The Ethics of Synbio

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The ethics of SynBioour second go

This article is very informational to the point where I learn a lot of stuff that I didnt know. They
came up with concerns that I would never thought of. Synthetic organisms can be made to
produce fuel to reduce the earths limited fuel. However, the authors pointed out that even
though synthetic organisms could help reduce earths ticking time bomb, it could pose other
environmental risk which could harm the earth even more. Synthetic organism need to be
produce in order for them to work, but they need to build a plantation of some sort and that
could contribute to some environmental damage. They also pointed out order concerns that
could be problematic. Later on they start talking about deliberation democracy, where they want
the public to be involved with serious decision about synthetic biology. The public can have very
input into the decision. People can build on other peoples ideas which is always good.
The ethics of SynBioour first go
The question is what is the moral objective around synthetic biology. The authors makes us
think about the which activities of synthetic biology to condone, constrain, or ban and which to
permit because some can be bad and some can be good. Although, we know so little about
synthetic biology and we are in the early stages of it, so we dont know which to ban or permit
yet. In fact we only been modificating existing kinds of organisms, such as microbes. Most of the
public usually think of making new form of organisms but we are not even close to that stage.
There is still much to learn and people are already afraid of it. Synthetic biology may offer
nature-benefiting, even nature-preserving, opportunities. For example, the paper explains that
bio-fuel might be able to help with the problem of limited fuel on earth. It can delay all the limited
fuel we are using and prevent use to use it all. Its all about how we use synthetic biology and
how we execute it. Scientist have proposed many options to help avoiding or mitigating of
synthetic biology organisms, such as, physical barriers between the organism. Other people
also recommended a combination of professional self-monitoring, governmental oversight, and
research into technical advances that could promote security and safety. So far the first half of
the paper seems reasonable and I agree with the authors. I think we just need more time and a
better understanding of this subject before we start worrying and banning stuff that might be
What is the public's understanding of synthetic biology?
Synthetic biology is such a young topic, that it is to be expected that the public is scared and
fear the risk of it. People relate synthetic biology as science fiction movies, such as Jurassic
Park. One third of the focus group thought it would be a good idea to ban synthetic biology while
studying it at the same time to learn more of its potential effects to the world. If you ban it, how
are you able to study it? Many people dont know know what synthetic biology is but get the jist
of it. Even I dont know what it really is because we only read about three or two articles. I think
we should let it be because we need to learn more of it. It could help us survive more in this
world and provide some great use. I think as the year pass by us more often, we will learn to
accept it because by then we will have more information about it.

Responding to chapters 26-30 of The Windup Girl

In chapter 30, Kanya was on a mission to find some information about the man who the dead
man with the mysterious disease. While she was on the mission, she started to hallucinate with
an image of Jaidee taking to her. Kanya even started talking to him. Her hallucination is getting
worse and worse. I think her hallucination will not stop and Jaidee will stick with her until the end
of the book. I wonder is this is going to make her more crazy and probably snap. What will she
do when she snaps? That is what I am interested in. She has been a character I want to read
more of. Seeing a person become a quiet, efficient worker into a hallucinating person is pretty
interesting. Everywhere from now on, Jaidee is going to be next to her. Even when she is alone
from every human, Jaidee will be there. That is pretty nuts to me. What will he say to her? Will
he support her or just haunt her?
What is synthetic biologyand what is it up to?
Synthetic Biology has been a very popular topic lately and I can see why many graduate
students and scientists are very into it. Synthetic Biology is at its early stages, but if we keep
studying, it can unlock so much potential. For example, a world of free diseases. Although it
might be pretty dangerous because we dont know the side effects. Many people are probably
wondering, what are the potential hazards of synthetic biology? Scientist has created T7.1,
where it can be mutated in unpredictable ways. In many ways synthetic can be for the best or
worst. As I was reading this article, It was hard to understand some of the content. To me I cant
believe we are able to enhance humans to be better and this could be programmable on a
computer. Enhancing humans you say? This sounds like only god could do this. I hope it is
safe enough to play the role of god.
Responses to chapters 13-17 of The Windup Girl
Hock Seng strikes again and does what he want in order to get what he wants. He is so
paranoid and if he needs to kill a young girl, he will do it. Because he doesnt want to mess up
his plan when he is so close to his goal. It was pretty sad that we dont get to know what happen
to Chaya, even though she is likely dead already but you never know. Jaidee knew what he was
getting his self into. To be honest, I think he knew he was going to die if he kept trying to find his
wife. As we get more into the book, we see a few of the most powerful people in Bangkok. I
think the Dung lord and Akkarat will be a major factor in the book even though they are not the
main character in the book.
Responses to chapters 18-25 of The Windup Girl
"Tell your friends what you see here. We are not dogs you feed with scraps. We are tigers. Fear
us" Jaidee death made a huge impact with the white shirts. The whiteshirts who said this
statement wont be be bribed any more, and trying to gain a foothold so they can gain more
respect from their civilians. They are taking the title Tiger and trying to attempt to remove the
inequality of power in Bangkok. They finally took action and realized it when the inequality of
power killed Jaidee. Jaidee death wasn't a waste but brought rise to a new hope. This is a
natural thing because Jaidee was a public figure. Generally this will cause an outcry and many
want to see justification from their government. I think Akkarat didn't know this would happen if

Jaidee was kill. Akkarat thought he was just another bug in his way, but this bug has an army
now and it might of been a mistake to kill him.

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