Romeo

felt guilty, and was angered, then forcing him to consider that he was acting weak, and
had too much love for Tybalt. Romeo realizes that he could have prevented Mercutio
from dying and if he had been stronger he could have saved Mercutio, and he blames the
fact that since that he married Juliet that that made him weak, Hate been my cousin! O
sweet Juliet, Thy beauty hath made me effeminate And in my temper softened valors
steel. After Mercutios death Romeo refers to Tybalt as a villain, because of
Mercutios death Romeo is angered and then is forced to kill Tybalt because of his rage,
Alive in triumph, and Mercutio slainNow, Tybalt, take the villain back againEither
thou or I, or both, must go with him. Tybalts personality affects many characters, he
tends to stalk around proudly he lovers to give snappy one-liners, and Mercutio is one of
the characters that loathed Tybalt. Mercutio continues to challenge Tybalt, And but one
word with one of us? Couple it with something. Make it a word and a blow.
Because of the dilemma he produced in the story, and the hatred he revealed
between the two families, Tybalt demonstrates the pessimistic aspect of family
involvement in two lovers life. Throughout this story Romeo, Juliet, and all the other
characters have been influenced, primarily because of Tybalt. Tybalt was the first to
have realized of Romeo and Juliets encounter, and Tybalt is the first to try and get rid
of Romeo, Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe, A villain that hither come in spite, To
scorn at our solemnity this nightTis he, that villain Romeo.
Tybalts character in the story shows the recurrent heartbreaking act of love by
revealing the two families different flaws, and making Romeo and Juliet make impulsive
decisions. Because of Tybalts actions, the two families flaws were revealed and shown
throughout the story. Tybalts ignorance of Romeo and Juliet creates dramatic irony and

situational irony. His action supplies the story and the plot with his hostile and aggressive
actions. These reasons demonstrate that when making decisions you must consider the
outcome of your actions and not act impulsive.

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