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Rkill 2.7.

0 by Lawrence Abrams (Grinler)
Copyright 2008-2015
More Information about Rkill can be found at this link:
Program started at: 05/15/2015 09:01:09 PM in x86 mode. (Safe Mode)
Windows Version: Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Checking for Windows services to stop:
* No malware services found to stop.
Checking for processes to terminate:
* No malware processes found to kill.
Checking Registry for malware related settings:
* No issues found in the Registry.
Resetting .EXE, .COM, & .BAT associations in the Windows Registry.
Performing miscellaneous checks:
* No issues found.
Checking Windows Service Integrity:
* Base Filtering Engine (BFE) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* DHCP Client (Dhcp) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* DNS Client (Dnscache) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* COM+ Event System (EventSystem) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Windows Firewall (MpsSvc) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Network Store Interface Service (nsi) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Plug and Play (PlugPlay) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Plug and Play (RpcSs) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Plug and Play (WinDefend) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Windows Management Instrumentation (Winmgmt) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Disabled
* Security Center (wscsvc) is not Running.

Startup Type set to: Disabled

* Ancillary Function Driver for Winsock (AFD) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: System
* Windows Firewall Authorisation Driver (mpsdrv) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: Manual
* NetBT (NetBT) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: System
* NSI Proxy Service Driver (nsiproxy) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: System
* NetIO Legacy TDI Support Driver (tdx) is not Running.
Startup Type set to: System
Searching for Missing Digital Signatures:
* No issues found.
Checking HOSTS File:
* No issues found.
Program finished at: 05/15/2015 09:03:11 PM
Execution time: 0 hours(s), 2 minute(s), and 1 seconds(s)

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