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stepping out in faith into world missions * February 2010 * fort erie, ontario

What happened to the Doulos? tries to consider South Africa, Belgium, or England.
Three very different countries! After a month of
We were surprised when we were told that the prayer, waiting, and seeking direction wefelt that
ministry of the worlds oldest ocean going passen- God was leading us to England! Why England?
ger ship was going to come to an end. After being We still aren’t sure ourselves, but we do believe
serveyed by marine safety inspection authorities that God will reveal this to us as we continue to
it was confimed that major trust that he is in total control and that this was
repairs were required to always Gods plan for us in the first place.
keep the Doulos in service.
Early estimates indicated
the repairs would cost OM Life Hope
tens of millions of dollars.
The organisation execu- The name of the base that
tive leadership team and we are going to be a part of is
board believe that it was called Life Hope and is located
not appropraite to invest near Birmingham UK. The vision
resources on this scale of Life Hope is to see ordinary,
into the vessel, since the local congregations in the UK
Doulos would have a actively engaged in compassion-
limited future. ate and genuine ways with their
“We recognize God’s surrounding communities. This is
faithfulness through 32 not a gimmick or technique to win
years of wonderful service with more then 600 people back onto empty chairs or
ports visits in over 100 countries.” pews. Rather it is suggested because
Lifehope believes that the church has responsibil-
ity to those who need help. This has to be done
England we will go! in genuine relevant ways. ie. If there is a high level
of unemployment in the area, what can the lo-
After finding out that our plans of going on the cal church do to help train encourage or simply
Doulos had come to an end we were left asking befriend those who have no jobs. As a ministry of
ourselves “Now what?”. We were given three coun- Operation Mobilization Lifehope is keen to part-
ner with local churches whereever there is a joint
understanding that they can work together in car-
rying out the above vision.
Global Action Team If you would like to support us
If you would like to support our family finan-
Jay and I are going to be placed on a team called
cially, you have a few options. You could send
The Global Action Team. The Global Action Team
your support to OM Canada office. The address
offers an unrivaled opportunity for hands on in-
is at the bottom of the letter. If you go this route,
volvement in evengalism in the UK while at the
make sure you do not put our name on the
same time providing high quality relevant train-
cheque, just send a separate piece of paper with
ing. The programme aims to give a foundation
our name on it with your method of payment.
of biblical understanding while giving a deeper
You can use this option to send one time gifts or
understanding of who God is and also a bet-
you can send post-dated cheques for monthly
ter understanding of who we are. This program
support to be taken out of your bank account.
combines classroom experience, small group
If you would like to give monthly, annually,
and job training. The team will be working with
or at a specific date and time, there is another
Europeans, Asians, Muslims, youth and children
option. We will be getting forms that we will
as well as working in other ethnically mixed
give to the church (ask Pastor Jeremy) that you
communities. The program will help us have a
can fill out and send to OM Canada and money
deeper understnading of other faiths aswell as
will be taken out of your account annually, bi-an-
our own. The goal is to get involved in the local
nually, monthly, etc.
community while reaching out .
You can get a form from the church (The
Final Thoughts Well) or from Jay and I personally.

This whole experience has already been quite If you have any more questions about our
the journey and we haven’t even been any- journey or how you can support us feel free to
where yet. Jay and I are anticipating what God e-mail or phone.
has in store for our family in the next two years
and value the fact that we are surrounded by Phone: 905-871-4061.
such amazing people.

Thank you so much to all of the people who OM Canada, 84 West Street.
have been such an amazing support already! Port Colborne ON,
L3K 4C8
Phone: 1-877-487-7777
Please pray
*That God will continue to prepare us and the
girls, Sydney and Marley, for such extreme
change in our lives.

* That we raise all of the support needed to con-

tinue where we feel God has lead us.

* That things will continue to fall into place if this

is Gods will for our lives for the next two years.

*That God will use our family in amazing ways.

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