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Design a poster for Hyde Park Cinema Houses Creature

of the night screening of the film Scott Pilgrim Vs. The

Scott Pilgrim Brief 2


Adam Garbutt

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design

Comic Book Visual Research

Film Visual Research

The Comic book is what the film is based off, in some

cases the scenes where recreated one to one. However,
the visual for the comic book is a stronger and punchier
due to the the art style of Bryan Lee OMalley. Which
in its self is iconic due to its differentiation from other
comic drawing styles.

Although the artstyle was attempted to be captured in

the film, its not half as impactful or strong as the comic.

Scott Pilgrim Brief 2


Adam Garbutt

Also, because Michael Cera, the main character, really

could be any of his characters in the past hes played
because of his lack of visual diversity.

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design


Visual Development
I played the movie and drew out what I thought
appeared to be the most visually striking things on
screen. What I drew was a lot of the kapow signs that I
researched because they ultimately are what make the
film so different.

Scott Pilgrim Brief 2


Adam Garbutt

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design


Design a poster for Hyde Park Cinema Houses Creature
of the night screening of the film Scott Pilgrim Vs. The

Scott Pilgrim Brief 2


Adam Garbutt

Leeds College of Art BA (Hons). Graphic Design

Final Image

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