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A personal endeavor; create a series of cartoon

character illustrations.

Profile - Brief 11


Adam Garbutt

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design

Visual Research
I researched character illustrations that were similar
to my practice, although I wanted to create something
different, I did want to create something that was close
enough and was natural to an illustration style I was
already comfortable with.

Profile - Brief 11


Adam Garbutt

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design


I developed a grid to create the characters easily,

however this didnt work out so easily because a lot
of characters didnt work out too well for example the
joker. The first characters I made where three from
Futurama, so characters to from the same art style fit it
a lot better because they are very geometric however
characters that werent such as Wallis from Wallis and
Gromit didnt.

Profile - Brief 11


Adam Garbutt

This stunted the brief for a long time, characters from

the Simpsons fit into it, however this is something that
will be expanded upon when I have more free time to
focus on something more personal such as this.
This will come with developments to create a grid that
will apply to more than just geometric characters so not
limit my self.

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design


Although there where other characters that are

finished, such as Batman on the previous page, he
appeared to be an outlier in the set since he didnt
accompany any other characters so Ive left him out.
The trio that are present: Leia, Bender and Fry, however
I am very happy with. Theyre strong individually as well
as all together where they work even better.

Profile - Brief 11


Adam Garbutt

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design

Final Image

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