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Integration of Ipads into the Elementary School for Math

Collin Berke

March 28, 2015

English 12
Ms. Hogue

Advancement in technology such as iPads, new computers, having more access to the
Internet at school; schools are slowly introducing this technology into the classroom.
Introducing iPads into the elementary classroom in other schools have shown significant
improvement in state testing for math. When students use an iPad for their math, the worksheet
is automatically corrected, so the teacher does not need to correct it. This helps the students
work and excel at their own pace. How to intergrade iPads into the elementary school for math!
Part 1: Defining the Problem
Currently there is not enough money in the budget to purchases iPads for every
classroom. The lack of having enough ipads for each classroom, the teachers would have to set
up a schedule; this also creates an issue of only using them a couple times a week. They need to
find creative ways to find money to purchase these devices.
Teachers have not been shown how to utilize the iPads to there the full capabilities. If the
iPads are not available on a daily basis they are not able to be used to there full potential of
learning. Teachers dont have the time to search through the app store and find apps to use for
their class. Also teachers need more knowledge on how the iPad can be used in the classroom
and how to find the correct apps for math.
Keeping the iPads safe is another concern. Along with buying iPads we must protect
these expensive devices with a case; that prevents them from damage if dropped. Along with
device safety and protection from vandalism is another concern. The school will also need a
charging/security cart to prevent a theft of the iPads.
Using work sheets can be difficult because you need to keep them organized it requires
folders that are bulky and students need big back pack to take the folders to and from school.

When the folders are in the students desk it makes it hard to find an assignment since the student
has to shuffle through all the papers to find the one assignment the student need.
Part 2: Existing Solutions
Teachers are able to let the students learn the numbers 1- 100 using an app on the Ipad or
using a board with numbered tiles. If they would just use the board with numbered tiles the
students are able to place the number tiles incorrectly; if they use the app on the iPad it does not
allow for the numbers to be placed incorrectly. When teachers use the numbered tiles and boards
it takes longer to set up and distribute, then using the app on the Ipad. There are apps that allow
the teacher to be in control of the assignments that the students do from the teachers ipad and see
their progress.
When using an iPad you are able to organize your schoolwork easier and it helps reduces
operational cost and reduces paper usage for the school district. It is easy to make a slideshow or
presentation with the apps that are free to download from the app store. During whole class
response activity time the students would be able to use the white board app instead of a physical
white board and dry erase marker to show answer to the instructor. Thus saving the school funds
by not having to purchase the white boards and the paper towel the school provides to clean off
the white boards. When using paper and pencil it takes more time to set up the lesson; the teacher
has spend extra time to make copies and correct them. Using ipads you dont have to buy new
textbooks/workbooks every year; as it would be in digital form. Thus saving money over time
Also this would save the students parents money by not having to buy dry erase markers. By
using the iPad students will improve their computer and tablet literacy skills and this will help
them in the long run after they get out in the work force because computers are everywhere.

When using an ipad it helps increase the students proficiency. For example one to-one
iPad program at a school enhances teaching and improved learning by engaging students.
(Apple iPad Results in Education pg8) In schools where ipads were entered into the curriculum
70% of grade levels exceeded national scores on state assessments after iPad program was
implemented (AIRIE pg8). By having the iPads in the school it allows the teacher to have
another resource and instrument of instruction for the students.
There are grants available to help get the money needed for purchasing the iPads. The
iPad cart will be locked and the iPads will be in side when not in use for a secure storage
Part 3: My Solution
School districts around the country are in dire need of funding to enhance the learning
capabilities for their teachers, students, and administration staff. By showing teachers, students
and administration the advantages of using ipads in the classroom we can improve test scores.
With the integration of ipad in to schools it will help improve our educational system of which
we are lagging behind most other devolved countries. As a devolved country the U.S. spends
more than most other devolved countries to educate young people. United States fourth graders
are ranked 11th in the world in the math trends international mathematics and science study
according to the 2011 results
My solution will be to survey the current teaching staff at Sheboygan Falls Elementary
School. By conducting this survey I hope to learn if any of the teachers are currently using iPads
for math and if they arent would be interested in integration of iPads for math in the classroom.
If the teachers would want to integrate iPad into the classroom I would go to the elementary
school to give a presentation to show them different apps and how they work.

If teachers are interested in integrating iPads into the classroom based on results of the
survey and demonstration; I would be willing to give the appropriate party the links for the
school district to obtain grants to possible obtain the necessary funding to enhance the learning
of the students by way of the iPad.

Works Cited
Apple. "IPad in Education Results." IPad in Education Results. Apple, 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.


"Digital Kindergarten." : 1:1 IPad Use in Full Day Kindergarten. Web. 14 Mar. 2015.
KARSENTI, Thierry, and Aurlien FIEVEZ. (n.d.): n. pag. The IPad in Education: Uses, Benefits,
and Challenges. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.

Klein, Rebecca. "Study: US Education Spending Tops Global List." The Huffington Post., 26 June 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.

Martin, Florence, and Jeffrey Ertzberger. "Here and Now Mobile Learning: An Experimental
Study on the Use of Mobile Technology." Computers & Education 68 (2013): 76-85. 18
Apr. 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

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