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Reflecting on my build with the greats Gods Keith Murray and True Allah and the g

reat Goddess Queen Yonasda last Wednesday. In our build, the very controversial
concept "Muslim God" came up.
All Gods are by no means Muslim Gods. I, True Islam/Wesley Muhammad, am proudly
and emphatically a Muslim God. What does that mean?
The term "god" denotes a being of paramount power and force. The term itself doe
s not necessarily connote righteousness. Satan is the god of this world - the be
ing of PARAMOUNT power and force of this world civilization. A Muslim is a Right
eous Person, as the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches. Satan is a god, but
Satan is most certainly not a Muslim God. He is not a righteous person in his ex
ercise of power.
I can more easily be a god than a Muslim God. I CHOOSE to strive daily to be, no
t just a God (paramount power in the cipher) but a MUSLIM or Righteous God, mean
ing I sincerely strive daily to DO and to BE Right - right by myself and right b
y all people whom I come in contact with.
When I wake up in the morning and begin my day, I'm a God and thus I start my da
y as a God. But when I lay down after the close of my day, I lay down as a Musli
m God ONLY if I can say that I have dealt RIGHTEOUSLY with those people and thos
e circumstances whom/which I encountered through the course of my day. So ending
my day as a God is much more of a given than is ending my day as a MUSLIM God.
That's tougher. All of the history of the current world teaches us that exercisi
ng power and force RIGHTEOUSLY is very difficult for ALL peoples on this planet
earth. It is much easier to be just a god and a truant than it is to be a Muslim
God. That's why I know many more gods than I know Muslim Gods. Indeed, most of
those gods who boisterously reject the title "Muslim God" for themselves, I reje
ct it for them too.
So I'm striving to exercise my power and force Righteously. If I fail to do so,
I may still be a god; I just won't be a Muslim God. And that's quite frankly an
unacceptable proposition. At least for me.
Peace to all the Muslim Gods!

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