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Primary visit

In Monday we went to visit year six and we had a great time teaching them units of measurement.
We dived the class onto 3 groups and they had to change station in order to learn different types of
measurements. My group was I charged of teaching the kids mass. We first gave them a little
introduction to what mass was and how to measure it and how to use a balance. The we had
prepared an activity which consisted of a scavenger haunt where they had to find different object
with different masses and had to record it in a data table and the first three to complete the table
received a prize and if you completed the bonus you received double that prize.

weight (grams)








Bonus: 100!!!!!



What went well?

What went well in our activity was that the kids enjoyed to work by themselves and they had a vast
knowledge on mass so they answer some difficult questions that were asked. Another aspect that
went well was that kids learn how to resolve problems that they found in order to get the bonus. For
example Ariana came up with the idea of filling a cup of water to get the weight that she needed.
But the most fundamental thing was that they were persistent and that they had fun in this project.
What could have improved?
What could have improved I our project was the sound level as the kids got to excited for the
activity and they also wanted to grab any object that they could find in the table making a mess in
the table and at the end they had to move really fast to the other station so they could not clean up
the mess that they had done. We also could have prepared more activities when the kids had
already finish because once or twice one kid finished the project early and we had to keep him
measuring random stuff. Also they were hard to control them from time to time as they grabbed
each other's stuff and they fought for some object that were on the table.
Overall I really enjoyed the activity and really had fun with the kids as they always comes with
innovative ways to solve the problems that were presented. I will really enjoy to do this activity
again and I will improve on it by preparing more activities and by trying to control more the kids. I
think it was a fun activity for me and for the kids.

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