LP Girl Friendship Group

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Name of Lesson _____ _Communication_____________i

Counselor____Lindsey Moosey_____________________
(If unit, note how
many lessons in unit):

Unit 1/ Girl Drama Session 2 of 6

(academic, career,



Grade 6

ASCA Standards

PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs

PS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal
PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict

*If this lesson is
crosswalked with other
academic areas, please
list here.
section only needs
completed if you have
taken ED 671
section only needs
completed if you have
taken ED 671
GOAL(S): This section
only needs completed if
you have taken ED 671 Describe strategies for helping people feel accepted. Describe the adolescent need for peer acceptance and how it may affect some
students ability to show kindness and respect for others. Identify conflicts common to adolescents and describe appropriate conflict
management techniques.



Students will learn different forms of communication.

Students will learn how communication should be specific to avoid confusion.


45 minutes


Paper and pen, pre/post assessment


Welcome students, discuss confidentiality and group rules, activity, discussion

questions, closing/post assessment


Warm up (5 mins)
1. Counselor will welcome students and review group rules and
confidentiality. Summarize what was discussed in the first
2. Counselor will check in by asking students about one way in
which they used social media in a positive way.
Activity (20 mins)
1. Counselor will play telephone with the group of girls. Counselor
will whisper a sentence to the first girl who will then pass it on to
the next. The last girl in the group will re-state the sentence.
- Example: The red, green, blue, and yellow zebra reminded me of
the fruity bubble gum.
- Example 2: fried pickles, French friends, and purple dogs are
2. Counselor will ask students different questions.
- Why did we play this game?
- What can we learn from this game about communication?
- How do you think messages could be changed in our daily
3. Counselor will then have each girl get out a piece of paper and
pen. Counselor will ask students to be silent, listen, and follow
instructions (do not look at others drawings). The purpose of this
activity is for the students to replicate a drawing youve created
already through verbal communication only.
- Draw a circle.
- Draw a triangle inside the circle.
- Draw a square in the corner.
- Sign your name on the paper.
4. Counselor will have everyone hold up their picture (keep yours a
secret). All of the pictures will be different. Therefore, ask the
group what they notice? Why werent any of their pictures similar?

Note to make: everyone hears the same thing, but how the
message is perceived is different.
- Great communication skill is to repeat back what youve heard so
the person talking can confirm if you hear it the way they meant it.
5. Counselor will then give more specific and detailed instruction to
- Draw a circle 4 inches in diameter in the center of your paper.
- Draw a triangle inside the circle so that all three corners are
touching the circle.
- Draw a 1 inch square on the bottom left corner of your paper.
- Sign your name as spelled out Y-O-U-R-N-A-M-E on the bottom
right side of your paper.
- Have everyone hold up their papers and hold up yours, they
should be the same!
6. Counselor will then brainstorm with students about ways in which
we communicate messages.
- Clothes
- Non verbal
- Verbal
- Listener and communicator
- Social Media
- Writing
Discussion Questions (5 mins)
Why did we do this activity?
What did you learn about communication?
Why is communication important?
How will you use what you have learned today in the future?
Closing/Post-assessment (5 mins)
1. Counselor will ask students to write down on a piece of paper one
thing they learned about themselves or from group. Counselor will
collect these and not share/show them with others.



1. After each week, at the end of the group lesson, the counselor will
ask students to state and write down one thing they learned/felt.
With confidentiality in mind, the counselor will collect this paper
and keep it solely to assess how the student is doing and what
they are learning.
2. Counselor will pay attention to and record verbal and non-verbal
Check in with students every Tuesday about their past week.

Cite copyrighted materials,
but do not reproduce
copyrighted materials in your
lesson plan. Non-copyrighted
materials must be reproduced
and included in your lesson


Name of Lesson _____ _Gossip______________

Counselor____Lindsey Moosey_____________________
(If unit, note how
many lessons in unit):

Unit 1/ Girl Drama Session 3 of 6

(academic, career,



Grade 6

ASCA Standards

PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs

PS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal
PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict

*If this lesson is
crosswalked with other
academic areas, please
list here.
section only needs
completed if you have
taken ED 671
DEVELOPMENTAL Describe strategies for helping people feel accepted. Describe the adolescent need for peer acceptance and how it may affect some
students ability to show kindness and respect for others. Identify conflicts common to adolescents and describe appropriate conflict
management techniques.

section only needs
completed if you have
taken ED 671
GOAL(S): This section
only needs completed if
you have taken ED 671



Girls will consider the role gossip plays in their conversations

Girls will consider how gossip affects their lives and the lives of others.
Girls will become aware of how much they participate in gossip.

45 minutes
A large bowl filled with water, a pebble, paper and pencil/pen, Declaration of Me


Welcome students, discuss confidentiality and group rules, activity, closing/post



Warm up (5 mins)
1. Counselor will welcome students and review group rules and
confidentiality. Summarize what was discussed in the first
2. Counselor will check in by asking students about one way in
which they were a good friend this past week.
Activity (35 mins)
1. Counselor will have one girl drop the rock/pebble into the water.
The rock will produce a ripple effect. Counselor will ask girls
What did the rock cause/create? (A ripple effect), How does this
relate to gossip with girls?
2. Counselor will ask the girls to define gossip.
3. Counselor will ask the girls to picture life without gossip. What
does it look like? Can gossip be avoided?
4. Counselor will ask a series of questions to provoke conversation:
- Is there a difference between positive and negative gossip?
- How have you been hurt by gossip?
- If youve gossiped and are later confronted, how do you react?
- Would your friends say you are a gossip? (Suggestion: Have the
girls all put their heads down and say each girls name. Have the
girls raise their hands if they think their friend is a gossip. This
was it is anonymous but girls can hear the truth about if they are

Are you surprised by the fact that your friends consider you a
gossip? Explain.
How does gossip hurt others?
If the information is true is it still hurtful? Why?
If a friend is in serious trouble who can you tell?
How do you know you can trust someone with a secret?
If you could make up a policy about bad gossipand the whole
school had to follow itwhat would it look like?
How can you help others stop spreading rumors?

What are some ways the school can help with gossiping?

Closing/Post Assessment (5 mins)

1. Counselor will have each student pick out a Declaration of Me!
card to carry with them throughout the week as a reminder of how
great they are!
2. Counselor will have students write down one thing they learned
this week.
What data will you
collect and How will
you collect data to
1. impact on K12 students
2. feedback on


1. After each week, at the end of the group lesson, the counselor will
ask students to state and write down one thing they learned/felt.
With confidentiality in mind, the counselor will collect this paper
and keep it solely to assess how the student is doing and what
they are learning.
2. Counselor will pay attention to and record verbal and non-verbal

Check in with students every Tuesday about their past week.

Cite copyrighted materials,
but do not reproduce
copyrighted materials in your
lesson plan. Non-copyrighted
materials must be reproduced
and included in your lesson

Name of Lesson ____Cliques

Counselor____Lindsey Moosey_____________________

(If unit, note how
many lessons in unit):

Unit 1/ Girl Drama Session 1 of 6

(academic, career,



Grade 6

ASCA Standards

PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs

PS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal
PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict

*If this lesson is
crosswalked with other
academic areas, please
list here. Describe strategies for helping people feel accepted. Describe the adolescent need for peer acceptance and how it may affect some
students ability to show kindness and respect for others. Identify conflicts common to adolescents and describe appropriate conflict
management techniques.

section only needs
completed if you have
taken ED 671
section only needs
completed if you have
taken ED 671
GOAL(S): This section
only needs completed if
you have taken ED 671

1. Girls will become aware of the qualities they seek to find.

2. Girls will learn about their friendship styles.
3. Girls will learn what other people look for in a friend.




45 minutes
What I look for in a friend worksheet, Am I a Good Friend worksheet,
Declaration of Me! cards, paper and pen, pre/post assessment

Welcome students, discuss confidentiality and group rules, activity, closing/post


Introduction/Warm Up (15 mins)

1. Counselor will welcome students and explain who you are as the
counselor and why the group is gathered together.
2. Counselor will explain confidentiality.
3. Counselor will have students come up with group rules.
4. Counselor will then have students introduce themselves and
something that defines them in one word or phrase.
5. Counselor will request students to help design group rules and
write them on poster board (Counselor may need to suggest
some sample rules). Validate students own suggestions by
explaining why they are important to group goals.
Activity (35 mins)
1. Counselor will hand out Am I a Good friend worksheet and have
each girl complete them.
2. Counselor will have students answer the following questions:
- Which of your rankings surprised you, if any?
- Have you ever thought about what you look for in a friend? What
did you find?
- Did any of your answers to questions surprise you?
- How do your friends match your rankings? How do they not
- What do you think your rankings say about you as a friend?
- Would you rank yourself the way you rank your friends?
- How do you think your friends would rank you? Would they rank
you the way you ranked yourself? Why or why not?
- How do you feel about being ranked?
3. Counselor will hand out What I look for in a friend worksheet.
Counselor will have students discuss their answers.
Closing/Post Assessment (5 mins)
1. Counselor will have each student pick out a Declaration of Me!
card to carry with them throughout the week as a reminder of how
great they are!
2. Counselor will have students write down one thing they learned

this week.
What data will you
collect and How will
you collect data to
1. impact on K12 students
2. feedback on


3. After each week, at the end of the group lesson, the counselor will
ask students to state and write down one thing they learned/felt.
With confidentiality in mind, the counselor will collect this paper
and keep it solely to assess how the student is doing and what
they are learning.
4. Counselor will pay attention to and record verbal and non-verbal

Check in with students every Tuesday about their past week.

Cite copyrighted materials,
but do not reproduce
copyrighted materials in your
lesson plan. Non-copyrighted
materials must be reproduced
and included in your lesson

Salvaging Sisterhood by Julia V. Taylor

Name of Lesson _____Walking in their shoes________________

Counselor____Lindsey Moosey_____________________
(If unit, note how many lessons in unit):
Unit 1/ Girl Friendship Group Session 4 of 6DOMAIN:
(academic, career, personal/social)Personal/SocialGRADE LEVEL(S):Grade 6GUIDANCE STANDARD(S):
ASCA Standards Addressed:
PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs
PS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior
PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflictINDIANA STANDARDS ADDRESSED: *If this lesson is crosswalked with other academic areas, please list here.Describe strategies for helping
people feel accepted. Describe the adolescent need for peer acceptance and how it may affect some students ability to show
kindness and respect for others.
Identify conflicts common to adolescents and describe appropriate conflict management
techniques.DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION STRATEGIES: This section only needs completed if you have
taken ED 671DEVELOPMENTAL ASSET(S) ADDRESSED: This section only needs completed if you have
taken ED 671SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOAL(S): This section only needs completed if you have taken ED

Students will examine different types of hurtful behavior.

Students will listen to others as they share times theyve been hurt.
Students will develop strategies of dealing with hurtful behavior.TIME REQUIRED45 minutesMATERIALS

NEEDEDIndex cards, paper and pencils, and newspaper and markers, pre/post assessment sheet
Welcome students, discuss confidentiality and group rules, activity, questions, closing/post assessment


Warm up (5 mins)
1. Counselor will welcome students and review group rules and confidentiality.
Summarize what was discussed in the first session.
2. Counselor will check in by asking students about their last week.
Activity (20 minutes)
1. Counselor will provide each student with an index card and pencil. Counselor will ask
each student to write a situation where the student felt hurt by something someone did
to them. Counselor will explain that this should be general, rather than specific (no one
should know who they are talking about). Students should also remain anonymous.
2. Once students are finished the counselor will collect the index cards and pass them
back to students randomly.
3. Counselor will have students read each card to the group as if it were their card. After
the student reads the card the counselor will have the student explain how it made
them feel, as if it had happened to them.
Questions (15 minutes)
1. How did it feel to read someone elses card?
2. How can you put yourself in someone elses shoes throughout your day? Be specific.
3. In what ways can this make you a better friend?
4. How can you help your friends to put themselves in your shoes? (using I messages,
rather than You cards.
5. Tell me a few reasons why its important to put yourself in someone else shoes.
Closing/Post-assessment (5 minutes)
1. Counselor will have student write down one thing they learned this week.
What data will you collect and How will you collect data to show:
1. impact on K-12 students
2. feedback on lesson

1. After each week, at the end of the group lesson, the counselor will ask students to
state and write down one thing they learned/felt. With confidentiality in mind, the
counselor will collect this paper and keep it solely to assess how the student is doing
and what they are learning.
2. Counselor will pay attention to and record verbal and non-verbal communication.
FOLLOW-UP PLAN:Check in with students every Tuesday about their past week.CITATION(S)
References/Resources Used:
Cite copyrighted materials, but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials must be reproduced
and included in your lesson plan.http://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/resolving-conflicts.cfm

Name of Lesson _____ _Social Media_____________

Counselor____Lindsey Moosey_____________________
(If unit, note how many lessons in unit):
Unit 1/ Girl Drama Session 5 of 6DOMAIN:
(academic, career, personal/social)Personal/SocialGRADE LEVEL(S):Grade 6 GUIDANCE STANDARD(S):
ASCA Standards Addressed:
PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs
PS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior
PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflictINDIANA STANDARDS ADDRESSED: *If this lesson is crosswalked with other academic areas, please list here.Describe strategies for helping
people feel accepted. Describe the adolescent need for peer acceptance and how it may affect some students ability to show
kindness and respect for others.
Identify conflicts common to adolescents and describe appropriate conflict management
techniques.DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION STRATEGIES: This section only needs completed if you have
taken ED 671DEVELOPMENTAL ASSET(S) ADDRESSED: This section only needs completed if you have
taken ED 671SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOAL(S): This section only needs completed if you have taken ED
Welcome students, discuss confidentiality and group rules, activity, questions, closing/post assessment

Warm up (5 mins)
1. Counselor will welcome students and review group rules and confidentiality.
Summarize what was discussed last session.
2. Counselor will check in by asking students about one way they put themselves in
someone elses shoes.
Activity (20 mins)
1. Counselor will have students watch kid president.
2. Counselor will ask students thought provoking questions:
- What did you like about this video?

How do you believe you can make a difference?

Kid President mentions how he tries to make a positive difference on social media.
How else have you seen this?
- Without using specific names when was there a time when you saw social media being
used in a negative way?
3. Counselor will have each student fill out the My Social Media paper. After the
students have answered what they use, have them explain how they use it.
Discussion Questions (10 mins)
Closing Activity/Post-assessment (10 mins)
1. Counselor will ask students to write down on a piece of paper one thing they learned
about themselves or from group. Counselor will collect these and not share/show them
with others.
2. Counselor will hand out the post-assessment handout.
What data will you collect and How will you collect data to show:
1. impact on K-12 students
2. feedback on lesson

1. After each week, at the end of the group lesson, the counselor will ask students to
state and write down one thing they learned/felt. With confidentiality in mind, the
counselor will collect this paper and keep it solely to assess how the student is doing
and what they are learning.
2. Counselor will pay attention to and record verbal and non-verbal communication.
FOLLOW-UP PLAN:Check in with students every Tuesday about their past week.CITATION(S)
References/Resources Used:
Cite copyrighted materials, but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials must be reproduced
and included in your lesson plan.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z7gDsSKUmU

Name of Lesson _____Relational Aggression________

Counselor____Lindsey Moosey_____________________
(If unit, note how many lessons in unit):
Unit 1/ Girl Friendship Group Session 6 of 6DOMAIN:
(academic, career, personal/social)Personal/SocialGRADE LEVEL(S):Grade 6GUIDANCE STANDARD(S):
ASCA Standards Addressed:
PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs
PS:A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups
PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view
PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior
PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends
PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills
PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict

INDIANA STANDARDS ADDRESSED: *If this lesson is crosswalked with other academic areas, please list here.Describe strategies for helping
people feel accepted. Describe the adolescent need for peer acceptance and how it may affect some students ability to show
kindness and respect for others.
Identify conflicts common to adolescents and describe appropriate conflict management
techniques.DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION STRATEGIES: This section only needs completed if you have
taken ED 671DEVELOPMENTAL ASSET(S) ADDRESSED: This section only needs completed if you have
taken ED 671SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOAL(S): This section only needs completed if you have taken ED

Recognize and respect individual differences.

Respect alternative points of view.
Know communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior.

TIME REQUIRED45 minutesMATERIALS NEEDEDPair of dice, relational aggression examples, small

bowl, pre/post assessment sheet, relational aggression sheet, post-assessment hand out.ACTIVITY
Welcome students, discuss confidentiality, define group rules, pre-assessment, opening activity, discussion,


Warm up (5 mins)
3. Counselor will welcome students and review group rules and confidentiality.
Summarize what was discussed in the first session.
4. Counselor will check in by asking students about one fun thing from their last week.
Activity (20 mins)
4. Counselor will ask students what they know about relational aggression (RA)?
Counselor will explain it means using friendships, as opposed to fists or weapons, to
get what they want.
5. Counselor will read the RA statements to the group, one by one. As the counselor
reads, ask the girls to talk about each word and how it represents problematic
6. Explain to the girls they will play a game where they will need to think of the feelings of
others who are at the receiving end of relational aggressions.
7. Counselor will place the RA statements in the bowl in the middle of the table. Have one
girl select a piece of paper and roll the dice. Each girl will get a chance to at a turn.
After the first girl has gone, the girl to her right is next. Below are directions depending
on what the girl rolls.
Odd number: Give an example of a time that the problem on the paper has affected
her and how she felt.
Even number: The girl on her left must give an example.

Doubles: The topic is up to the group to discuss (share feelings and experiences).
Discussion Questions (10 mins)
What are some of the feelings that these problems seem to bring about?
Why do you think girls are relationally aggressive to one another?
What can you do to help prevent this type of aggression from happening?
How will you use what you have learned today in the future?
Closing Activity/Post-assessment (10 mins)
3. Counselor will ask students to write down on a piece of paper one thing they learned
about themselves or from group. Counselor will collect these and not share/show them
with others.
4. Counselor will hand out the post-assessment handout.
What data will you collect and How will you collect data to show:
3. impact on K-12 students
4. feedback on lesson

1. After each week, at the end of the group lesson, the counselor will ask students to
state and write down one thing they learned/felt. With confidentiality in mind, the
counselor will collect this paper and keep it solely to assess how the student is doing
and what they are learning.
2. Counselor will pay attention to and record verbal and non-verbal communication.
FOLLOW-UP PLAN:Check in with students every Tuesday about their past week.CITATION(S)
References/Resources Used:
Cite copyrighted materials, but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials must be reproduced
and included in your lesson



Relational Aggression Examples


Revealing secrets

Spreading rumors
Making fun of someones weight
behind her back


Using friends to gain social status

Being sarcastic

Using put-downs
Rolling your eyes

Calling someone
a nasty name

Isolating someone

Prank calling
Taunting someone


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