Ta'er Race DND 5e

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Ability Score Increase: +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma

Age: Typically live to between 110-150 years.
Size: Medium
Speed: 10 Feet, 50 Feet Fly
Vision: Normal Vision
Eagle Vision: Taer can see up to a mile away clearly enough to make out faces and
recognize small or larger creatures.
Poor Swimmers: Taer have disadvantage on Athletics checks to swim.
Languages: Common, Giant, and Taeri

o +1 Intelligence
o Scavenger If an ally succeeds on a skill check, you
make your next skill check of that type at advantage.
Keep track of this on a piece of paper. If you do not
have this written down, you cannot use it.
o The Oqaab are a vulture-like humanoid race of
scavengers. They do not hunt for themselves,
but rather consume the corpses of animals that
they find. They have no true culture of their
own, and when introduced to a new culture,
find they adapt to it very quickly. Most of
live among the Saqir, though a few have
found a
home among the Oriasi.
o +1 Charisma
o Legendary Inspiration A Saqir can grant
Inspiration once per day to an ally. This I
nspiration cannot be used to purchase a skill
feature. In addition, once per day, a Saqir may,
as an action, grant 10 temporary HP to all allies
within a 10 foot radius.
o The Saqir are a friendly race of humanoid avian.
They are extremely loyal and open to those
they call friend, and can usually be trusted to
honor their word. They build their cities high in
the canopy of the Great Green so as to avoid
conflict with the beasts that live below. They do
not, however, consider these beasts enemies.
The Saqir see themselves as wardens and sacred protectors of all
creatures that live in the Green. The forest is considered a holy land by
Saqir belief, and they make it their job to defend it. This belief system

is built around a core structure known as the Six Great Trees, each
representing a deeply held tenet of their religion. The Six Great Trees
All creatures are holy, and crafted in the image of the Maker.
There is no good and there is no evil; all have their way, and all
walk their own path.
Conflict is a manifestation of failure to understand.
It is the duty of the able to defend the unable.
The Maker sits above all, and reward those who adhere to the
The Maker has his own beautiful, unknowable plan for the world,
and those who honor him shall live again in the world to further
his plan.

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