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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date of Class
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Can Zhang
October 23rd, 2014
Lango Foreign Languages for Kids
2 and 3 years olds
Ms. Vivian
Classroom Number Lango Mandarin

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the
This lesson is:

A Cooking Lesson: Silly Veggie Faces

Content area: Health, Creative Development
Developmental Domains: Physical Development, Creative Development and
Language Development
Students will make a silly face using different kinds of vegetables.


A new concept/activity A continuation of a previous lesson/activity

A review of a previous A conclusion of a concept
Our class has been learning about food we eat at home. It is important to help
young children become interested in a variety of vegetables and fruits since
these food supply a wide range of important nutrients. Children should also
experience familiar foods prepared in a variety of different ways in order to

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Objective(s) of the

Connections to

Language Objectives

broaden their eating experience and enjoyment (Marotz, 2012, p418). This
activity includes a variety of vegetables and have young children use them to
make a silly face on their plate. Through this fun experience, students will be
more willing to try and eat different kinds of vegetables.
20 minutes
After an activity to make silly veggie faces,
Students will try all the vegetables they have used to create their veggie
Students will understand the importance of including a variety of
vegetables in our diet.
Physical Development and Health PK.HWB.8b
Talks about food choices in relationship to allergies and overall health.
Physical Development and Health PK.HWB.8c
Relates healthy behaviors to good personal health (milk for strong bones,
spinach for strong muscles).
Students will learn about the Mandarin names for the vegetables used. They will
also practice using their new vocabularies during the cooking session.


Plastic vegetables by Melissa and Doug

Whole vegetables (cucumbers, broccolis, tomatoes, carrots, celery, green
peppers, red peppers and yellow peppers)
Pre-cut vegetables in different shapes (cucumbers, broccolis, tomatoes, carrots,
celery, green peppers, red peppers and yellow peppers)

Technology inclusion (if

Procedures (step by

Cameras or phones to videotape the group performance

Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation)
We will sing the I am hungry song in Mandarin. Our students particularly enjoy

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

this song. When we sing it in the beginning of a lesson, it is a cue for them that
we are going to do a cooking activity.
Instruction/Mini Lesson
The teacher will start the lesson by having a discussion with the children about
eating vegetables. The teacher will ask the following questions. What is your
favorite vegetable? What kind of vegetable do you eat most often? Why do we
need to eat vegetables? They will then pass around and take a look at different
kinds of vegetables, cucumbers, broccolis, tomatoes, carrots, celery, green
peppers, red peppers and yellow peppers. We will talk about their shape, color
and what they smell like. The teacher and students will then move to the table.
The teacher will show them the precut vegetables in different plates. The same
vegetables can be cut into different shapes. For example, there are cucumber
slices and cucumber sticks.
Guided Participation
Each child will be given a plate and mini tortillas (face). They will start to pick the
vegetables and make their silly faces. When they finish, they will show it to their
partner and talk about what vegetables to use their facial parts.
Its time to eat! The students will eat the vegetables on their plates.
Method of assessing
understanding of

The discussion session
before the lesson can be
used as an opportunity
for teachers to assess
childrens knowledge of
vegetables and their
Mandarin vegetable

Assessment of Student
Authentic assessment will
be used for this lesson. The
teacher will assess the
children by observing them
during the discussion and
the cooking activity. The
teacher will also take
pictures and videos during

Assessment of
Childrens Language
The students language
use during the cooking
activity will be
documented and used
to assess their
language learning.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Plans for differentiated


Follow up/Extension

Supporting children
with identified delays
or disabilities
For children with delays
in fine motor
development, teachers
will sit down next to them
during the cooking
session to assist them.

the activity for

Supporting Children with Language Delays
For children with language delays, teachers will put
plastic vegetables and pictures with labels on their
side to serve as visual aids during the cooking

After this cooking class, we will use the plastic vegetables as manipulatives
to practice sorting and creating patterns. The younger group will sort the
vegetables by colors. The older group will use the manipulatives to create
ABAB patterns.
We can have a similar lesson on fruit and make fruit salad popsicles.

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