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Beena could see an old piece of furniture lying aimlessly in the pristine vicinity of

her new house. It was an eye sore. An old jute wound cot borrowed from her sisterin-law and was brought to the site while the house was still under construction used
by her husband to rest during long summer afternoons.
Right after the work was done and the house was ready for the auspicious house
warming ceremony the old cot was burnt in the holy pyres and gotten rid off. The
sister in law was neither called for the ceremony and neither compensated or given
any kind of a justification for the missing cot.

The plot of land is adjacent to the in laws' house of Beena's husband's neice Guddi.
Guddi's husband Vinay does not approve of Beena much but still takes avid interest
in the construction process and also proudly gives visitors a tour around the site
talking all the while of how diligently he has completed the task. Beena has also
accused Guddi of stealing an expensive piece of jewelry in the past. Guddi also
doesn't think too highly of Beena. Beena never visits the site or Guddi's house in the
entire course of the construction.
Beena's husband stayed at Guddi's house all this while. During which a marraige
proposal brought through Vinay was accepted and propagated by Beena and then
later refused at the last moment without giving any strong reasons.
Beena is notoriously popular among the ladies and even though she
Beena lives in the city with her husband and has herself a house made in the town
near her husband's native place like the rest of her sisters-in-law. She continues to
live in the city.
Her son is getting married this July. The last arrangement was cancelled off at the
last moment because the girl refused to go out on a trip with the boy

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