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CNS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15

Official Languages
1. Research the question, Should multilingual states adopt a single, official
a. Think about India, Nigeria, Belgium, Switzerland and the United States
in your research.
b. Period 1 - Last name A-K Yes; Last name L-Z No.
c. Period 2 Last name A-N Yes; Last name O-Z No.
d. Period 3 Last name A-M Yes; Last name N-Z No.
e. Write a paragraph stating your opinion supported with research and
post to your website and be prepared to debate the question in
class on Wednesday 3/11 & Thursday, 3/12.
f. on Wednesday 3/11 & Thursday, 3/12.
2. Complete Unit 1 & 2 Formative Assessments, begin Unit 3 Cultural Geography
Formative Assessments.
I believe that countries should not adopt one single official language. This is
because when one language becomes the official language of the country, over
time, the other languages will inevitably begin to die out due a lack of use. This can
end centuries of traditions and culture that is tied to the languages that are
forgotten. One writer for The Economist argues that when repressing a language,
whats at stake is not just peoples livelihoods, but their identities and cultural
diversity For those who speak natively a language that is not chosen as the one
official language, there is a chance that they are isolated and feel second-rate,
because they are not part of the official language culture that their country chose.
Choosing an official language also promotes an end to the diversity that comes from
the many cultures and languages interacting. In a country like the United States,
which was founded on diversity, this would cause an end to the traditions and
cultures that the country is built on.

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