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Final Animation Backgrounds

On this page I have displayed all the final backgrounds that I completed for my
final project, To Make Dad Proud.
Using reference that I had gained in my pre-production, I began to plan
different colour palettes that I could use for each scene of my animation and
used the knowledge that I gained from researching compositions and
perspectives to fill the scenes out with objects. As I produced these
backgrounds, I found that I learnt a lot more about colour theory, composition,
lighting etc which was a valuable experience as I noticed the quality of my
work change a lot from my previous designs. I am particularly pleased with the
final results as I feel that it fits the style of my characters. If I could improve
them, I would perhaps add a bit more detail to certain features of the
backgrounds, for example, maybe more shadows on objects? However, I feel
that the colours used are the best feature and look visually pleasing.

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